Chapter 26- Into the Fox Hole "Your next ashienment vell be to infiltrate the under ground lar’ of Mewy," Von Harmoss explained showing over-head shots of Mewy’s hut, a few of the shots revealing a large entrance to an underground complex next to the hut. "You must find and bring back the Silencer Ray’s energy core," Kragok announced a little irritated from listening to the doctor’s German accent. "Yesh thank you," the doctor replied nodding toward Kragok who just sighed in exasperation. "You guys shall leave tomorrow around the morning hours, though it’ll only be Skara, Hellfire and Sotsu on this one. Our aircraft won’t be able to go undetected if we have to fly though the area. We can’t let Mewy prepare herself for the attack, or it’ll be too difficult," Kragok explained. "We can’t risk loosing out most valuable soldiers," Kragok said as he slowly stalking past Skara and stroking her hair. Hellfire let out a low growl. Sotsu figured she was jealous of the attention Kragok gave Skara. Sotsu also wondered if Lemetris was jealous that he and Skara were getting appraised for the work. He wondered as he looked upon the loyal echidna’s face to find him grimacing each time Kragok considered Sotsu as "The Black Knight", and Skara as "The Angel", or by simply saying things like them being the Dark Legions Finest or the best soldiers. Though Sotsu doubted Lemetris would do anything extreme, he knew the echidna’s loyalties were totally dedicated to following Kragok. Sotsu went on down to the Armory to boot up in ammunition and explosives and to replace what he had used, or what was damaged, during the attack on Robotnik’s base. Looking amongst the vast quantity of weapons Sotsu felt a surge of fear overcome him as he realized that by the simple action of him joining the Dark Legion he had just turned the tables in favor for the army. The Freedom Fighters, Chaotix, even Robotnik’s fate were all sealed, by the simple action of his alignment change he had won the Dark Legion the war. Then his thoughts were interrupted as Von Harmoss ran into the room. "Sotsu… come… come zee this!" he sounded frantically as he pulled Sotsu along with him in an usually strong grip. Sotsu was rushed up the throne room, what he saw on the screen struck fear into him. It was Gerald Robotnik. An old scientist with a wild mustache chained to the chair in a jail cell. "Once this program is activated it cannot be stopped. The space colony ARK… will crash into your beloved planet in 24 hours. This is a death sentence to all the creatures of Mobius. You shall fell my loss and despair for taking everything away from me!" the scientist raved. "Is that all?" a strong voice off camera asked. "Yes," Gerald weakly relied. "Ready," the voice sounded as an assemble of gun clacks were heard. "Aim," then the screen went blank just as the command fire was heard, as well as the following of gunfire as the Professor was executed. "The space colony ARK will crash into Mobius if not stopped," Kragok said as he turned his attention from the screen to Sotsu, how still held the look of shock on his face. "What do you want me to do?" Sotsu asked, realizing he was the center of attention as everyone’s gaze was fixed into him. "I want you to stop it," Kragok replied. "The Freedom Fighters are up there. Same for the Chaotix. They’ll stop it," Sotsu shot back. "Good. Then kill them… kill them all. And as for the ARK… blow it up," Kragok answer with an obsessive tone. "Vat about the mission mien sire?" Von Harmoss asked. "Fine… you, Skara and Hellfire leave now! Then I want you to be leaving into space by the end of today!" Kragok shot back furiously. Sotsu found himself flying side by side with Skara and Hellfire. They dived down from the Dark Legion Floating Fortress and landed right were Sotsu used to do his training at. It was early and the sun was just raising. Sotsu looked over the lip of the Floating Island at the sky painted in a beautiful orange and yellow medley that washed over the blue sky. But he turned away from the scene as the mission was on mind. The three hurried along until arriving at the hut site. Mewy was nowhere to be seen. "So how to we get in?" Hellfire asked looking about. "Make an entrance… how else," Sotsu replied drawing the Sword and loaded in explosive slugs. Sotsu walked around until finding a section of ground that held a slightly different texture. It was more that the ground above the metal sections would no doubt be a form of artificial grass. Once Sotsu had located that section he braced the Sword’s end against his arm and aimed downward. He pulled the trigger, and with that a loud bang was heard as a hole, just large enough for a Mobian to fit into was made. The three made their way into the hole and down the ramp to make it into the main of the lab. "We’re to find what exactly?" Sotsu asked casting a glance toward his two winged partners. "The core of something called the Silencer Ray," Skara replied back. "What the hell is that?" Hellfire questioned. "I think I might know," Sotsu replied before running off. "Hey wait up!" Skara demanded hurrying after the fleeing black echidna. Mewy pulled herself out of a large metal machine she was working on. She raised a pair of oil covered goggles off her face and looked about. She looked down the column of large metal machines to see Sotsu run past. "Huh? What’s he doing here?" she asked. Then just as she lifted herself up Skara ran by. "What the hell is going on?" she asked rubbing her eyes. Then Hellfire rushed about the corner and straight for her. Sotsu rushed down the long wall heading for some location he wasn’t even completely sure of. But something in his mind was drawing a map of the place and telling him where he should be going, and instinctively he was following. "Sotsu tell me where the hell were going at least?" Skara demanded as she caught up to his side. "I dunno," Sotsu simply replied. "Then why are you running about like you know this place?" Skara snapped. "Call it a hunch but I think we’ll find our answer soon ahead," Sotsu said before nodding in the direction they were running. Sure enough the answer was immanent. Ahead of them was a great ray cannon. The body of it pivoted upward almost like that of a telescope of an observatory. The monstrous barrel of it aiming upward as well, pointed toward a section of the wall that had a large line down the middle, no doubt it was able to split open. The whole thing took up a good amount of space, looming over the metallic lab like an elephant amongst mice. "Now how to we get the power core?" Skara asked. Sotsu didn’t bother to answer… once again something in his head was telling him what to do, mapping out the electronics of the device. "Skara go help out Hellfire. She may need it if she’s going up against Mewy," Sotsu said as he reached out for a small panel near the bottom of the pivoting base. Skara ran off after giving Sotsu a quizzical glare. Sotsu worked at some of the wiring, yanking and pulling out cords until it finally revealed a small green box that gleamed with energy. "Interesting…," Sotsu analyzed, "It’s made of pure Chaos Emerald," Sotsu was about to reach in there but he was stopped as a figure approached him. Sotsu looked up to see the gleaming black armor of Seifer, Mewy’s guardian robot. "Hello… Black Knight," Sotsu said getting to his feet, only to find himself standing a little over the robot’s waist level. Though he remembered last time when he was still just over 3 feet, though his new height still gave him little confidence. Seifer drew his great sword and got into a fighting stance. Sotsu drew his Sword and exchanged the normal cartridge for a magazine of AP Rounds, then cocked the gun, creating a loud clack. The two black knights starred each other down for the moment, waiting and calculating actions, movements, tactics and strategies. Each one was nothing more then a killing machine, finely toned and fit for combat. The black knight machine scanning and calculating through it’s complex circuitry, it even now was formulating new tactics, applying Sotsu’s skills from before with the new equipment he had now. And the echidna known as the black knight… also now formulated new ways to attack his robotic assailant. Trying to remember any flaws that might have occurred in Seifer’s combat. In one fluid action the black knight slashed toward the black echidna. Bring his sword around his head in a smooth arc then bringing the blade down hard toward Sotsu. In a graceful somersault-dive to his right Sotsu opened fire on Seifer. The bullets all finding home in the knight’s left arm and lower chest. Once Sotsu’s shoulder found the ground the echidna brought his weight around and lifted himself to his feet still firing upon the knight. Seifer quickly shifted his grip into his left hand and jutted his arm out. With his body extending toward Sotsu the blade reached over, the black echidna plodded his back to the floor as the blade slip overhead, mere inches from splitting his nose into two. The robot reacted by dropping his arm down, intending to slice the whole echidna into two under the great blade of his sword. Sotsu pressed his arms and legs against the blade trying to push up against the great strength of the knight, his tail wrapped about the knight’s wrist, trying to push up. The Sword had been dropped in this action, now Sotsu’s only hope was to use his psychic powers, or wait for some random event. The knight simply lifted the giant blade, Sotsu was attached to it in a comical fashion as he was lifted above the ground. "Oh great," Sotsu mumbled as he watched the floor further itself from him. Sotsu quickly pulled his weight over and released the grip of his arms and legs, using his tail as a pivot to swing himself on top of the knight’s head. He gripped his legs about the knight’s neck and quickly drew his pistols. The knight tried to grab Sotsu with one large hand but before he could, Sotsu had the muzzles of the two guns jammed into the back of the knight’s head and pulling the trigger frantically. The shots erupted into the helmet and smoke began to rise from the neck. The single red light inside the helmet visor slowly faded. Sotsu back-flipped off as the large robot toppled over forward, dropping the large blade to the ground. Sotsu hoisteled his two pistols and seethed the Sword. Then he went over to Seifer’s blade and hefted the weapon up. He carried it with him as he settled back in front of the panel he had opened in the Silencer Ray. He disconnected the few wires attached to the glowing green Chaos Emerald box and took it up into his hands. He stood up and better examined the item. Then he took up Seifer’s blade and held it in the other. Then he closed his eyes and began to channel the Chaos Energy through him. Like a cold rush it ran up one arm, through his torso and into the other arm… running through his hand holding the blade, then leaving into the blade itself. Sotsu opened his eyes to the bright glowing of several large ruins etched into the blade itself, as they now glowed with Chaos Energy. "Neat," Sotsu breathed as he wavered the weapon about. He decided to try the blade out on the inactive Seifer. He neatly set down the Chaos Emerald box and gripped the sword firmly in both hands as he stood over the figure of armor. Then he struck down on the knight, the armor pieces were tossed everywhere as the combined super-strength of Sotsu and the destructive Chaos Energy totally dismantled the knight, leaving nothing more then smoking debris and scrap in it's place. "Stupid irritating puppets!" Sotsu heard Hellfire shout from across the place, shortly after hearing a large eruption of an explosive of some kind. "Oh God…," Sotsu whined in disbelief that those puppets, that he remembered from his first encounter of Mewy, might actually be fighting. Sotsu pushed the Chaos Emerald box into an empty pouch in his bag and hefted the ancient blade in one hand and rushed off to help the other two. He hurried along the metal landscape as the sounds of battle hung loud in the air. After what seemed like countless moments he finally made it. Though he didn’t expect to see Skara and Hellfire standing triumphantly over the pummeled form of Mewy, the two Mewy-puppets and several broken bits of machinery. "You guys finished? I’ve got what we came for now let’s go," Sotsu said trying to hurry along before anything else decided to show. "S…Sotsu? Wha… are you… do.." Mewy slowly drew out before getting one final kick and a profanity from Hellfire to knock her out. It hurt Sotsu to see the fox hurt. But no matter what he felt he couldn’t account for it because helping her would be against his orders. Now the three set off back toward the Dark Legion’s floating HQ. Skara asked about the ancient weapon and Sotsu replied it to merely be a spoil of war, he didn’t give a good answer because he didn’t really know what it was. Merely a sword capable of holding Chaos Energy in a way to be useful. Though that not being a thing to shake the word merely at… Sotsu figured it wouldn’t be much more helpful then what he could do already. Nonetheless it was a sufficient melee weapon, more so then using pistols. So he decided to keep it. Later Sotsu was being prepped into a custom fit space suit. After he had been fitted he was given one hour free time before launch. He was happy to get out of the uncomfortable material, his coat had been removed. He didn’t want to wear it underneath the poorly ventilated space suit, which heated quickly and uncomfortably as is. Though he decided to keep his footgear on since that would most likely be useful on the ARK. Now Sotsu sat on the roof of the Dark Legion HQ. His legs and tail dangling over the edge. His arms folded across his lap. The fresh high-altitude air causing his fur to prickle up. The stars burning brightly about the place, Sotsu wondered how much more brightly they would burn when he was in space with them. He had a phobia of space, as much as he had a phobia of being in deep water. One thing Sotsu always said to himself is that he’d neither go deep-sea diving or go into space if he ever had the chance. He’s try to stick to the ground as much as possible. Though he felt secure when he had his short stay on the Floating Island, but that was only because he was with people he’d very well call family. He heard the footsteps of someone ascend the stairs to access the roof. To his surprise it was Skara. Sotsu had a feeling it was her the first time, referring back to were he was up here earlier and someone had been watching him for a few moments, though he never looked back. He could be wrong… it might have just been a Dark Legionnaire or someone. But Skara was here now, Sotsu wanted to say it now, before he might have to die in space. He knew what awaited on the ARK. The horrible creature known as the Biolizard, as well as the Freedom Fighters, Chaotix and Robotnik’s little team. Which Sotsu was told to fight against all of them, by himself. "Hey," Sotsu simply said looking up into the glowing jade irises. Skara simply returned the smile and sat down next to him. "I have a feeling that this might be it. I might not come back from the ARK. There’s something about it that’s giving me this feeling about the place," Sotsu, he was looking down at the landscape far below, not wanting to look into Skara’s deep eyes, and once again feel the same heart-ache. But now he’d have to face it. He knew he most likely wouldn’t survive the ARK, the Biolizard, the Freedom Fighters, Chaotix, Robotnik, and the dangerous environment of space itself. It was too much, the odds were against him… now… now would most likely would be his last moments on this planet forever. And still… his stubborn attitude would not let him admit to Skara. But in his head it was better not say anything. For the very slight chance that she may actually feel something for him and then having to loose it if he dies on this mission. He didn’t want to be selfish, to say that just to figure out what she thought. Then again if he didn’t die on this mission he wouldn’t even have to worry. So now Sotsu held it in his mind to try and keep alive… mostly just for Skara, and her not even knowing it. He tried not to laugh at the idea. His internal struggle going unnoticed, and it being more furious then his external struggles. But things like that went on all the time. As internal struggles were always the most vicious, where you’d be combating yourself. One such fight Sotsu had always fought, always going into painfully deep thought of what and how, when and why to do the things he does. Even when they are over he goes back to them… digs them up and wonders to regret it. Never letting go of the things that pain him, never letting himself forget of the mistakes that he brings back, causing them to haunt him for months, and in many cases years. Sotsu, his whole life had always been on the outlook for ways to start over. Now that he had… he get on the bad foot straight off the bat. One thing he knew he’d regret if he didn’t do it here and now… was to tell Skara how he felt. Now… inside of him was a furious hell of an internal struggle that felt as if it would tear him apart. And perhaps if he won’t go through with it… it will. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-