Chapter 20- Visit from the Warrior Sotsu’s head began to throb as Skara applied a little more pressure. Then suddenly released. Sotsu hesitated for a few seconds before looking over, only to find that the girl held out her hand, offering him help up. Sotsu took the offer. "I’m sorry I thought you were a Legionnaire for a minute there," Skara said a little apologetically. "Don’t worry about it," Sotsu replied matter-of-factly as he straightened his hat. "Who are you though?" Skara asked, her tough manner returned a bit. "Name’s Sotsu," Sotsu answered. "You were the one that fought that machine in the mall," Skara said, her look was a little blank, as if she were confused. "Yes… I did. Why?" Sotsu asked, he began to catch onto something strange, he just couldn’t put his finger on what it was. "I… um… forget about it. It’s not important," she half-snapped at Sotsu. "Well… okay," Sotsu answered back. "You think you’ll be okay. If you’re not feeling well I can carry you," Sotsu offered as he walked a few feet toward the edge of the perimeter. "No way! I can handle myself," Skara shot. "Well okay then let’s get moving. Were no more then five or so miles from the Dark Legion’s Floating Fortress so we’ve gotta keep moving," Sotsu explained as he began to head out. "Y’know I didn’t need you to save me! I was gonna escape!" Skara shouted at Sotsu as he continued walking away. "That may be so. But I had to escape to… I just thought… it’d um… be more convenient," Sotsu said, blushing slightly. "Yeah whatever," Skara replied as she caught up to Sotsu. "Creep probably just thought he could get to me," she thought to herself. "Well at least she could say thanks. No… she probably thinks I just saved her because I like her," Sotsu thought to himself. The two walked in silence mostly. They had more then enough questions about each other, but none had any intention of asking. The sun rose shortly after they had took another half-hour to rest, at which they were doing now. "Y’know where were going?" Skara asked a little upset at having not seeing any sign of civilization yet. "No but I could check," Sotsu replied as he sat with his back against a large tree. "Well that would help," Skara snapped. "Sure just give me a second," Sotsu said as he stood up. "What the are you doing?" she asked in a moody tone as Sotsu closed his eyes. Sotsu looked up toward the foliage of the tress, then in one bound he jumped to the top of one. "What the hell!" Skara shouted. "Where the hell did you go!" she shouted about. "I’m just up here checking out the scenery! You want up! Maybe you know where we are!" Sotsu shouted down. "Yeah sure!" she replied. Sotsu leapt down next to her. "Alright put your arm around me," Sotsu said. Skara gave him a vicious glare. Sotsu recoiled a bit not knowing what he did to offend her. "Ya’ want up right. You could climb if you wanted," Sotsu said, he didn’t mean to make it sound like what she thought he was implying. "Whatever," she shrugged. She held tightly about him as he closed his eyes again. "All right now hold on," Sotsu said before they lifted off the ground. The two landed at the top of a large tree. The branch they had landed on was large enough for them to both stand on. Sotsu let Skara down lightly and she jerked back when she got her footing. Sotsu just gave her a questioned look that went unnoticed as she squinted, searching the landscape about. In front of them lay a carpet of green trees, past those lay hills then into mountains. The sky was a light orange as the rising sun spelt upon the surroundings. "Well were close to the Great Forest," she said dryly. "Knothole shouldn’t be far from there," Sotsu said in reply. Then the two held silent for a few moments. Skara still scanning about and Sotsu standing there like a sentinel, waiting for Skara to finish searching about. Sotsu looked from the landscape to Skara. He hadn’t even really noticed he was looking at her. Once he noticed though he looked back to the surroundings. After a few more moments Sotsu was once again unintentionally finding himself looking at her. She spotted him out of the corner of her eye. "What?" she asked not taking her eyes off of the scenery. "Hmm. Nothing I’m sorry," Sotsu replied as he set his attention elsewhere. "Well when are we gonna get back down?" Skara asked, trying to keep her tone as stern as possible. "I was just waiting for you?" Sotsu replied. He didn’t mind her being angry or irritated with him. After all he was just a stranger who happened to decide to save her. In her vision it was probably for no real reason. But Sotsu was really inclined to figure out what she had to do with him and or the Dark Legion. Sotsu got her back to the ground. The two began another walk in the silence. "Do you know where we should be heading now?" Sotsu finally asked. "Just as we are. We should get to Knothole by sundown," she replied. "Ok thanks," Sotsu answered back. "Yea’ sure," she replied with a hint of actual feeling. "There they are!" the two heard a voice yell. The two turned to see a small handful of Dark Legionaries rushing out from the bushes. Sotsu pulled his two pistols and was about to fire upon them, but Skara had already began dispatching them with strong and swift punches. Sotsu managed to help Skara on a few occasions and vice versa. The two made quick work of the five or so robed figures and now began to head on the trail again. "Thanks for the help," Sotsu said, actually finding that he was smiling. "Yeah sure. Don’t mention it. I was just getting revenge though, don’t think I was saving you," she replied. "Still… thanks," Sotsu returned, though without the same hint of happiness. Sotsu found it hard to believe about how open he was with Skara. Normally he’d close himself off completely. But he was trying be friendly. It was probably the fact that he felt sorry that she had gone though a lot. Though he didn’t really know of it for certain, he guessed it by the way she looked back in the Dark Legion’s Floating Fortress and in the dream he had. Perhaps though it was nothing more then a blind guess… she certainly didn’t act like he thought she would. But he was glad she wasn’t being really appreciative, he liked independent people. People that didn’t try to appeal to other people, like he probably seemed like he was doing right now. "So… you’re a Guardian?" Skara asked looking over to Sotsu who had been silent in thought. "Yeah," Sotsu simply replied. "It must be hard," Skara said. "At times I guess so. Nothing I can’t handle though," Sotsu answered not looking toward Skara. "Hmm," Skara put her attention back ahead. Night began to fall and they eventually reached Knothole. Sotsu sighed in exasperation that he had returned here. No one was about, except Kevin who was lying on his roof with Nikki. "I used to live here," Sotsu said quietly to Skara. "Not a bad place. It’s tranquil, I like that," Skara replied, also keeping her voice low. "Yeah when the dang kids are running amok," Sotsu joked. "Let’s try to go unnoticed I don’t want wanna be bothered by anyone really," Sotsu added as he quietly and quickly made his way across the town. Skara, to Sotsu’s surprise, kept up with him. Her grace was that of a cat. Then again he remembered while fighting the small handful of Dark Legionaries, Skara seemed to have some form of fighting training. As the two echidnas made their way past Kevin’s hut, the cooxen shouted hi to them. Skara and Sotsu stopped abruptly. "Who’s that with you Sotsu?" Kevin said as he plopped down from the top of his hut. "Skara. Now were just heading to get her a place. Let me go unnoticed okay?" Sotsu explained with a stern tone. "Yeah okay," Kevin said. The two echidnas made their way to the inn where Skara purchased herself a room to stay in. Sotsu said he’d camp outside of town so he could avoid everyone. As Sotsu headed back, Kevin meet him again, with Nikki as well. "Hey Sotsu what’s with the rush?" Kevin asked as he approached the black echidna. "Nothing. I don’t want to bring any of you into it. It’s far out of your league," Sotsu replied coldly. "What do you mean? Surely my abilities could provide some support," Kevin said. "What I mean is, you wouldn’t be able to handle this," Sotsu said as he tried to push past the two. "Hold on. I want to know what’s going on at least," Kevin said as he stepped back in the echidna’s path. "Look. I mean it when I say… this isn’t your business. Now get out of my way!" Sotsu said as he finally pushed past Kevin and stomped out toward the edge of the Knothole. "Sotsu wait. Sotsu!" Kevin shouted. "Come on Kevin you heard him. Let’s leave him alone if he wants some peace," Nikki said as she put her arm around Kevin. Sotsu walked about a quarter of a mile before deciding to stop and find a place to sleep. He found a fallen tree and put his back against that. He looked up toward the star filled sky. He thought about the events that had taken place of the past few days. About the ARK which most of the Freedom Fighters were in now. The Dark Legion which was planning on attacking soon, meaning he’d have to return to the island quickly and defend it, perhaps by himself. And Skara… the mostly mysterious girl who he seemed to have some form of a link with… or some strange connection to. Sotsu thought about Skara… despite her rough attitude he knew she was someone he could probably like. Though like with everyone he had said that about he had been wrong. Funny how I keep thinking these things despite me liking being a loner. Maybe I’ve changed more then I thought. "So what is the right path?" Sotsu asked himself out loud, looking toward the stars as if they might hold the answer. "The Book of Myth tells of a great echidna warrior that wielded a sword so great that it carved the vast canyons of the Red Canyons Zone," a soft voice sounded from somewhere amongst the bushes. "Why not carve your own path. You have the power to do so. You, Sotsu, are a legend in the making," a tall purple echidna revealed himself from his location. His long purple hair covering his face and flowing down his shoulders. An open green robe covered his torso and hung down low to his ankles. He wore deep brown pants underneath the robe, and a leather belt also hung a black sword case against his side. Protruding from the sword case was the handle of a wooden sword. Sotsu got up to be on guard, just in case his guest had hostile intentions. "I am Scios," he said simply. His head was slightly bowed in a humble manner. "How do you…" Sotsu began, but couldn’t finish before the echidna warrior cut in. "Like I said you are a legend in the making. Many people have already heard of you. You are known as the Black Knight, the Gold Eyed Guardian and several other names. I take it a great honor to meet you, Sotsu," Scios said as he bowed. "Yet so little is truly known about you. Most of us ground-dwelling echidna’s believe you may have to do with something writing in our ancient records. But much of it is yet to be deciphered," he added. "What am I suppose to do?" Sotsu asked, finding this all very amazing. "Follow what you think is right. But we know… avoid the Dark Legion. It shall bring you great pain if you follow the path of the rouges. I shall see you in the future Legendary Black Knight. May the Ancient Walkers watch over you, and farewell," with that Scios stalked into the bushes. Sotsu thought about going after him, but figured he’d probably end up getting lost or something. Sotsu lay back down against the fallen tree. He felt at peace with himself as he looked upon the stars and thought about what the mysterious echidna had told him. He was a legend in the making. "Legendary Black Knight". It certainly sounded nice, but all important figures have to fight great challenges to become important. Meaning since he was going to become an important figure much challenges most likely lay ahead. What was to lie ahead next… who was Scios really? What was with all of these strange events happening? His dream of Skara, then actually meeting her, his sudden fever and illness that only lasted for a little bit. The ARK events and the shadowy figures that had held him in that truck that one night. On a bluff not too far from Sotsu’s location a figure stood, silhouetted by the full moon. The figure of the character was large as it held on heavy armor. A slight breeze picked up his cape and it blew to one side revealing a weapon beneath, a huge sword. One that was heavier then it’s wielder, yet by some uncanny means he held it and carried it with no problem. He watched over the area like a great sentinel. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-