Chapter 27- Into the ARK The two sat there in the silence of the night for a long moment. Then finally Sotsu built up the courage and decided to take action. "So Skara," "Sotsu," they both found themselves talking at once. They both stammered a little afterward, a little shocked. "Sorry you first," Sotsu said humbly notioning toward Skara. "No I insist you first," she replied back. "Ok… well you see," Sotsu said clearing his throat. "Yeah?" Skara insisted after Sotsu hesitated and lowered his face to try to hide his reddening. "Well… Skara. Eh… I…," he stopped again. Stumbling over the words in his head, trying to find something suitable. "Perhaps you should go first," Sotsu said smiling to her, her eyes reflecting the moonlight to make it seem as if they were giving off a jade glow. "Well. Er… Sotsu," she began scratching the back of her head. "No you say what you want to," Skara half-snapped, Sotsu giving a slight laugh seeing that she was frustrated with something, he hoped it was perhaps the same thing. "Alright… what I wanted to say," Sotsu began drawing his words slowly to try and keep controlled. "… is that I…" he was cut short as Von Harmoss was heard clearing his throat as he rose to the roof. "Sotsu… the shuttle iz’ ready and waiting. Zwe need you to shoot up immediately," the doctor said sternly. Sotsu gave Skara a slight smile then slowly got up and walked toward the doctor. He looked over his right shoulder back to Skara, she was watching him with her deep jade eyes, they seemed pained. Sotsu shot up his left hand over his right shoulder as a wave goodbye. Then Sotsu turned and descended the stairs. Not sure what to feel, he held a slight smile until he and the doctor entered the launch room. A great rectangular room built entirely of metal, a great red and white Dark Legion rocket awaited Sotsu in the middle. Von Harmoss took up the suit from a Dark Legionnaire and pushed it toward Sotsu. "The rocket hash auto-pilot. Get dressed and we shall commence launch shortly," Von Harmoss explained as Sotsu zipped up the suit and latched in the helmet. Sotsu entered the cockpit and set himself into the chair. The whole thing was set pointing upward so it felt strange to him. Then after a short moment some servants buckled him into place. Then as they left, and a final thumbs up to the last man out, the door was locked and the countdown began. As the countdown continued, the great top of the room split open and revealed the vast black abyss of the night sky, the only visible objects were the flames of the stars far above. The intercom popped on inside Sotsu’s helmet, Kragok’s voice came over, his harsh and demanding voice began to order Sotsu of what he was to do: "Once you get up there I want you to make it into the ARK’s power core. From there unlatch all of the outlet cables. This should overload the thing and blow the whole ARK up. You’ll need to make it out of there, and you need to go unnoticed. But first I need you to put a jamming device in the main console room. If you don’t then they’ll be able to pick out that there’s a problem. You cannot fail this mission Sotsu. Failure is not acceptable. Am I clear?" "Yes sir," Sotsu simply replied. "Good." "May I talk to Skara just for a moment?" Sotsu asked after a brief second. "Hmm? Sure make it quick though," Kragok replied. There was a sound of shuffling on the intercom before Skara’s voice sounded over. "Sotsu?" she asked, a hint of some emotion Sotsu couldn’t exactly pin held in her voice, Sotsu guessed it to sound as if it were concern. "Skara? I just want to say… that this whole time. Ever since I first saw you… I’ve always ha…" Sotsu was cut off as static took over. The line being disconnected from the launch beginning caused it. If any type of communications were activated it could scramble the reading replays being picked up in the Mission Control Room. Sotsu grimaced at his failure to finish his reply. He now greatly regretted not saying it earlier. "I admire you Skara," Sotsu said anyway, only to have the static seem to mock him as no one picked up his words. He hung his head slightly as he replaced the intercom on the console, then rested it back onto the seat as he looked forward toward the sky far above. In a short few moments the whole place began to shake violently as the thrusters kicked in. Sotsu closed his eyes not wanted to see the blur caused by the vibration. Then he felt a great kick and jut as the rocket slowly began to liftoff. The shaking became more intense, and after a few long moments, it ended. Sotsu opened his eyes, he could still himself being pushed into the chair it’s just that the shaking stopped. He saw space outside, a vast eternity stretching farther then the mind could imagine. Sotsu blinked hard for a few moments trying to take into the fact that he was now in space, it was a placed he most feared. He didn’t panic, he had self-control, but he was breathing hard. He could hear his breath echo in his helmet, sounding like someone gasping frailly as their last breathes of life, being drawn and taught sounding. The intercom popped back in with the voice of Von Harmoss: "Sotsu vwe are about to release the thrusters. After that, the trajectory should pull the ARK into view. From there you must prepare yourself to dock, then you haf’ three hours to find the Console Room, then another two hours to get to the core, then one hour to escape. Do you understand?" "Yes doctor," Sotsu replied, clearing his throat, as he felt a little worried. "Good. God speed Sotsu, God speed," with that a click confirmed the intercom’s deactivation. Sotsu looked out the front windows. He felt a slight jerk and heard the hiss of the pressure being regulated about the engines. Then a slight clack as the locks of the thrusters released, sending the large tubes to drift about in space. Sotsu watched silently as the ARK slowly came into view, the great gargantuan structure loomed over the shuttle. He was about the backside, so it was one giant sphere shape. Several extensions of the short jutted out here and there, much like the Death Star from Star Wars. The shuttle began to slowly course itself for one of the large portholes meant for the docking of any types of spacecraft. As the shuttle neared a large metal extension reached from within the docking area and latched to the roof of the shuttle with a loud clatch sound. Sotsu sustained his deep breathing as the shuttle began to be drawn in. Then eventually when it was completely inside, the bay doors closed. "Pressure stabilization process commencing. Please wait," a feminine computer voice sounded. Sotsu let out a long sigh. He felt guilty for having failed with Skara, at least for the time being. He lifted the intercom and pressed the small red on button on the side, nothing but static replied. It could only be opened from the other side. "Rats," Sotsu sighed. "Pressure stabilization complete. You may now exit and remove your helmet, thank you," the voice sounded. Sotsu slowly began to work at the buckles on the chair. After a few minutes to work them out Sotsu got up. He guessed the ARK had artificial gravity because he was walking normally along the floor. He unlatched his helmet and went for the arms closet, where his equipment was stored. He drew his bag from the small metal locker and put it around his right shoulder. He wrapped his tail about his helmet so he could put on his glasses. He hit the side button on the glasses so access the LED display. He would want it, he had figured out that the LED could pick up on distinct sound waves. More efficiently then Sotsu could pick up on electromagnetic pulses. Sotsu then latched on his hoistels about his waist, and hung his helmet from a latch on his bag. He had left the Chaos Blade at Dark Legion HQ. Not wanting the heavy item to have to be carried about as he took the long hike about the ARK. After double-checking his gear once more, the black echidna set off outside the shuttle. He entered into the docking room. A ladder lead down from the shuttle door to the metal floor of the poorly lit room. "Lord protect me," Sotsu whispered. Despite not being religious, the echidna sometimes found comfort in saying such things. He didn’t know why exactly… just something that would help him mentally cope with the situation, and try to keep his nerves calm. Sotsu approached the dock exit. He looked back to his shuttle, the large white and red rocket was held firmly in place by the large metal extension above. The dreary room seemed fit for a haunted place of some kind… it was open, poorly lit and had been abandoned for years. Sotsu hit the small blue button next to the door, it slid open silently. Sotsu entered a metal corridor, several doors lining the place. "Ag… what’s with me always coming into hallways?" Sotsu questioned himself as he walked toward the one at the closer end. "Damn I hate this place already," Sotsu grumbled to himself as he pressed the button to open the door. He stepped into what seemed to be a small mess hall. Great windows spanned one wall, painting a great picture of a vast blackness dotted here and there with small white dots. It reminded Sotsu of the mess halls from the Star Trek shows. Though here they were lifeless and dead. No one to fill it with noise or life, having had no one to walk amongst the tables for over fifty years. Sotsu noticed a door at the far end of the place. As he walked over he thought he heard someone as a slight creak echoed about the room, sounding like a strangled cry of a haunting phantom. Sotsu quickly pressed at the cloaking device that was partially extended from it’s pocket on his bag, only enough to reveal the on button. Sotsu’s form faded away to nothing more then that like the air about the room. The echidna stayed silent for a second, then after no one had appeared for a few moments he deactivated the device. Sotsu figured it to just be a lose piece of metal of gear somewhere within the walls of the ship. Then he trekked on though the door, another hallway, identical to the first. Sotsu walked across the hallway and hit the button. "Guys?" Mighty asked as he looked over to see the door open, though no one behind it. "What the…?" the armadillo questioned tilted his head to the side. He walked into the hallway, Sotsu was hanging atop the ceiling, pressing his arms and legs against the walls to support himself, he watched as the Chaotic went into the hallway, looked about for a little, then exited into the Mess Hall. Sotsu let out a silent sigh of relief before stealthily plopping down from the ceiling. He had a hassle to climb up it with the cumbersome space suit so in intended to discard it… though not here where he could be caught. Sotsu entered the room Mighty was in before, it was a small room that severed as a four-way crossroads. Three other doors remained in option for the echidna to take. He decided to take the one to his left… he entered the room to find another hallway… apparently these people had no intention on a unique design. He quickly took up a random room to find a quarters. There was a small metal table with a few padded chairs about it and a bed in one corner of the room. Sotsu set his bag on the table and quickly began to strip himself of the space suit. After folding the suit he packed it into his bag and drew out his Dark Legion coat, he spilled that on and zipper it up all the way. Then he slipped on the finger-less gloves and set out of the room. As he did he heard some signing. "Vector," Sotsu breathed, as he quickly reached behind to his bag and activated the cloaking device. He remained silent for a seconds, then he looked over his shoulder, he noticed something. His senses picked up someone, not Vector, not the originator of the signing, but instead Espio. He had just entered the room silently enough for Sotsu not to notice, yet still he didn’t notice Sotsu. Both were cloaked. Sotsu slowly and silently reached for his Sword. As the weapon was almost within his reach Vector came out from the door at the end of the hallway, the door closer to Sotsu. The croc was singing and was on a collision course with the echidna. As the croc got closer Sotsu struck out, causing his cloaking to fall, and jammed one foot firm into the croc’s face knocking him out. Then before Espio could react or even register what was happening he had the butt of the Sword coming down hard on his head, making quick work of him. Both had fallen without much more then a simple thud. Sotsu seethed the Sword and began to trek into the room the croc had come from. He looked inside to find some form of a recreation center. There were varying boards set on tables about the place. Nothing too special. Sotsu made his way past the dead room and into the next door. He was now into another intersection, and he heard voices from the next room. "Shadow can you hear me?" it was Robotnik, Sotsu knew that he’d be in his Egg-Walker. "Yes did you locate the others?" Eggman asked, no doubt over a communication’s device of some sort. "Good make sure they don’t get through," Eggman said. Sotsu decided to make his entrance. He pressed the button to open the door and walked in, Sword in hand and ready to blast apart whatever Robotnik had. Robotnik looked in shock at seeing the echidna enter. "Sotsu? What… you’re with the Freedom Fighters aren’t you!" he exclaimed. Sotsu let off a slight smirk and he bowed his head slightly. "If it isn’t the mighty Doctor Ivo Robotnik. Would it help you to know that I work for the Dark Legion now. I guess you haven’t heard what happened to your base," Sotsu said, enjoying this event. "What? Dark Legion. This is a trick," Robotnik snapped. "Well try to communicate with your base. I’ll be off wandering about," Sotsu replied as he walked past. Eggman noticed the patch on the echidna’s jacket, and also remembered that the Freedom Fighters didn’t use that kind of equipment. "Wait Sotsu!" Robotnik said turning in the Egg-Mech. "Oh and another thing," Sotsu said, turning slowly to meet the doctor. "I’m here to kill you all. You, the Chaotix and the Freedom Fighters," Sotsu said extending an open hand toward Robotnik. "What? What are you doing?!" Robotnik said in a panicked tone. Sotsu slowly turned his wrist, the Egg-Mech’s knees gave out, causing the mech to fall into a kneeling position. Then Robotnik found his torso being pushed down until his hands were on the floor. "Sotsu… what are you doing?" Robotnik managed out. He looked up to see Sotsu right before him… Robotnik found that he was kneeling in front of Sotsu like a servant of the sort. "Imagine… the ability to kill anyone, with the simply action of willing it. I… Sotsu, without lifting a finger, have caused Mobius’ lord to kneel before him. In fear of the power I have," Sotsu slowly explained, starring down through the blue frames of his glasses at the trembling kneeled form of Robotnik. "You… shall pay! Sotsu!" Robotnik said. "Heh… pathetic," Sotsu replied before letting go of the overlander. Robotnik scrambled about a bit before lying back in exhaust. Sotsu merely turned his back and exited the room, leaving the trembling man to try and regain himself. "Sotsu! You’ll pay!" the black echidna heard the man shout as the door slid back. Sotsu walked into the next room… he found himself to be in the storage bay. A vast dark and open room holding stacked box of various colors and sizes. A large crane loomed over the place, having been dead for several years, it seemed like a ghastly statue. There was one other door that led out. Sotsu took that and entered into a large round room. It had several doors place along the edges. More or less it just seemed just to be an open junction. Sotsu slowly paced along the line of doors, he held the Sword tightly just to be prepared if he was to run into someone. Nothing was heard, so Sotsu just took the closest door. It slid opened silently. The long forgotten remains of someone’s quarters were eminent. Sotsu took a step inside, then there was a loud bang as the panel under him gave way, sending him falling to the floor below, he heard several cries as the dust cleared, there stood Tails, Boomer and Nate. Tails was in his blue walker, called the Tornado. "Sotsu?" Tails asked as the Sotsu rose from the metal debris. "Sotsu… what are you doing here?" Nate asked, the overlander holding a confused statement on his face. "I am here… to destroy the ARK. And kill everyone here," Sotsu replied cocking the Sword. "What? Hey why are you wearing the Dark Leg…," Tails faded out as he noticed the patch. "Yes Tails… I work for the Dark Legion. And I’m afraid your fate is sealed," Sotsu said aiming the Sword at the three. "Sotsu put down that gun. Please we need to work together to stop the ARK. If you blow it up the pieces of it will crash into Mobius and devastate the land," Nate tried to reason. Sotsu knew the scientist was right. If the ARK were to explode the pieces of it would fly into the surface of Mobius and total the area. Sotsu lowered his gun a little, he looked past the group and thought about his situation. They are right. If I don’t stop the ARK, but blow it up, it’ll only cause a slightly less fatal disaster, but it’ll still do more then enough damage to ruin the planet. "Sotsu kill them now!" Kragok shouted over the earpiece, his voice filled with frustration. "Wha’? Kragok?" Tails asked in shock. "Fine then… I’ll have to force you to," Kragok said before the earpiece clicked off. Sotsu’s head began to hurt. The pain built rapidly. It felt like it was going to explode as it throbbed in pain. Then all at once Sotsu found that he had lifted his gun to level with the fox, and he pulled the trigger. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-