Chapter 25- Slight of Wind Sotsu rapidly pumped round after round from the Sword into the great metal titan. All of the bullets sounded as the ricocheted off. The monster serpent reared back and let out a metallic cry as he prepared to strike out. Sotsu quickly discarded his now empty magazine and reached for a clip of AP (Armor Piecing) Rounds. The black echidna pulled on the trigger and the Sword erupted to life, firing a hail of titanium-tipped bullet into the creature’s massive head. The creature did not heed to the barrage of fire, as it spanned out toward the bridge, snapping the first section off, preventing any non-flying creature from exiting the Chemical Plant Zone. Sotsu was on the later half that connected with the entrance to the waste site. The creature came up to it’s full size. Sotsu still blasted wildly, aiming for it’s eyes. With luck a small crack was made into the serpent’s left eye. "Come on you bastard!" Sotsu shouted as the clip expired the last of it’s rounds. There was a sudden blast from one of the walls. The place shook a little as a small section of the wall behind the creature blasted open. Lemetris was standing with the remaining amount of his troops. All of them opened fire on the serpent. All of the guns spitting off toward one target, but that one did not yield. The creature did not turn to see the new intruders. It reeled back as it readied itself to strike and finish off the black echidna. But just as it reached it’s full extent, there was a sudden blast from above it’s head. A brilliant pair of angel wings flashed vividly as the graceful body of their owner swooped down and landed hard on the beast’s head. The figure of Skara stood evident atop the creature, with her great scythe blade raised high above her head, bringing the vicious weapon down in a swift and deadly arc. The blade struck home and dove itself deeply into the serpent’s head. Skara lifted the blade and jabbed it a second then a third time into the cranium. Gashing time after time in a blood rage that could have only been matched by her demon-counterpart, Hellfire, who was actually watching with amusement as Skara assumed her role as a rage-filled blood-lusting fighter. But it didn’t matter. Sotsu greatly appreciated her actions. Despite being able to fly out of the situation if it really came out of hand, or he himself taking into close-range combat. He greatly welcomed any help of the sort. Though he also wondered where Skara had gotten her new weapon, perhaps Kragok had given it to her as Kragok had done what he had for Sotsu. The massive metal creature reeled back further and toppled over. Skara jumped/glided upward and somersaulting a few times before landing at Sotsu’s side. "Thanks for…," Sotsu began before Skara cut in. "I didn’t do it to save your sorry ass. I just happened to have came here at the time," Skara snapped. "Well… thanks anyway," Sotsu said, blushing slightly at the beautiful echidna. Her soft lavender fur reflecting the large lights posted high off of the ceiling. The soft jade rings of her eyes picking up Sotsu’s reflection. Sotsu heard Hellfire chuckle at little. Skara scolded the demon and flew back up to her, Lemetris ordered his men out. "Hey Lemetris," Sotsu called before the lieutenant could leave, "get those blue-prints quickly. I’m taking out a good chunk of this place after we leave," Sotsu added pointing to the Chemical Plant Zone. "Understood," Lemetris said with a nod before heading off after his troops. Sotsu entered the metal door as it slid open. He walked in to find the same room as before. The metal gridiron floor that hung inches from the toxic waste that brewed below. The hard metal containers that lined the wall, churning loudly as they pumped toxic fluid about in them. Sotsu reached into his equipment bag and produced a small metal frisbee-like item. He punched in a few buttons on the key-pad that sat atop the device. Then he latched it onto one of the containers and it began to beep silently. "Good a few more… then we’re set," Sotsu said with a slight smile before running off to the next room, which was identical to the one he was presently in. He entered the next room, took out the few serpent creatures that popped up. Then set another one of the devices. Then he made his way down the access holes, which lead to the underground storage area. There he set several of them and affixed them onto the large barrel units about the room. Once done Sotsu began a hasty retreat to the surface. Sotsu made his way back to the broken bridge of the exit out of Chemical Plant Zone. Sotsu flew to the hole Lemetris and his men had made. It seemed it led into a hallway, plenty of broken SWATbots and other guards of the sort lay about. Sotsu cast a quick glance about his perimeter. There were several doors lining the hallway. None of them held labels of any kind. "Damn this," Sotsu said frustrated. He checked about for the orb mechanisms and didn’t find any. Sotsu charged a powerful blast and knocked out a good chunk of wall. After charging through a small holding unit for SWATbots his intercom clicked on, Lemetris’ voice called over: "Sotsu! We’ve got conformation of you having set bombs! We are out of the perimeter! You’re the only one left, hurry! Our readings say that you’ve got less the one minute!" the lieutenant exclaimed. "Don’t worry about me," Sotsu began calmly, "If I’m taken out in the blast… then it’s well worth the sacrifice." After Sotsu replaced the comm. he dashed through a few more random doors until he finally found an exit. He was in the middle of the drainage maintenance room. Several large, blue, metal boxes held running water on the inside, no doubt leading outside. Sotsu blasted the top off one and hopped in. Sotsu found himself sliding with the current down a long small tunnel. His arms were straight at his side and his tail was wrapped tightly about his waist. Eventually the tube ended at the far end of an alley, were the water then went into an enclosed drain. Sotsu landed on the ground hard, he sat for a little bit as the used water ran over his head, plastering his long hair to the sides of his head. "Eh…," Sotsu sounded in disgust before getting up and beginning to search about his present location. He looked about and apparently he had came out of another structure. To his luck to as he heard a great blast. His Vibro- Mines had shook the containers violently enough to make the toxins reactive and erupt, leading a chain reaction throughout the whole Chemical Plant Zone and demolishing half of Robotnik’s base in a great blast, which now rained debris over a good section of the city. A massive cloud rose from the base. Sotsu looked about the building to see his group standing a ways away form the structure, their heads held hung. Even Lemetris, the strong Chief Lieutenant looked teary-eyed. Sotsu decided not to let the group hang in despair as he walked over to them. They looked up at him upon hearing his footsteps that he intentionally sounded a loud as he could. "Ah rats… I missed the explosion," Sotsu said smiling as he approached the group. "Good to see you made it soldier," Lemetris said extending a hand toward Sotsu, Sotsu accepting with a strong handshake, then Lemetris wiped his hands off realizing Sotsu was sopping wet. After a slightly emotional moment the group set off again out of Robotropolis. The city police were to busy handling a pillaging riot at the newly trashed Robotnik HQ to chase after the group. And soon Sotsu found himself in the cramped confines of a Dark Legion helicopter. He looked out the window at the great torn structure of Robotnik’s HQ as they lifted up above the scene. He didn’t smile at his effectiveness he had on the mission. He found his action to be sickening and vile. But his orders were to break as much as possible, so he did. He blew up half the base and probably caused several inhabitants of the city contamination to that waste that probably managed to get into the air. The Dark Legion group wouldn’t have to worry about that. You’d have to be exposed to the stuff for a while to take effect. Sotsu didn’t have to worry no matter, his body could handle it. Once again Sotsu was sitting next to Skara. He wanted to be able to repay her some how for helping him out back at the Chemical Plant Zone. But of course he didn’t want to do anything that might make it seem that he had feelings for her, he knew it’d upset Kragok. He wasn’t allowed to upset Kragok because he knew Kragok could order him to jump off a cliff, and he’d have to do it. Then again the thought of it… ending his life like that, was better then serving this greater of evils. But he wouldn’t do that… Kragok no doubt would keep him alive… but might still punish him, or at that… punish Skara. "Thanks again Skara," Sotsu said looking over to her, he was afraid he might have been blushing at the moment. "No… um… don’t mention it," she replied seeming to try to avoid facing him as she waved one hand a little. Sotsu smiled a little as he thought she might have been trying to avoid him because she might be blushing. Then again he thought of the reality of the situation of her probably not taking a liking in him at all. Sotsu figured most of his life would be like this… his best chance was still a long shot. Even then he knew he himself wouldn’t be able to admit to liking her, even if he knew she liked him, which he still doubted all together. They had been air-borne for now more then an hour before the aircraft jolted sharply. The pilot said they’d have to land. Once the helicopter touched ground the group disembarked. Standing at the back of the helicopter was Scios. His green robes blew gently in the breeze. His wooden sword was drawn and held over his shoulder, while his other hand held his black polished scarab. "I am sorry for what I must do Sotsu. But you must understand… you are far too dangerous," Scios said in his usual soft voice, which now held sorrow of some sort. "I am sorry… but your fate is sealed," he added as he got into a bushido style fighting stance. "Let me handle this alone, please," Sotsu said lifting a hand toward the other three. Sotsu looked back over his shoulder. He caught Skara’s glance and he felt his heart sink knowing that Scios would probably kill him. But then he figured that Skara was better off without having him bother her. She would probably be better off with… no wait she wouldn’t be better off with Kragok! Now Sotsu not only felt heart-broken but guilty as well. Sotsu dropped his bag of equipment next to the helicopter, including the Sword. He still had his two pistols hanging loosely about his hips. But he conjured a single and decently sized shadow blade, holding it with both hands. The wind blew lightly, both of there hair was tossed about a little. The two stood atop the cold and smooth rock surface that sat in the middle of a large grass patch. Sotsu had little idea where they were but guessed it was on top of a high mountain, the air was cold and brisk. Once again Sotsu cursed at himself for not convincing Kragok to give him a pair of pants. "Are you ready… Sotsu?" the echidna warrior asked. His voice albeit soft held confidence. "I am," Sotsu breathed. With a blink of an eye a loud clang rang out. Sotsu had found that he blocked the first strike that was aimed to split his head in two. It was silent as Scios held his position, his sword above Sotsu’s. Then as a breeze picked up, Scios blazed forth a hellish flurry of blows aimed toward each of Sotsu’s sides. The black echidna backed up hardly managing to block each one. A sweat built up quickly on the black echidna’s face, Scios’ held nothing… no strain or tension of any sort. Sotsu realized that as fast as Scios was he’d be on defense until he would finally be struck down unless he did something and fast. Scios backed away a little. He held his sword low and began to let out a slight and long breath. Sotsu began to charge at the echidna warrior who had just given himself open. But Sotsu was very wrong, as soon as he brought around his shadow blade intending to strike across Scios’ neck, a thunderous bang shock the perimeter, and in the blink of an eye Scios had struck out and once again held his position. His stance held long and his blade extended were Sotsu’s used to be. Sotsu now held his position, a look of shock and fright mingled in his face, his hands were open, nothing in them. A moment and a distance away Sotsu’s shadow blade struck the ground blade-down and imbedded itself into the ground. Then faded as Sotsu took on the perception that Scios could have easily killed him in the time he was taking to account for the blow. Sotsu, realizing that, drew his pistols and began popping shot after shot off. Both firearms blazing away, despite being close-range Sotsu was trying to hit the warrior anyway he could. "We shall not tolerate the events to occur from you," Scios spat harshly as he blocked all of the shots with his wooden weapon. The blue lasers simply dissipated as they meet the weapon. "I cannot accept dying in vain!" Sotsu snapped back as he hoisteled both weapons and charged headfirst toward Scios. Scios chambered back his blade and struck down at the black echidna. Sotsu jerked to his left and wrapped his tail about Scios’ wrist. Then he turned about pulling the purple echidna down then brought a swift kick to his face. Scios tumbled back a ways, releasing his wooden sword. As he began to get up Sotsu drew his pistols and trained them at Scios, his tail still clasping the weapon. "I’m sorry but I cannot allow myself to die like this," Sotsu said. "I do not understand. I cannot lose you to! I am not a mere mortal!" Scios’ tone held panic… and even freight. "No my friend. You didn’t lose… we were not fighting on the same level. You hesitated to kill me… perhaps you think something may change for the better eventually," Sotsu replied as he jabbed Scios’ sword into the ground, though still keeping his pistols in case the echidna warrior should decide to attack again. Sotsu stalked toward the helicopter and picked up his gear. He told everyone to get in after the pilot said the thing could still fly. Sotsu got in last, as he lifted himself into the vehicle he cast one last glance to were Scios was… the warrior and his sword were gone. Sotsu smiled… not really knowing what the mysterious warrior’s reasons were, but yet understanding the warrior himself enough to know that his intentions were good. He was protecting something from Sotsu, he was afraid of Sotsu. Sotsu knew that… though he still wondered about the warrior and his origins. But perhaps the answers would come a later time. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-