Chapter 17- New Roads Sotsu was released from the hospital the next morning because of his healing abilities. "Wow it looks as though you have completely healed. I recently learned that you are a Guardian and knowing your type you guys heal fast," Sotsu remembered the doctor saying in a rather ignorant fashion. Sotsu was sent straight out to the barren section where he had trained last time. He had missed two days so not only did Knuckles add two hours to each day and he added to more days to the whole process. Once Sotsu was on his own again he began to levitate tiny pebbles about him. The training wasn’t particularly suppose be stressful, nor did it seem hard but it was. Sotsu had to focus on each individual pebble to keep them floating and orbiting about him. The pebbles dropped in unison as Sotsu’s concentration was ended by a loud crash sound. Sotsu looked up as a bright orange sparking rocket was heading right toward him. He leaped from the rock just as the rocket exploded, the force of the blast sent Sotsu a good couple yards before he landed face first into the dirt. He slid forward a little ways and the ground collected around his face. His legs plopped down as he finally stopped. Sotsu moaned as he heard footfalls coming from a distance away. Sotsu got ready to draw his guns if whoever was approaching him wished to show further hostility. "Oh my God are you ok?" a light voice came from a distance away. "No I happened to be hungry for some dirt," Sotsu said as he got up, and dusted himself off. A small fox of about 3’4" approached him. She wore a black T-shirt with a black choker and blue jeans. About her normal attire she wore a lab coat with various oil stains and silver lensed goggles held firm on her tan fur. "You almost blew me to pieces," Sotsu said as he looked down on the fox and patted out the fire that broke out on her pale gold hair. "Yeah, I almost blew you to pieces. Oh thanks…," she said as she drew her fingers through her patch of blackened hair on top. "That’s okay I’m getting used to almost getting killed," Sotsu replied as he straitened his glasses. "No really I’m sorry. I didn’t think anyone ever came out here… that is unless you’re one of those people that like to talk to rocks," she said as she lifting her gloved hands to her goggles and pulling them onto her forehead. "Yeah I know what you mean. Actually I’m a Guardian in training. I’m come out here to train because I thought no one really ever came here," Sotsu replied. "The name’s Mewy," she said pushing her finger-less gloved covered hand toward Sotsu. "Sotsu," Sotsu replied accepting the shake. "Nice to meet you," she returned. "You to," he answered back. "Hey you said you were a Guardian?" she asked… her deep jade eyes looking up at him. "Yeah… basically?" he replied. "Yay’ for you! I have a hut out a ways from here… this place seemed to be good to test out my equipment," she said, though she didn’t act incredibly like it Sotsu could tell she was truly a genius. "That was a pretty potent blast what was that?" Sotsu asked as he looked over to see the smoking creator of what used to be a large rock. "This," she said pulling a large silver rocket launcher from her coat. "Heh… um… useful I guess," Sotsu said blankly. "Eh… I guess this is okay," she said with a shrug, "You should see my Silencer Ray back in the lab. It’s capable of blowing up half of Knothole," she said as a grin spread across her face. "Oh… that’s nice," Sotsu said scratching his head. "Well I can show you the lab if you want," she said replacing the rocket launcher back in her lab coat. She took out a small cube and placed it on the ground… in a small puff of smoke it became a motorcycle. "Ah that’s weird…" Sotsu said aloud. "What… haven’t you seen this kind of technology before. You’re in echidna and you guys have lots of technology," she said as she hoped onto the motorcycle and revved up the engine. "Well… it’s a little more difficult to explain. Perhaps some other time. I need to get back to my training," Sotsu said as he looked back on the smoking creator. "Bah. Oh well I guess I’ll come back some other time. Well good bye for now!" she shouted as she zipped off. "Well… ok… back to training," Sotsu said as he sighed. Sotsu practiced for a little while until it became late and Sotsu retired back to his apartment. "Sotsu one other thing," Knuckles said as the two echidnas reached the apartment. "Yeah?" Sotsu asked. "The Brotherhood has appointed you an assistant to help you train," Knuckles replied. "You’ll meet the person tomorrow. I’ve gotta get back to my place quick. I’m late for dinner," Knuckles said before dashing off. Sotsu rested for the night. The following morning Sotsu was awoken early as Knuckles rushed the black echidna out to the training grounds. "Well have fun with your buddy," Knuckles said as he rushed off. "What’s with him?" Sotsu wondered as he watched Knuckles run off. What’s with the hurry? Sotsu noticed something behind him. He only had enough time to dive to the ground as a hot blue streak passed over his head. Sotsu turned to see a small figure wearing a black leather outfit. A black helmet was placed on the figures head and a reflective black visor hid the face. A bushy tail covered by the same material of the black outfit swung low to the ground. "Yeah… nice to meet you," Sotsu said as he got to his feet. He was glad he usually didn’t wear his hat. Had it been on his head, it would have a hole though it. The figure had a metallic rifle held firm in one hand, smoke rose from the barrel. The black-covered creature placed the handset of the barrel in the other hand and took aim at Sotsu. "Well not a very nice person are you?" the black echidna said as he leapt out of the way as his opponent fired rapidly, each shot hitting where the black echidna had just moved from. Sotsu made it was ways away before he back-flipped over a shot and drew his two pistols out. He fired wildly as he charged toward the small creature. Each shot was stopped short by a blue force field that buzzed every time a bullet made contact. Sotsu ducked and dodged the blue blasts from the rifle as he finally made it only a few yards from his opponent. The figure quickly pulled the barrel off the rifle and exchanged it with a slightly larger one. Sotsu stopped abruptly as the sights locked onto him. He attempted to dodge out of the way as a large flash of blue light filled the area. It was a slow few milliseconds as the beam edged it’s way closer as the black echidna flew to his side. It seemed as if the beam were going to connect, but as it neared a few inches the echidna managed to completely pull away. The smoking and worn barrel adaptation was discarded as the figure pulled out a large multi-chambered barrel. Sotsu leveled himself and steadied his aim. As the figure lifted the weapon toward Sotsu the barrel whined and came to life. Sotsu popped off a few shots at the weapon, but the shots fell to far to the side, despite his aiming he was too concerned of him being able to avoid the now oncoming salvo of bright blue energy. Sotsu dived backward as the blue energy zipper around him, one hitting his left hands causing a brief sensation of pain and sending the gun flying off. Sotsu hit the ground rolling backwards and quickly leveling himself popping off wildly with his single weapon. Once again all of the bullets that would have hit home found themselves falling short due to the barrier. The figure hefted the heavy weapon a little to the side and shot off. The several blasts all hit to Sotsu’s right, where it so happened lay several rocks. Sotsu jerked to his right as he noticed the barrage of air-borne mineral. As the pieces of rock edged close to their target they abruptly stopped in mid-air. Sotsu used his telekinesis as he had earlier. They fell to the ground in unison. Sotsu looked over at his opponent with a meaningful look and tilted his head to the side. "You know I was going to do that… who are you?" Sotsu asked, his voice sounded unforgiving. The figure set the gun in one hand and used the now-free hand to unlatch the helmet. The helmet was lifted altogether and set in the crock of the arm. It was her… Mewy, the fox from before. "Hi," she said as he shook her pinned up hair loose. "I thought it might have been you," Sotsu said as he relaxed his stance. "Yep. I was appointed by the Brotherhood to help you out," she said with a slight smile. "Oh. Yeah, Knuckles said something about that but he didn’t tell me it was you," Sotsu said as he began to dust off his coat. "Yeah. I’m a special person," she exclaimed. In a rather ridiculous fashion, two small "Mewy Puppets" came onto her shoulders, one on each side. "You’re the greatest Mewy!" the first puppet announced. "You’re the best scientist in history!" the other echoed. "From action… to sitcom… to all round weird freaky thing," Sotsu said under his breath. "I know. Ain’t I special?" the small fox said with a smile. "Well what now? Shall we continue this combat or can I try out some of my robots on you?" the fox question. "It’s up to you," Sotsu replied calmly. Despite being very on edge right now, he found it important to try to remain calm looking at least. "Alright then. How about we test out some of your close-range abilities? Seifer!" she called out. There was a moment of silence before a large black night stalked up slowly to the Mewy’s side. On his back was set a large silver blade, held in place by a leather strap. "Seifer commence combat! Operations command 2,0,2,0-Beta Command. Hostility level… maximum," she ordered in a stern voice. Within the visor of the great robot shined a single red eye on the left side. It lifted a black plated arm to the handle of the massive blade that stuck out to the right side. He pulled it out and held it firm in both hands, then after a brief moment it positioned it’s blade to one side and charged at Sotsu was the speed of rushing train. And that he seemed… like a mad rushing train. An unstoppable force sent head-on toward Sotsu. Sotsu’s eyes sharpened as he took to the air. Leaping high up as he summoned his trademark shadow blade. The knight already began to shift position to access the echidna’s action, reading every movement of every strand of fur… and calculating every possible location to strike at... marking every location with it’s all-seeing red eye. The black echidna came down on the knight with a powerful blow. He was still in air when his shadow blade meet the knight’s large silver blade. A loud clang rang throughout the perimeter. Sotsu hit the ground and was assailed by several oncoming strikes from the knight. Sotsu barely managed to meet them all, a sweat broke across his forehead. The knight rose his blade one-handed and came down to try and finish the echidna. With one swift step, the blade only managed to skim the ends Sotsu’s hair. This was the echidna’s opportunity. He shifted his legs into a crouching position and leapt to the air. He flipped backwards, using his feet to kick the robot, but that wasn’t the just of the attack. Sotsu produced a disruptence in the air, creating a sonic blast that boomed loudly. Luckily it was directed at the echidna’s assailant and not at him…the force of the concussion blast would have turned most any flesh creature into mush…. in a most literal fashion. The knight took the hit and broke into several pieces with a loud rumbling clang. The pieces all fell to the ground… most of them having flew a good ways before landing. Sotsu landed in the exact same stop he took off from. The move was very unrealistic looking, nonetheless it was a plausible attack, for the obvious being that it was just done. "Oh… you broke him," Mewy complained as she ran to the broken wreckage that were discarded amongst the ground. "Yeah sorry about that. I didn’t feel like becoming mincemeat though, I guess I could’ve tried perhaps disabling him by a less destructive means," Sotsu said light-hearted. He actually admired Mewy. Not in the sense that he had feelings for her… maybe… but more that he admired her genius, despite her ability not to show it. This caused the echidna to feel bad that he upset the fox. "Yeah… I’ll help you pick up the pieces," Sotsu offered as he began to pile the armor bits up into his arms. "Heh pretty nice weapon," Sotsu said, as he shifted the clutter to one hand so he could use his other to lift the heavy sword. "Yeah I found it in some temple ruins. I haven’t figured out how to charge it though," Mewy said as she also picked up the few scarps she could manage. "Charge it?" Sotsu asked glancing in the scientist’s direction. "Yes, it can somehow store energy. Those ruins etched into the handle indicate that it can. Though I’m unsure how. I believe it uses Chaos Energy but I have nothing to supply it with that sort. That is… until the Brotherhood called upon me. I took advantage of this so I could see you. I was hoping you could help me with some research and the like. But don’t worry about that stuff until the next few days," Mewy finished as she dumped her pile of scrap next to the discarded rifle and rifle adaptations. Sotsu opened his hand to see that there was indeed a small set of ruins engraved into the butt of the handle. "Come on and hurry over with that stuff," Mewy shouted over. Sotsu did that. Mewy produced another cube… it enlarged to make a large silver container, seemingly built to store something the size of a small robot in. The two gathered the pieces into the container and then Mewy closed it and replaced the item into her coat pocket. "Alright well under the order of the Brotherhood I’m to assist you in any manner I can. So… let’s go get some equipment for yuh’," Mewy said cheerfully. They headed west for a ways on her motorcycle and eventually came upon a small isolated hut. But she didn’t dismount… the ground began to shake as if an earthquake were taking place. Along the side of the hut a great pit slowly opened. Beneath it revealed to be a metal ramp leading to some form of an underground structure. Mewy led the motorcycle down the ramp after the two dismounted. Sotsu looked about at the location. It was a laboratory of some type. About the place were set various gadgets and gizmos of a broad sort. "You’re certainly an amazing person," Sotsu complemented as he took in the sight. "Yeah I know," the fox said leaning the bike to one wall. "I’m suppose to give you some devices I rigged up so I’ll be right back," Mewy said as she headed off into the metal complex. Sotsu stood there both in shock and in confusion. He didn’t understand how such a thing could be achieved, let alone that fact that this reminded him of Dexter’s Laboratory. Perhaps it was mostly here already. He remembered that the echidna’s had built great scientific structures, some being thousands of years old. He was afraid to do anything but stand still. He didn't want to touch anything, as if I might set off a nuclear warhead or blow half the island to pieces. There was a distant vrooming sound amongst the orchestra of beeps and other computer type sounds. The sound came closer as the fox pulled up a ways from Sotsu on a black motorcycle that had a green racing stripe running along each side. It had a very high-tech and aerodynamic look to it. Almost like a mix-match of the ones seen in the Johnny Quest shows and the one Cloud rode on in Final Fantasy 7. "Don’t press the red button unless you want to kill something," Mewy said as she hit the button on the console. There was a slight metallic ring and a panel flipped down from the each side of the motorcycle to reveal a set of large gattlings. "Eheh hee," Sotsu said a little surprised. "This is yours," Mewy said as she got off. "Eheh hee… hmmmm," Sotsu replied blankly. "Also I’ve got these and a few other things," the fox said producing two black long-barreled pistols from the hoistels set on the bike’s sides. She flipped each one about in her hands then caught them with the handles out so Sotsu could take them. The echidna hesitated for a second then took each one into his hands. They were a decent weight, just enough so they wouldn’t recoil too much when fired. Next Mewy handed Sotsu the hoistels off of the bike, they wear made of a black material, they fitted nicely off of Sotsu’s belt as he clamped them on. "Will aside from being able to keep in radio contact with you though your earring that’s about all. By the time you make it back to Echidnaopolis on your bike you should have put in your time," Mewy said, smiling as she looked over her motorcycle that she built for Sotsu. "Er… on the bike?" Sotsu said with a hint of fear. "Yeah. You do know how to drive right?" Mewy asked. "Well it’s easy anyway so don’t sweat it," she added. "Yeah okay…" Sotsu said hesitantly. Sotsu actually did make it off on the bike. He had a hard time controlling it at first but he managed to learn to handle it. He rode at a fairly slow speed in fear that he might either crash it or hurt himself… or both. After almost an hour Sotsu finally rode up to the apartment building. He looked at the few buttons on the console of the motorcycle and hit one. It turned into a small metal cube. How convenient? He placed the cube into the pocket of his coat and made his way into the building. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-