Chapter 28- Grit The shot zipped right past the fox's head, trimming one of the small extensions from his face and causing him to cry out. "That's it!" Nate said angrily as he lifted a finger to let out a powerful blat from his eyewear. Before the overlander could even do that Sotsu had unleashed a swift blow to the side of his head knocking him out. As Tails brought about the Tornado, Boomer decided to hide in a far corner of the room. Sotsu turned toward the walker and pressed the muzzle of his gun into the one of the legs and pulled the trigger, the bullet pierced though the leg and took out the knee joint, paralyzing one of the Tornado's legs. Tails hit the Vulcan Cannon trigger and unleashed a salvo of fire on Sotsu. The echidna merely leaped on top of the walker and pushed the muzzle of the gun to Tails' forehead. "Give it up Tails. You've lost," Sotsu said holding no emotion in his tone. "No matter," the echidna said. Sotsu spun and he leapt off. As he turned about he kicked out with one foot, the hit ripped the other leg from the Tornado clean off. The thing tilted over and landed lob-sided with a loud clang. Then as the echidna leveled his footing he brought up the Sword and shot a single shot toward the Vulcan Cannon. The bullet ripped across the turret and cut it straight off. Tails hit at a few buttons. A blue light came on at the front of the walker and quickly built. It was Tails' Energy Ray Attack. The bright blue beam blazed fourth and ripped across the floor in a brilliant display, intending to hit Sotsu, but instead merely causing a large dent into a wall. Sotsu leapt to the side, seethed the Sword and drew his two pistols while in air. As soon as he tumbled over and leveled himself he unleashed two shots, each were to the middle part of the hull. Each went deep inside and cut the connection cords for the controls. The beam dissipated, Tails hit futilely at the buttons, nothing happened. Tails began to sob as he still tried to hit at the buttons. Sotsu didn't smile, he just grimaced at the fox. Boomer was now watching behind, Sotsu didn't bother with the walrus. He would be nothing more then a waste of time. Sotsu took a piece of scrap metal from the torn section of the floor into his hand. He drew his arm back and threw the piece at Tails. The small projectile slammed into the fox's head, drawing a little blood and rendering him unconscious. Sotsu looked over his shoulder at Boomer who recoiled at bit when the echidna's gaze fixed onto him. "If you can. tell Sonic I'm coming," Sotsu said coldly as he walked out of the door to a new room. Kragok no doubt wouldn't be happy that he didn't kill the three but he wouldn't be angry for at least Sotsu had got them out of the way for the time being. The echidna made his way toward the door that lead away from the area. It led to another small hallway where an elevator resided at the end. Sotsu took this to get to the middle floor where the Console Room waited. Once the elevator stopped Sotsu walked out. He walked along a long hallway that curved as it went along. Eventually it ended at the Console Room. Shadow was inside looking out the window. Amy was pacing rapidly near the back of the room. Sotsu wondered what happened with Shadow. This is what Sotsu knew of from the game. but for some reason since it was different here. Shadow was suppose to be doing something else, remembering hearing Robotnik order him to hold someone. or something. Sotsu merely shrugged his shoulders and walked out from the enclosed hallway area. "Sotsu?" Amy questioned. "What are you do.?" she stopped and gasped as she noticed the Dark Legion patch on Sotsu's left sleeve. "Yes that's right. I'm here to destroy the ARK and kill everyone on board," Sotsu replied, taking up the Sword and cocking it. Amy let a loud scream as she began to run toward Shadow who was just turning toward the echidna. "Here to kill everyone on board eh? Well I don't know who you are but you must have some guts saying that," Shadow snapped, slowly approaching Sotsu. Sotsu merely turned his emotionless gaze toward the black hedgehog, looking down on him in a degrading fashion. Amy was watching from the back of the room. "Arrogant rodent. I certainly hope you're not challenging me," Sotsu replied. "What? I'll show you," Shadow said getting into a fighting stance. "Ultimate life-form? Gerald was a fool to think you could be such a thing. Anything with emotions could never be ultimate. Such things can cloud the mind," Sotsu said seething the Sword. "Who are you? How do you know about me?" Shadow demanded. "Maria. what a wasted existence. Nothing more then imperfect garbage. just like me. but unlike you," Sotsu persisted. "Shut your mouth echidna!" Shadow shouted clenching his fists. "Yet still. this is only a matter of opinion. I'd never consider you the ultimate life-form," Sotsu said slowly raising an open hand. "Never." Sotsu breathed as he flicked his notioned with his extended hand toward a wall, sending Shadow toward it using telekinesis. The black hedgehog meet the wall with a loud whack. Sotsu merely turned his head to face Shadow who was attempting to level himself. "What was that?" Shadow asked. "A mere fraction of the power I have. I'll only leave you operable so you can take care of the Biolizard," Sotsu looked deeply into the hedgehogs eyes. "Yes. I must keep my promise to Maria. And you," Shadow found himself saying. Sotsu had managed to screw Shadow's brain up enough to think that what had happened in the game had just happened. Sotsu smiled as he watched the black hedgehog run off. "What'd you do to him?" Amy asked in a frightened voice. "Hmm? Nothing really don't worry about it. I just made it so he'll help Sonic stop the ARK. Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. Please if you want. leave," Sotsu said politely to the cowering Amy. "No get away from me!" Amy whined, Sotsu just gave her a confused glance then shrugged his shoulders. The black echidna looked over to the main console. He didn't have to jam the device really. Everyone knew he was here now, he didn't really wanna bother with Kragok's stealthy plan. it'd take too long. He only wanted to get here to copy a map to the engine room. "Please use this time wisely to get to an escape pod or something. This place is going to explode after I get through with it," Sotsu said coldly as he typed a few buttons on the console to access the map. He hit a few more buttons and got a printed copy then headed for the door Shadow just left through and began to follow the map. "I hope Sonic gets you real good," Amy shouted at him after the door had closed. "Why should you hope him to meet up with me? Do you wish him dead so soon?" Sotsu called back before heading down the hallway and back to the elevator. Compassion for another. why is it? Why have I subjected myself to be a hypocrite so I can argue against it? Perhaps it's merely to strike further into the heart of my opponents, but if I am unsure of my purpose to do so. then why do I continue? The only person who has, or is able to, recognize this hypocrisy though is myself. If only myself then I can still account for it against my assailants... therefore questioning or concerning myself with it really isn't necessary. That is at least until I finally make my mark, when I can tell Skara. Which even then. most relevance this tactic has with is Kevin. I know it's wrong to think of such a thing. but what must be done to achieve something, must be done. It is my mission to rid the Dark Legion of their adversaries. Kevin being very powerful, means I must work at a weakness to be able to attack him. One very apparent and easy weakness is his compassion for Nikki. Just as with Sonic. I can slow him down, making him nothing more then a target. Sotsu found his mind wandering to Skara as the elevator made it's long trip to the lowest floor where he would be able to find the engine room. He wondered what would await him when he returned. He wondered if Skara caught on from the little bit he had gotten though to her. He wondered if she'd try to avoid him because she didn't like him. He wondered what the future would hold for the two. if any at all. The elevator stopped and the door slid open. The bottom-most floor of the ARK was in horrible condition. The place had very little lighting and was cramped with several marks, dents and bangs along the walls and floor. It reminded Sotsu of something from Aliens perhaps, or maybe a Space Hulk from Warhammer 40K. Sotsu looked at the print out, the whole bottom floor was just full of these cramped corridors all of them criss-crossing the whole level. Sotsu drew a finger about the route he was planning to take. It was not the most straightforward route, but that's because Sotsu didn't want to trek through the sewage areas and the toxic holding facilities. So Sotsu chose the route that would be safest yet most efficient. As the echidna walked through the shadowy corridors he began to hear some footfalls. His glasses showed Sotsu what direction they were coming from and approximately how far away they were. Sotsu positioned himself flat against the edge of a wall where the corner turned, and where Sotsu hoped his victim would walk out from. He heard the footfalls become louder, they echoed about the place. A normal person would have been probably confused by the sound's feedback, but with the aid of the sound-detecting device built into his glasses he was able to pin-point out the source. Sotsu seethed the Sword and drew his pistols. Then just as the sound's originator neared a few yards from the corner Sotsu pulled out with his guns pointed toward the victim. There standing clad in a green vest was Julie-Su. "Sotsu," she gasped. "Heh didn't expect me did ya'?" the black echidna replied. "I got word of you over the intercom. You're after us. I can't let you stand in our way," she said drawing her pistol. "Fine then. you shall suffer," Sotsu snapped. Julie-Su pulled the trigger of her large silver double-barrel pistol over and over, sending green energy rays toward the black echidna. Sotsu ran back into the corner and avoided the shots, as he heard Julie-Su pursuing, he decided to make this an interesting fight by making use of the maze of corridors. Sotsu rounded another corridor and tried to trek back in an attempt to get behind his opponent. Sotsu went down a few short corridors and found himself within earshot of Julie-Su. He rounded a corner to find himself standing no more then a few yards away, she was facing toward him as well. Both of them raised their pistols and took shots off. Sotsu knew Julie-Su to be a trained and worthy gun-fighter, and he knew an error in this fight could prove fatal. Sotsu dived to his left side and Julie-Su jerked quickly to her right, all of the rounds were avoided but both of them keep the guns blazing. Sotsu got into a crouch with his back toward the wall, as Julie-Su backed a little ways. Sotsu caught sight a pipeline near the other echidna. He quickly diverted his aim slightly and sent a shot toward the metal connection, it hit home and released a jet of hot steam at Julie-Su. She recoiled back only getting stung slightly from the jet, but she stopped firing in the process. Sotsu popped a few shots but with luck on her behalf they had merely struck Julie-Su's metal cybernetics and bounced off. In reaction to the fire she dived about the corner and into another corridor. Sotsu cursed having not struck a wound when he had that chance. Then the black echidna decided to take to the other corridors as well. Sotsu struggled to keep Julie-Su within earshot but eventually she got smart and stuck to a slower yet quiet pace. So Sotsu relied mostly on his electromagnetic senses to try and search here out now. The gloomy abandoned surroundings made the search all the more unnerving, especially if Julie-Su decided to camp out in a single location. Sotsu was quickly confirmed of Julie-Su's location as he heard the hiss of a door opening. Sotsu quickly took a firm grip on his pistols and headed for the sound. Upon reaching and opening the door he discovered she had entered the Toxic Waste Storage. He entered to find himself on an extension over a pit of toxic sludge that resided far below. His opponent stood, pistol drawn and ready, on the other side. Sotsu quickly took to the ground as a green streak passed over head, then he strafed to his right as another green energy blast passed right by his left shoulder. His actions were sharp and with an unrealistic quickness. He smiled as Julie-Su began to back away slightly upon discovering Sotsu was closing ground every time he dodged a blast. As she backed toward the end of the walkway, she saw a short ladder that would lead to a lower platform. She shot off an quick few rounds before jumping the lower platform. Sotsu saw his opening as he took off several shots at the opposing echidna. The dark blue energy zipped by her. all of them falling off aim slightly. Julie-Su hit the ground rolling, the pulled her pistol about and got into a crouch facing toward Sotsu, and took a few good shots off. Sotsu decided not to wait up to be hit, so he simply stationed his left foot on the railing along side the walkway and leap over to land on his feet on the platform below with a loud thud. Julie-Su somersaulted to her right as Sotsu unleashed a barrage of fire form his pistols. She shot back, the green energy zipped across his cheek and drew a little blood. Sotsu dived to his right and took off several more shots at his opponent who was now zipping back and forth to avoid the shots and to close in on Sotsu. Sotsu righted himself and began to charge toward his gunfighter assailant. Both of them were running straight ahead, and at the same time both unleashed a single shot aimed head level. In the same action both rolled forward under the shot and came up with weapons ready, and landing in a crouch. Sotsu now found himself starring down the double-barrels of Julie-Su's pistol, as with her, the same of Sotsu's pistols. Both were breathing heavily, anticipating the others action. The air held still and heavy. Sotsu now decided to stop messing around and use his psychic powers. As he tried to use the psychic hold on Julie-Su he found it wouldn't work. Then it hit him. they had been prepared. "Clever," Sotsu said bring up a slight smile. "Hmm. So you now just figured out," Julie-Su replied. "How?" Sotsu questioned, the two not relaxing or taking off their locked gave from each other. "When the Brotherhood informed us on you had joined the Dark Legion we only needed to pick up on your brain signal before we could develop a nullifying device," Julie-Su explained. "If you guys had known then how come Amy and some of the others seemed like they didn't?" Sotsu asked, thinking back on his few previous encounters. "We only told the main of our group since it was very hard to produce even one such device," Julie-Su said, her finger was shaking, she knew Sotsu was merely using this time to compensate a plan, but she didn't wish to make her knowledge apparent. Sotsu's face turned to one of seriousness, Julie-Su knew he was about to make his move. "What are you waiting for? Pull the trigger," Sotsu simply said, not showing concern toward the large weapon gazing him down. "Why so you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you won't have to serve the Dark Legion?" Julie-Su snapped back. "No. because." Sotsu stopped as he made his move. Sotsu quickly jammed his forearms into Julie-Su's extended arm. Her pistol flew from her hand and across the room, she wasn't even able to look over to where it had went before she found one of Sotsu's feet slamming her in the chest and pinning her to the ground. She looked up to find herself starring into the two barrels of Sotsu's akimbo. ". if you don't act then I'll have to," Sotsu finished. "Do you think I'm gonna give up that eas." Julie-Su was cut off as Sotsu butted her head with the bottom of one of his guns, knocking her out. "No. that's why I just did that," Sotsu said to the unconscious Julie-Su. Sotsu uprighted himself and hoisteled his pistols. He took up Julie-Su's large double-barreled pistol and stuck that in his equipment bag. Then he slung Julie-Su over his shoulder and slowly made his way up the ladder and out the Toxic Storage door. He didn't want Julie-Su to get sick from exposure to the waste. Sotsu, still carrying Julie-Su, continued for the Engine Room. Finally the black echidna found himself in the long and large room. Several large round containers held to one wall, those were the engines. They were silent now, indicating Sonic and Shadow had defeated the Biolizard. Sotsu leaned Julie-Su against one wall. Sotsu then reached into his equipment bag and pulled forth half a dozen Vibro-Mines. He placed one on each of the engines and set them to go off at a certain temperature. That way they'd only explode if the engines heated up enough, Sotsu plan was to make the engines over-heat themselves. Then the vibro-mines would detonate, shatter the engine stabilizers and cause a chain-reaction throughout the gas lines in the ARK, and blow the whole thing up. Sotsu now found himself back-tracking to the Console Room, he was carrying Julie-Su and didn't intend to have her awaken before he got there. He got to the elevator, and went up. now it was only a matter of getting out. No doubt the whole group would be up there though, it had been a good amount of time and Shadow and Sonic had no doubt done their work. He'd now put on a good show, only being able to use his physical techniques. He now approached the Console Room. Everyone was there, the Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix, even Robotnik, who was in his walker. Sotsu entered with Julie-Su over his shoulder, Knuckles was the first to notice the black echidna. "There's Sotsu!" Knuckles shouted, approaching the Dark Legionnaire with a hellish look in his eyes. "Here take her," Sotsu said pulling Julie-Su off his shoulder and pushing her toward Knuckles. "You bastard you hurt her!" Knuckles shouted as he noticed the small blue notch on her forehead. "That's what happens when you pull a gun on someone I guess," Sotsu replied coldly, though he knew he had been the one to first pull a gun. "I'm here to kill everyone of you," Sotsu said walking toward the center of the room, he intentionally made it so they could surround him on all sides. "Hah! You think you could beat all of us?" Eggman gloated. "Zurely you are kidding," Antonie said. "Don't underestimate him guys. He might not be able to use his psychic abilities but he can still use his Chaos Powers," Knuckles explained setting Julie-Su in a safe location at the back of the room. "Well then. are we ready?" Sotsu asked, he extended his tail upward pulling lose a chain hanging from the ceiling. He yanked it down hard and flung it about with his tail, causing the chain to wrap about it until there was only a little slack left. Then he drew both pistols, his LED in his frames, and his feet pivoted. he was ready. The first of the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix rushed in. Sotsu sent a swift kick to Antonie's face, a swift shot found Boomer's shoulder, Sotsu whipped about his tail sending the chain whacking and downing Mina and striking out Espio. Sonic dashed in only to find that the echidna had jumped up to avoid the attack, his reaction speed was faster then anyone would have expected. Knuckles was charging forward along side Vector, only to find the air-borne Black Knight sending a swift kick to both of their noses, causing them to reel back and give Sotsu some landing space. Tails came in for an aerial attack at Sotsu who's feet were just touching the ground, he found the tail whip coming about. Sotsu dodged a punch from Knuckles by simply stepping to the side, then he lifted his knee into the Guardian's stomach, taking out his wind. Mighty came in with a single strong punch that Sotsu nearly was hit by, but managed to lean back enough that it slipped by him, then the Black Knight jammed his right gun-nozzle into the armadillo's shoulder and fired. Tails flew low, but the chain was quickly flopped around and struck his back hard and grounded him. Sotsu back-flipped over Robotnik's Vulcan Cannon fire and while in the air he whipped about his tails and smacked Sally's gun right from her hand. Then since he was turned the other way and running right for the charging Sonic, he pressed one foot into the hedgehogs forehead and lifted the other to send himself upward and causing the blue hero to fall down. Once in the air again Sotsu spun, fired one shot into the supporting shaft that held up Robotnik's Vulcan Cannon, the laser cut through the metal and the gun fell off, then he whipped his tail about causing the chain to strike and knock out Geoffrey whose aim had been trained on Sotsu. Sotsu quickly sent a swift kick to Amy to cause her to fall backwards and slid across the floor in a comical fashion. Sotsu landed and rolled to face the group now. Sally was running to regain her lost pistol, Sonic was leveling himself and rubbing the back of his neck, Knuckles was getting up and wiping away a good amount of blood that was running from his nose, Tails was charging in another air-borne attempt, Robotnik was working at trying to get his missile-launcher to work and Nate was helping out the wounded Boomer and Mighty. Amy had gotten back up and drawn her hammer, and Vector was still slightly dazed having received the more forceful of the two kicks Sotsu pulled off earlier. Sotsu brought up both of his pistols and blazed forth a hellish salvo only matched to that back when he saved Skara. Drawing on the Chaos Energy being emitted from the Super Emeralds which were being held in the shuttle the group was planning on taking back to Mobius, a fatal error on their behalf. Tails got two shots, one in each shoulder, Sally got one in her left leg, Nate got on that braced his chest, Robotnik's walker got enough to the console to claim it un-repairable, one shot to Vector's left arm and three shots to Amy's hammer to totally demolish it. Now only Sonic and Knuckles stood. "What a disappointment. I could have easily killed you all as well," Sotsu said twirling the two smoking pistols then hoisteling them. "You'll pay for this Sotsu," Sonic shouted, Sotsu smiled coldly as he thought back on all the times Sonic had held that arrogant smirk on his face when he was against Robotnik. But now his eyes threatened to leak forth tears of sorrow and pain. Knuckles held a determined and hurt look, ready to attack Sotsu and try to defeat him at whatever costs. "Why don't you two change into your super forms?" Sotsu asked, returning to his serious look. "Think you're up to the challenge or something?" Sonic asked. "Yes. yes I do. But I guess it's only because I want to give you guys a chance," Sotsu replied. "You must be stupid or something," Sonic said drawing his smirk across his face. Sotsu thought little of Sonic in truth, his arrogance and incompetence would prove his own demise eventually. Perhaps if Sotsu were in a less forgiving mood he would end the great Mobian hero's life this instance. But he preferred fighting the hedgehog's ego down. Much like when Goku had allowed Freiza to power up to his full extent. Sonic produced fifty rings that he had stored somewhere. then the two, Sonic and Knuckles glowed brightly as they took on the forms of Hyper Knuckles and Super Sonic. Sotsu watched the great energy running from the two, the bright energy reflecting off his glasses, casting the place in their glow. "We should take this into a different room. You don't wish to cause the demise of your own friends do you?" Sotsu asked notioning toward the exit. The two nodded and headed out with Sotsu leading. The three now found themselves standing in a wide and vast pentagon shaped room. Metal sealing all side. The tension held as the combatants starred each other down. Sotsu no longer held with the chain, his pistols weren't drawn and neither was the Sword. "This'll be a piece of cake," Sonic replied. "This is the end of you. The rising of the Dark Legion. After you two are dealt with I shall kill everyone else," Sotsu spoke, the later of the sentence was slowly spoken to bring in effect to his two opponents. Sonic dashed forward with such a blazing speed it tore the metal tiles from their resting spots, his gold form flashed as nothing more then a gold streak. Knuckles rushed forward a little ways behind. Both were intending on taking out the black echidna as soon as possible. Sotsu quickly brought himself to the side and around the gold blaze, before Sonic could even pass Sotsu the black echidna brought around his right leg and smashed the shin shielding into his face. Sotsu was surprised that action didn't take off his leg. Sonic's body flipped upward and he fell to the ground. Sotsu quickly slammed one foot onto Sonic and used him to get himself into the air. Knuckles was charging in quickly, Sotsu brought one foot toward the Guardian who was anticipating the attack and blocked, but to his surprise the other foot was also coming toward him, and found home in his right eye. Sonic was already coming toward Sotsu as he landed. Sotsu quickly turned and side-kicked Sonic in the stomach, but the force of Sonic's speed pushed Sotsu toward Knuckles with a great shove. Sotsu used this momentum as he gripped Knuckles' shoulders and flipped over his head. He then brought his foot around to the side of Knuckles' head as the Guardian began to turn. The kick caused him to fall side-ways. Sonic who had already recovered jumped over the falling Knuckles and spun dash toward Sotsu. The ex-earthling drew a vibro-mine and set it for proximity by simply hitting the default on button. Sotsu had stored the mines for easy access in case he needed them quickly. He tossed the mine in a frisbee like fashion at the gold blur. Sotsu dived backward as the mine set off sending a concussion wave about a ten foot radius catching Sonic and Knuckles in the blast and sending them flying across the room along with metal debris. Sotsu then took the given time to draw the Sword and set in a metal slug. Just as Sonic and Knuckles were regaining themselves Sotsu had taken the gun up and aimed it toward Sonic. Sonic looked up to Sotsu, but didn't have enough time to register what was happening before Sotsu sent the metal slug speeding toward him. The projectile slammed into Sonic, had he not been in Super form he would have died horribly. The projectile sent Sonic into a wall shortly behind him. As Knuckles began to charge forward Sotsu quickly emptied the gun and began to press another slug into the barrel. Knuckles ran ever harder trying to beat Sotsu. But the black echidna had the weapon trained on Knuckles, though they were now in close-range. Knuckles dived to the side as Sotsu pulled the trigger, but unfortunately for him Sotsu anticipated the move and had already brought a swift kick to the echidna's face. Sotsu didn't stop for a second as he kept pounding away at Knuckles with kick after vicious kick. Though Sonic had quickly recovered as was coming toward Sotsu with a great charge. The black echidna didn't have enough time to move as the gold ball slammed into his chest causing him to tumble forward several yards. Sotsu used his momentum to roll back up, on the way locking the Sword with AP Rounds, and opening fire as soon as he landed in a crouch. The two super-charged warriors dived off to opposite sides to avoid the fire. Sotsu tried to bring the weapon about to Sonic but the hedgehog kept in front of the fire and rounded toward Sotsu. Sotsu quickly seethed the Sword and changed for his pistols, but his action had cost him the fight. Sonic came about and slammed into him, forcing him into a hatch. A door closed on the hatch as Sotsu found himself having fallen inside an escape pod. Sonic was waving to him as the hiss of the pressure lock was released and the pod was shot off toward Mobius. Sotsu only smiled as he pulled a silver remote trigger from his bag. "Those fools think they've won. How arrogant of Sonic to think that I wouldn't have a back-up plan," Sotsu said as he lifted his thumb over the red button on the hand-held device. It was the manual trigger for the mines he had set, now he'd be able to watch as the colony blew, Sonic had actually won Sotsu the fight, a fatal error having thought an opponent such as Sotsu wouldn't have thought of a more cunning way to win. "Now Lord Kragok. they are dead," Sotsu said coldly, standing to look out the window of the pod at the large semi-sphere looming in space. He had succeeded in his mission. He had won the Dark Legion the war. It now all comes down to this. He hit the button. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-