Chapter 23- The Dark Legion’s Finest Sotsu found himself recovering from the surgery done on him by the chief Dark Legions’ surgeons lead by Von Harmoss. They had enhanced him though biological science. Made him swifter and more capable as a fighter. He now had better scenes including the ability to detect any local life forms through a form of electromagnetic sensory, the same used by sharks. His immunity system was also boosted with several vaccines for different diseases that were found on Mobius. "Yes… you are now a truly beautiful creature to behold," Kragok said as he walked into the room seeing Sotsu stand from the operating table. Sotsu found that he was even taller. Now standing 3’6". Sotsu’s incisions had already regenerated due for the same reason Knuckles’ wounds heal quickly, Sotsu had all of Knuckles DNA. And Knuckles was subjected to Chaos Energy rays before birth, making him abnormal. Sotsu stood a little unbalanced, still a little weak from the surgery. He noticed he felt much stronger, his fists were much lighter. He saw that the spikes had been removed to make his punches more agile and swift. He looked up to Kragok who was approaching him. Sotsu could pick up on the few lose pieces of fabric that were hanging from the sleeves. He could pick up almost every thread on the dark robes. He could smell the sterilized room and tools. He could smell his dried blood on the recently used tools. He could even smell the corruption that held on Kragok, the ever-present stench of evil. Sotsu found that they had lengthened his tail to improve his balance. It was also very flexible and no doubt useful in combat. He also noticed the Guardian marking on his chest was now present. Von Harmoss noticed Sotsu had discovered that and stepped forward to explain: "Yes Sotsu we’ve discovered the reason vi’ your fur ish black. You she upon your entrance into Mobius, you managed to crash into Doctor Robotnik’s Biochemical Laboratory. Some sample DNA of Knuckles had spelt onto you… but you also spelt a few test chemicals onto yourshelf as vell. Zhus’ when your body changed… you grew black fur." "That’s what I had thought happened," Sotsu said. "Follow me," Kragok began, "we’ve gotten you a new attire. Also we can make use of your marksmen abilities with some of our newly developed equipment." Sotsu followed Kragok faithfully. He felt like hurrying though since he was bare at the moment. Kragok lead Sotsu down into the armory, were on the walls hung a vast assortment of rifles, pistols, automatics, explosives, heavy weapons, and various equipment from night-vision goggles, kevlar, to riot gear. Kragok lead Sotsu down the wide room and to a high-level access door. He opened it with a vocal command followed by a long code on the keypad that resided next to the blastdoor. After a few seconds of registering the door slid open with a quiet hiss. "This is what you shall be wearing and using during your missions… my Black Knight," Kragok said extending a mechanical hand toward two silver suitcases that rested in a small wooden desk that sat in the middle of the small office type room. Sotsu guessed it was a file room, judging by the several file cabinets that lined the blue metal walls. Sotsu slowly approached the suitcases. Both of them had easy to open latches on the front. Sotsu first latched the one of the left. He opened the lid carefully, he looked curiously as he saw a neatly folded dark blue jacket made from the same kind of material wind-breaker jackets were made of, except a little heavier. He took up the jacket and unfolded it to examine it. It had a few pouches hanging on each side of the front, most likely to hold ammunition clips of some sort. On the left sleeve were the letters DL, they contrasted in a blood red color. "Go ahead. It’s your put it on," Kragok said. Sotsu nodded and slipped the jacket over his torso. It fitted nicely, hanging just a little above his hips. Sotsu zipper the jacket up to the neck, just like he used to do back on earth. Underneath where the jacket lay were his hoistels that Mewy gave him, on a section of the underside of the lid, held his pistols. The same black two that Mewy had given him. Also there was a pair of brown finger-less gloves hanging neatly on the same section as the pistols. Sotsu slipped on the gloves, they were soft yet protective feeling. Then he took the hoistels and clamped them on loosely about his hips. It hung slightly to one side in an uneven fashion, but Sotsu liked it. Then he took one pistol into each hand. He spun them about on his trigger finger before forcing them swiftly into their rightful place. It felt good again to feel the weight of his pistols. Sotsu then plucked out his blue sunglasses, which were inside the case. He put them low on his nose, then pushed them up with his middle finger, trying to act like Vash from Trigun. "We’ve upgraded those," Kragok mentioned. "What?" Sotsu asked looking over to the Dark Legion Lord. "Press the button on the side," Kragok replied pointing a finger on his normal hand to the side of his eyes. "Oh," the black echidna said as he lifted a finger to the right side of his glasses to discover a small button extending from the frame. When he pressed it an LED appeared on the right eye. It was complete with a targeter, temperature reading and a few other things Sotsu would have to look at later to understand. "Not like you would actually need it now… but just as a precaution we’ve equipped those with night-vision," Kragok said, smiling as his soldier analyzed the area wearing his booted-up eyewear. "Thanks," Sotsu replied. Sotsu then opened the other case. Inside lay an arrangement of metal attachments and a folded up bag of some sort. Sotsu lifted up the bag, it was a brown leather tube-shaped bag that had a strap hanging from it. Sotsu slung it around his right shoulder, it didn’t seem to weigh too much, despite it being half his width and the length being slightly longer then his torso. Though Sotsu could tell both from the slight sound of something jumbling around and by the slight weight, that it held some equipment. "That is the 1-50 Dark Legion issue all-purpose Elite. Which we suitably named The Sword. So Black Knight let’s see you arrange your Sword accordingly," Kragok announced, seeming to enjoy every moment of this. Sotsu at first hesitated as he looked over the assorted metal pieces. But then he found himself working them together, it was automatic for him as if he’d already done this a thousand times. Sotsu lifted a piece, jutted it into the slot and jammed it hard with his fist. With a loud snap it was locked into place. Then he picked up another piece and folded it out to extend it… the barrel. He snapped it to the front and then locked it in as he placed a bolt into the top part. He picked up a large, strangely shaped metal tube. Sotsu saw a green lens on the front and back ends… the scope. He bolted that down and assembled the extended recoil mechanism that extended from the back of the gun and ended by a padded leather-covered cylinder. Sotsu gripped a pin on the bridge between the gun’s body and the arm-bracer and pulled down on it. It folder out to reveal the hand guard and the trigger. The grip on it was padded with some black material, he gripped it and pulled the gun upward. Sotsu noticed the final socket on the bottom of the body of the gun. Sotsu found the final piece in one of his coat pouches. It was an ammunition clip. Sotsu fixed the banana-clip into the socket and jammed it into place with his fist. He smiled as he looked upon the long-barreled weapon. "It can transit to work as an automatic assault weapon or a sniper rifle. It can even use various types of rounds from armor-piecing bullets to explosive slugs," Kragok said as he walked toward Sotsu. "Just one thing?" Sotsu said as he looked from the gun to Kragok. "What?" Kragok asked, seeing a slight hint of disappointment on Sotsu’s face. "I’m not sure how well this’ll go with the others," Sotsu replied. "What do you mean?" Kragok questioned. "Well. I’m not wearing any pants," Sotsu said trying to not look embarrassed. "What’s the use of them… they’d only restrict you in combat. Besides, we had very little of that material and we didn’t want to get any more because it’s expensive. Ah yes… we need to equip you with your new footwear," Kragok said as he approached the desk and reached underneath and produced a long metal box. He opened the lid and pulled out two black metal feet pieces that were fairly oval shaped. This reminded Sotsu of Megaman’s footwear. "These have magnetic soles, built-in roller blades, hover jets, and extending kicking blades," Kragok explained slowly lowering the footwear to the floor. "Neat," Sotsu replied as he slipped in his feet into them. They had comfortable padding lining the inside. Sotsu worked a bit with them as he walked back and forth a little. They were flexible despite seeming to be one piece of metal. They were also very light. "We also have these to complete the attire," Kragok said as he produced two large shin guards from the box. Each shin guard was two pieces, they also looked like something Megaman would have. Sotsu clamped each one firmly around his legs. They went up a good ways above his knees, yet didn't seem to hinder him at all. They were made from the same metal material as the footgear. "These should enhance your running speed and also protect your legs when kicking something. Even at top speed Sonic shouldn’t be able to make a scratch on those," Kragok explained. "Cool. Thanks," Sotsu said as he examined his leg wear. "Your gun should fit well into that bag you’ve got there. If you needed to hide it you can disassemble it and store it in the various pouches and pockets of the bag. Also your gun should be able to avoid metal detectors and most types of x-ray. You’ll also find several clips of the various rounds in there as well. You yes… and we even managed to slip in some electronic devices into there. Such as keypad code-breakers, mirror balls, mute waves, EMP’s and a cloaking device. Oh and your motorcycle should be in there as well," Kragok explained. For some reason Sotsu knew what every one of those devices were, in his brain played out the usage of each one and what they were for. Though of course he knew about his motorcycle. "So… you’ve turned me into Batman," Sotsu replied matter-of-factly. "Who?" Kragok returned blankly. Sotsu placed his rifle in his bag, the barrel stuck out a little from the open section in the bottom. In much the way as it had been played out, he "seethed his Sword". The two now made their way back to the Throne Room where the rest waited patently. Lemetris stood looking out one of the two large windows that were set at on the back wall behind the throne. Hellfire looked up as the two entered the room and kneeled loyally indicating her master. Skara who was standing there glumly before looked up cheerfully as she saw Sotsu enter, though she then diverted her attention else where. Kragok growled a little upon seeing her reaction but didn’t let it get to him. Sotsu shot a small smile back to Skara just to be nice. It was apparent that both of them were still trying to not make it evident that they liked each other. "Well is my team ready?" Kragok asked as he and Sotsu reached the edge of the throne. "Yes master. We are always ready to serve you," Hellfire said in her rough voice, her head was bowed humbly as she was kneeling on the floor. Kragok scratched the top of her head as he passed by her, she grinned slightly and growled in a pleased tone. "Sir all troops are armed and prepared for deployment," Lemetris informed as he turned his attention from the window. "Good. Then you shall all take a transport jet to Robotropolis in a few hours," Kragok announced as he sat on his throne with one leg crossed in front of him while pressing his fingers against the metal fingers of his cybernetic arm. A little later Sotsu found himself standing on top of the whole flying fortress. He let the wind pick through his long hair, and breathed in the fresh air. He drew his long rifle and spun it about his trigger finger. Despite it seeming like it’d be difficult due to it’s length he managed it. Then he took apart some of the pieces and reassembled them, enjoying the loud clicking sounds it made when the parts locked in. After a little bit he replaced the weapon into his bag and leaned back, letting his tail provide the support needed to stand. He folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes. Though every once in a while he’d here the whining of a jet’s engines or the sound of a helicopter’s propeller, he found this to be very tranquil and enjoyable. He could sense someone from behind him, watching him from the stairs that lead to this area, but Sotsu didn’t look back to see who it was. He didn’t want to break the peaceful moment with someone intruding. Much like the Freedom Fighters and the local kids had managed to do time after time back in Knothole. Sotsu could hear Kragok’s speech over and over in his head after the briefing on the mission. Kragok stood with high authority upon the stage Sotsu was held on back when he first saw Skara. But now he and Skara were standing next to Kragok and looking upon the vast numbers of the Dark Legion. Kragok’s voice boomed over the speakers as he spoke: "These are our new allies in the war against the ones who’ve rejected us! The ones who have sent us back hundreds of years when they banned our technology! The ones that now dwell on our rightful homeland! These… these two shall bring us glory! These two… shall take back what is rightfully ours! These two… are the light in our darkest times! These two… are the Dark Legion’s Finest!" Sotsu smiled as he remembered hearing those words from Kragok. "The Dark Legion’s Finest," he whispered to himself. Once again he was seen as a hero or someone of great importance. Much like when he was back with Robotnik. But unlike when he felt like a villain when he was with the Freedom Fighters. "If it were up to me though I’d kill you no matter what!" Sotsu remember hearing Why Kit say, the words echoed through Sotsu’s mind being phantom of a dreadful memory. "Congratulations Sotsu you’re a wish come true," Sotsu remembered Robotnik exclaiming proudly as he awarded Sotsu with that medal. Now… I’m on the side of another team. One that wishes not the demise of the Freedom Fighters or Robotnik, but of the echidna society. The one that I’m actually part of. I wasn’t a Badnik nor a Freedom Fighter. But an echidna, making Echidnaopolis my home. But that doesn’t matter now because no matter what I think or feel, it won’t register while I’m under the control of Kragok. It especially hurts when I must watch Skara take the crap that Kragok gives her. Poor Skara, forced to put up with Kragok. I know Kragok doesn’t really do anything beyond what he’s already shown… but still he’s a creep. Though I know I can’t step in… perhaps Kragok would settle for Hellfire. Sotsu smiled at the idea of the demon and the corrupt leader of the rouge army being a couple. Actually it seems to fit… but then again it was a funny thought. Sotsu imagined the two at a wedding, Kragok wearing a bride’s dress and Hellfire dressed as the groom holding Kragok in her arms. Sotsu laughed a little then let out a long sigh. He knew Kragok would rain holy fury on him if he were to try to be with Skara. Skara was probably his most likely chance at starting a good relationship… he didn’t really wanna go with Sally. She had problems as is, Sonic going with Mina and Knuckles being with Julie-Su. God with the hell were these people’s problems? Couldn’t they just be like normal people and stick with someone? Then again… thinking back on his knowledge of how this stuff worked, it being very limited to just guessing, Sotsu forgot about going on with his mental rambling. He stopped and just thought about Skara… if there’d be a single chance in the whole universe to at least tell her that he had affection for her. Bah what the hell am I thinking? She only sees that I was trying to help her… then again she probably thinks I was only doing that to get to her. Ah well might as well not dwell on this… I’ve still got other things in life. Sotsu opened his eyes and leveled himself. He drew his two pistols and used his long tail to draw his rifle. He flipped his pistols about and pointed them in a few directions at the end of each moment of twirling them. He didn’t know how he could use his rifle in the manner that he was attempting, trying to aim it evenly with his tail. He was worried about looking goofy, but it didn’t matter. Who ever that was who was watching him had went away a while ago. After a few minutes of toying with his firearms he replaced them back. Now Sotsu stood at the edge of the roof and starred down at the scenery below. The forever extending blue sky, the beauty of the vast Floating Island that held a mix of green trees, red and brown mountains of the warmer areas and white snow and ice covered snow caps and frosty mountains of the cooler regions. He starred down on the place he called his true home, Echidnaopolis. Where he had enjoyed staying with the Chaotix who were more friendly and more like family to him then anyone else… that is next to his parents, who he missed dreadfully. Now he was helping Echidnaopolis’ worst foe take it over, he was betraying his home, friends and the few that he would even now call family. But it wasn’t his fault, even as much as he felt it was, he was being forced to. Forced to now more so then before when the only thing stopping him was a piece of metal clinging to his neck. Now… he was actually an enemy. Sotsu heard the loud clamping of someone ascending the steps. Sotsu turned to see Lemetris, the Dark Legion’s Chief Lieutenant. "Lock and load. It’s time to go," Lemetris announced before disappearing back down the stairs. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-