The Third Saga Sotsu: Nemesis Chapter 22: The Perfect Weapon Sotsu now kneeled in front of Kragok, his eyes were staring blankly to the ground as he waited the death of his freedom. The death of his freewill, once again. "A nightingale cries for the loss of joy A sparrow mourns for the loss of will Fog spreads her fingers to cover the ground The water's lake is like glass and still" Sotsu said under his breath as he remembered the first stanza, he had figured it was about how he would loss the joy of being free. He found it sad because it was true. He was going to be tormented not being able to be under his own control. He thought Skara must have heard him because she let out a slight gasp. Poor Skara was still held back by Lemetris. She was forced to watch as Kragok was to use the ancient device he had found, which was to make the victim of the device, a slave. "Do not be afraid my Angel," Kragok said as he drew his normal hand across her face lightly. She turned her face the other way. Kragok merely turned and stalked toward Sotsu. He stopped mere inches from the black echidna. "The device please," Kragok demanded holding out his machine arm. A humble robed figure brought out the small metal box and handed it to Kragok who snatched it into both hands. "Ah yes… now Sotsu," he whispered as he unlatched the clamp on the front of the box and slowly opened the lid. "Now you are mine," Kragok continued in a quiet voice. He lifted out a small chip, much like that of a computer chip. "You shall serve me! And only me!" he exclaimed. A small, long needle extended from his forearm and he placed the chip on the front of it. "You shall do as I bid! You will serve me… onto death!" Kragok added as he slowly rounded Sotsu’s side. Sotsu merely kept his eyes down. He waited for the cold metal shock of the needle to be pushed into the back of his neck. Like a dog waited for the injection to put him asleep, he could only wait. Wait for the inevitable and over-whelming truth of his demise. Though… his demise would led to other’s, now being forced to work for the dark powers of the Dark Legion. "Now Sotsu… I am your lord! I am your commander! I am your God!" the Dark Legion leader hissed as he placed his normal hand hard on Sotsu’s head. Then he slowly pushed fourth with his machine arm, as the needle slowly drove into Sotsu’s neck. Sotsu gasped in pain as the cold sting felt like something that would forever hold and irritate him. But it quickly numbed, as did his mind for the moment. Within that blank second that held in Sotsu’s mind, everything changed. It was being re-programmed like a computer. What Sotsu was… was a tool. He was no more then a weapon to Kragok. The perfect weapon. Sotsu regained his mind… only to find that it was not his own. But he only found it as his own, now knowing no other mind, though keeping the thoughts and memories, but the one he had now. His mind was now a mind of dark and vile deeds. Of maim, destruction and hate. Everything he had suffered in the past was now pushed onto him at once, causing him to be filled and overwhelmed be his own bitterness, hate and vengeance. It was not like before when he was himself, but only bound by external force. Now… now he was evil… he was bound… and changed by internal means. Now he was everything he had fought against. Now he was that dark evil force that was determined to corrupt and destroy. And who better to do Kragok’s work then someone with Sotsu’s potential and power. Who better to wreak havoc and raze the land then someone who could kill everyone and everything with such ease? Who better then him? The needle drew back into Kragok’s arm. Kragok stalked back around to Sotsu’s front. "Arise Black Knight!" Kragok demanded. Sotsu reacted almost involuntary as he found himself meeting Kragok eye to eye. Sotsu still had hate for Kragok, more then ever, but now he could only use that hate to hurt the innocent and the good. Sotsu glared at Kragok from behind his blue-sunglasses. The brim of his hat hanging right above his eyes, making Sotsu’s look as if he were trying to hide his face. Trying to hide the demon that showed through his skin, trying to hide everything he had held inside of him from years of pain. "Sotsu," Skara gasped as she saw him obey Kragok. Sotsu wanted to apologize. Despite his new mind… he still held the things he felt from his previous… only they weren’t allowed to show… nor could they seem to account for his actions. If they did then Kragok would have a bullet in his head right now. He wanted to give his life just so Skara wouldn’t have the pain of looking at him as he was right now. He would give his life just so he wouldn’t have to follow Kragok’s orders and wreak havoc and destroy whatever he was going to be ordered to. But he had no choice but to listen to the sinister Dark Legion leader. He had no choice but to listen to the orders to the very letter. He had once again lost his free will. "Sotsu," Kragok began, "get Skara and hold her as I do to her as I did to you." The demon Skara grinned maliciously as Skara fought about as Sotsu slowly approached her. As the black echidna reached her he looked up into her eyes once again. And to Skara’s horror… Sotsu was still there, the normal Sotsu. But he was held in there, much like she was when she was possessed before. Sotsu wanted to end it now, he wanted to grab his pistol and put the muzzle to his own head and pull the trigger. But to his horror, his hand wouldn’t react. He tried to fight as his body reacted to Kragok’s order. Sotsu reached out and grabbed Skara with a firm grip at the shoulders. Skara didn’t fight anymore, she let Sotsu guide her across the room and to the front of the throne were Sotsu was kneeling before, and Skara was forced to kneel now. "My… beautiful Angel," Kragok breathed as he brushed Sotsu away and placed his hands on Skara’s shoulders. "Don’t worry. You’ll by mine soon enough," Kragok whispered into Skara’s hair. Sotsu was forced to watch at the side. Watch as Skara was violated by the monster of an echidna known as Kragok. Sotsu watched as like before… Kragok drew out a chip and placed it on a needle extending from his cybernetic arm. "Now your are mine my Angel," he said quietly as he pressed the chip into her neck. Skara let out a slight breath as the new mind began to register in place of her old one. Sotsu had now learned what a perfect weapon was. It was a weapon that could not backfire, it was a weapon that could not go against it’s user, it was something that’d obey you onto death. The perfect weapon was not something that was more destructive then every other, it was something you could use and use and it would never stop until it died. It was a complete slave. The perfect weapon was something that simple… a slave with no will and no freedom. Sotsu was not a complete slave. No one was as long as they could think what they wanted to think. He was not mindless, and thus, that enough was to create an error in Kragok’s plan sometime. Maybe not anytime in the near future… but eventually Sotsu would learn about this error, and apply it. Though it may take the rest of his life… or he may never even get to use it before his life is ended. But as long as the slight chance remained, that this slight error of letting him keep his mind was useful, then sure enough he’d try until he managed. But until then he could forced against all his beliefs, he could be pushed onto death and die in vain, and could be ordered to kill every single creature on the face of Mobius, and he could do nothing in his power to prevent it. As of the time he was nothing more then a tool in Kragok’s workshop, a weapon in the Dark Legion’s arsenal. Perhaps not the perfect weapon… but close enough to do equal damage. He was no longer Sotsu, but he was who Kragok choose him to be. "Now my pretty rise for me," Kragok said. Skara obeyed, slowly rising to her feet. "Now… come to me," Kragok said quietly. Skara turned to face her cruel tyrant of a controller. "Good… my Angel," the Dark Legion commander said as he stroked Skara’s hair with his normal hand. "Yes you’re very pretty," Kragok said obsessively. A door slid open on the far side of the room from where Sotsu stood. A tall red echidna walked out. A large and board lab coat adorned his torso as the collar of the lab coat stood to about his nose level, and black slacks complemented his scientist attire. A small set of silver goggles held tight about his eyes. A strange device held onto his back, two clear container holding some green heavy liquid. A red line of some type ran from the bottom of the each container and two the back of his neck. His large black shoes clapped loudly as he entered. "Ahem. Mien sire. Is de technology devices working?" the scientist asked in a rather thick German accent. Kragok turned slowly as he parted from Skara and headed toward the scientist. "Yes Doctor they worked great. I want you to meet our new comers," Kragok said gesturing toward Sotsu. "Ah yes. Jes’ must be de intruder," the scientist noted with a nod as he approached Sotsu. "Yes doctor this is Sotsu, and this is Skara. You two, I want you to meet the person responsible for your birth into the Dark Legion. This is Doctor Von Harmoss, head Dark Legion technologist," Kragok announced. "It is a pleasure to meet you Doctor," Sotsu said politely greeting Von Harmoss with a strong hand shake. "Likewise Sotsu likewise," Von Harmoss replied. No emotion was determinable from the doctor’s face as the collar covered his mouth and the goggles hid his eyes. Kragok called down the demon Skara and the brown echidna as Skara introduced herself to Von Harmoss. "This is Hellfire, the demon we implanted into Skara when she was younger," Kragok said with a slight grin as Hellfire gripped Sotsu’s tightly as they shook hands. "Pleasure to beat you," Hellfire growled before punching Sotsu in the face. "Yes… very," Sotsu mumbled in a nasal tone as he cupped his sore nose in his hands. "And this is Chief Lieutenant Lemetris," Kragok said as the brown echidna extended one of his large cybernetic arms and shook with Sotsu, just giving the echidna a nod. "Well now that we’ve been introduced the doctor to inform of our current status," Kragok announced as he gestured toward Von Harmoss. Von Harmoss headed over to the front of the throne, were the view screen still held the picture of Echidnaopolis. The screen switched to a picture of statistics for the Dark Legion army. The doctor cleared his voice then began. "As you can she zwe are lacking in mhan power. What zhe need ish a vocal point on the strength uf our tlroops. Zhus I’ve devised dis," Von Harmoss paused as the screen switched. Now a large picture of some blueprints held. Sotsu tried to make heads to tails of the schematics but failed to do so. "Zish is zhe bruprints for ze Dark Wegion MK Shix armor," the doctor announced. "Vat I need is to rechieve shuffient amount of data from Doctor Robotnik’s computers in order to build dese," Von Harmoss finished as the screen closed out. "Yes I’ll need Chief Lieutenant Lemetris with some of your men, Sotsu, and Skara to infiltrate Robotnik’s base, steal the blueprints and make it back here. Also break as many things in his base as you can. Knowing him he’ll see us as an obstacle in his way and attack us. Or he’ll try to join us only so he could double-cross us," Kragok commanded. "Alright you two will be shown to your rooms," Kragok said toward Sotsu and Skara then snapped his fingers. The two robed servants lead Sotsu and Skara out of the room and down several winding hallways and corridors, much like Sotsu had been through the first time. Sotsu and Skara were shown to separate rooms, as both of them were entering Sotsu got one last glance at Skara who also cast one last glance at him before they entered the large wooden double doors. Sotsu thought about how this may be last time before they see each other. Sotsu was unsure what would happen to him throughout the night… or what might happen to Skara. He was worried about her. She was the only person he had feelings for. He was worried he might never be able to tell her, at that, if he would even be capable of telling her within the confounds of his now corrupted mind. Sotsu now sat on the edge of his large bed. Everything inside the room was expensive looking. Hardwood was common and so were gold and gemstones. The covers on the bed were very elaborate and comfortable. Sotsu had no care for the place particularly, it held a cold feeling to it. Let alone that it was actually home to the person he’d normally call the enemy… yet now it was the other way around. Yes… now it was the other way around. Kragok was his lord and commander. Sonic, Kevin, the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix were all his enemies now. Knuckles, Sotsu’s long time hero… was now his enemy. Sotsu was now… or once again the greatest enemy. He had managed to defeat all of the Freedom Fighters twice already. Those two times he had spared their lives because he was good. Now his intentions were vile… no doubt he wouldn’t waste time to kill them… if he did it’d only be to torture them. Also his friends. Sotsu’s friends were part of the Freedom Fighters now. He’d have to fight his own best friends. Well whatever the outcome of this. Sotsu was going to make sure one of two things happened. One, Sotsu turns good and saves Skara. Or two Sotsu would save Skara then get killed because he couldn’t save himself. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-