Chapter 29- The Man of the Suit The button emitted a click as it was pressed down, Sotsu waited in silence for a split moment before his capsule was shaken as a shock-wave pushed out from the back of the ARK. Several large chunks of the engines drifted about in space… but the chain reaction had not gone accord. The gas was cut at the time since the engines were off. Sotsu had indeed failed his mission. "Sotsu? Sotsu what happened?" Kragok shouted over the earpiece. "The ARK wasn’t destroyed when the mines went off… the mission has been failed," Sotsu replied hesitantly. "You failed? How could you! Well then… now I guess you’ll have to kill them when they return to Mobius… as for you, I’ll deal with you personally," the Dark Legion Lord replied coldly, causing Sotsu to whence at the last part. At the thought that Kragok could do whatever he wanted to Sotsu and the echidna could do nothing to defend himself. He thought of how he might hurt Skara, Kragok knowing that Sotsu would be hurt emotionally from seeing her being harmed. "Kragok please… I can make it up. I promise you… please, I really don’t want you to punish me in any way. I can assure you success. It’s merely that if the ARK were blown, the pieces of it would crash into Mobius and do almost just as much damage. There’d be a good chance of a piece landing on you guys. Please consider it," Sotsu pleaded, he tried not to make himself sound too desperate, though in truth he was more then just concerned. Silence held as Kragok considered Sotsu’s words… then finally replied. "What you say makes sense Sotsu. Alright then… I won’t be too hard on you as I might have. But I still want to make sure that you know what it means when you fail." Sotsu didn’t answer, another silent moment held, then Kragok closed communication. Sotsu’s concern didn’t lessen one bit, he was still worried about any punishment that might come to him, especially if it were directed through Skara. Sotsu didn’t want to think about having to see her get hurt, not again. He didn’t want to see the pain that emitted from her deep jade eyes; reflecting back several times fold what Sotsu probably has ever felt. Sotsu felt his hand holding the trigger tense, until the trigger broke from the stress. Sotsu noticed this and held still in shock. He had just realized that it was in fact a reaction from his hate to Kragok, he had just acted from something that was against Kragok… perhaps he has already beginning to gain back his free will. Sotsu opened his hand and looked down to the broken metal scraps that lay in his hand. Then he dropped the pieces to the floor and took a seat into the small leather-padded chair of the escape pod. He let out a long sigh and slouched over, resting his head in his hands. Waiting for the pod to land on Mobius as it went along it’s slow decent. Even when the pod landed Sotsu knew he’d have to make a long trip back until he finally reached the Dark Legion’s floating fortress again. He didn’t even know were he was heading to. Though he hoped somewhere close by, at least enough so he could perhaps ask someone to guild him or direct him toward the Floating Island. Sotsu desperately wanted to get back to Skara, he had his doubts of trusting Kragok about her for this long without anyone around except for the Dark Legion lackeys. Ever since Sotsu had left the Dark Legion HQ he had worried about the well being of the beautiful echidna. He also desperately wished he could have said something to her before he left, there still being a good chance that he might not make it back there alive. No doubt Kragok had caught on to Sotsu’s attraction to Skara, he wondered if he might be jealous enough to hurt her or do something worse. No matter how much Sotsu tried to get his mind off of worrying, he couldn’t. He had deep feelings for Skara, despite him only knowing her for a short amount of time. It wasn’t normal for him to be this way, but she had brought out something in him. Sotsu tried hard to remember that word that they had said in the comics. A word that Sotsu found foul, him supposing to be the "emotionally void bastard". Even with having these feelings he still hated the thought of romantic stuff and most anything that had to do with love. That word… most of all Sotsu hated. Love, something he doesn’t, or didn’t, even believe in. Perhaps there was something of the such and Sotsu merely hasn’t noticed it. But if that then it was merely to keep himself emotionless. For the most part now it was necessary due to his occupation. For now he was merely a killing machine. To show no compassion or mercy, to merely follow Kragok’s orders. To kill the Freedom Fighters, Chaotix and anyone else that Kragok chose. As before, he considered himself nothing more… then a tool. "Atmosphere entry in three minutes, please buckle up," a light mechanical voice sounded inside the pod. Sotsu listened as he reached about his chair and pulled and locked in several belts across himself, moving his equipment bag to his side so his back would be against the padding. He wondered if the pod’s navigational controls would be able to land him somewhere safe. He thought about if the pod was heading straight for the jagged edges of a mountain range. How the pod would tear itself open and rip him to shreds. "Yeah that’s what you should be thinking about Sotsu," the echidna growled to himself, wondering why the heck he was putting even more stress on himself. He growled slightly as the pod began to shake violently. He figured it was breaching the top-most of the atmosphere. No doubt the inside of the pod was gonna get more then uncomfortable in a few seconds. Sotsu’s thought was confirmed as the inside of the pod heated to an unsettling temperature. Sotsu began to perspire within the first half-minute into the entry. He felt the leather become sticky and no doubt Sotsu knew that it’d sting having to peel his legs from the leather when he would get up. Sotsu looked out the window, the outside was glowing red, but at the same time the surroundings were becoming bluer as he exited from the dangerous environment of space and into the welcoming sky. It was daytime now… Sotsu didn’t realize how long he had been gone, or perhaps how late he had left into space. Sotsu felt the strong pull of the planet’s gravity pull on the small silver sphere. Then all at once the blue of water came up to cover the view out the window. The pod jutted about as it eventually hit the bottom of the not-so-deep lake. Sotsu could hear the steam raising as the water about the pod hissed from the surface of the metal having been heated by the atmosphere. Sotsu focused on the air about him after taking in a deep breath and pulled up his equipment. He pulled the hatch on the pod door and the water rushed in. The air Sotsu focused on served as a protective bubble in which the echidna floated in as he rushed toward the surface of the lake. When he breached the top he let the air go, and felt the cold water brush against his waist down, cooling his fur that had been subjected to the stuffy air from the confines of the escape pod. He looked about to find himself in a forest clearing, in the middle of the clearing was the small lake in which he now wadded. Sotsu started toward the edge of the lake. Then his earpiece clicked on, static filled Sotsu’s ear, but a few words were still audible as Kragok’s demanding voice rang over. "Sot… an you …ar me? So…u! … in S…. I… s dead. N..…. …tsu! Sotsu!" "Lord Kragok! Lord Kragok can you hear me! Kragok… I’m not dead! Hey! Hey pick up damnit!" Sotsu shouted back, once again only to reply to static. His message wasn’t being received, he went unheard. "Shit!" Sotsu exclaimed as he punched into the water, trekking up to the ground slowly. He shook off a bit, then took off his equipment bag a laid it a good ways from the lake. It for the most part had been kept dry, only the lower quarter of it had been dampened, but Sotsu knew the only equipment there was the jamming device, a code-hacker and a few ammunition clips. Most likely the first two items had been damaged. Sotsu then discarded the few items in his coat pockets and lay them on his bag, along with his glasses, then he removed his leg pieces and footgear. Once he checked about for anything he might have forgotten, he then walked into the lake and lay on his back, floating there and looking up into the sky. Thinking about the current events that had just taken place, wondering weather his actions were the right ones. Wondering what was to become of him. Now he’d have to trek back to the Dark Legion’s floating fortress and back to his captor, Kragok. Sotsu didn’t want to go back, but he had to. Kragok could very well be able to take his life if he wanted to, Sotsu didn't doubt for a second that the chip could shutdown his brain. He also knew that he had to go back to make sure Skara was in good health, that Kragok hasn’t harmed her or worse, killed her. Sotsu moaned as he heard footfalls approaching the perimeter of the clearing. Then he heard a young voice, "I swear I saw something fall from the sky and land about here!" "Yeah sure Paul… maybe it’s an alien," another young voice mocked. Then the footfalls slowed as they approached the edge of the clearing, followed by the initial reaction of awe. The two kids, one a fox wearing a blue bandana and the other a raccoon wearing a green vest, were on the other side of the lake. "Hey look someone’s there," one of them said pointing toward Sotsu, who’s eyes were closed as he was trying to relax and ignore the intruders. "I think he’s dead," the other said. "No I’m not," Sotsu simply replied not even bothering to look over to the two pests. "Who are you?" one demanded, his voice held fright and curiosity. Sotsu lifted one eyelid to look upon the two, he smiled slightly finding this situation rather humorous. "The name’s Sotsu," the echidna replied as he neared the lake’s bank and began to shake some water off. Then he headed for his equipment and began setting himself back up for travel. "Are you from space or something?" the raccoon shouted over as the two ran about the edge of the lake to meet Sotsu. "I was just on a space mission that’s all," Sotsu replied pulling his bag over one shoulder. "What were you doing?" the fox asked. "Just making sure everyone in my ship was well taken care of," the echidna lied as he clamped on his shin-guards. "By the way… could you tell me where I am?" Sotsu asked placing his glasses on. "Just at the edge of the Great Forest. Our town isn’t too far from here," the raccoon answered looking about Sotsu’s shoulder to try and catch a glimpse at the Sword. "What town would that be?" Sotsu questioned, his face and tone becoming one of seriousness. "Woodenal why?" the fox said. "Just wondering," Sotsu said shrugging. The two locals showed Sotsu to their small town. It was in fact the one that Sotsu had been to with his encounter with Remoan. The place hadn’t changed at all, though the restaurant had of course been repaired. The citizens went about the town minding their own business, not even having crossed any of their minds that their visitor was in fact the person solely responsible for the events that shall soon shake the planet to it’s core. Then again, the echidna himself had no idea what was in store for him in the next few months. Sotsu was shown to an inn. The innkeeper let him stay after hearing that he had landed from space, apparently the innkeeper only needed Sotsu’s equipment to prove such a thing. The ex-earthling wondered if any of these town’s people would recognize him as a Dark Legionnaire. Apparently they were isolated people no one having pointed out his patch on his left arm. The inn room was much like the ones back in Knothole. Holding natural colors and tones, making it peaceful and relaxing. Sotsu found himself quickly asleep on the bed, having been greatly exhausted from his trip through the ARK and the furious battles that were put into effect within the confines of the metal hulk. Sotsu knew he’d have to trek through or around Knothole in order to get back to the Floating Island. He’d prefer going through, not only because it’s faster but because he’d have much less of a chance getting lost. Sure he could fly, but his chances of getting spotted would only be that much more by doing so. No doubt there were Knothole watch stations placed all over the Great Forest. Sotsu slept sound through the night. He was awakened the next day as the innkeeper treated Sotsu to a complementary meal, which consisted of hotcakes, scrambled eggs, sausages and orange juice. Sotsu made quick work of the meal and headed out of the inn after collecting his equipment and giving a very appreciative thanks to the innkeeper. Though Sotsu’s progress was short-lived as a shrilling scream ran throughout the town. All attention was drawn to the opening in the center of the town. An overlander stood over the bloody corpse of a mole. A little ways away the now widow stood horrified and in tears. Sotsu ran over to the currently forming circle of Mobians. Sotsu pushed his way to the front where the overlander stood starring down at the corpse. "What’s going on here?" Sotsu demanded looking at the human. A fairly short man just over five feet, he had little hair left which formed a brown ring about the sides of his head, his attire reminded Sotsu of his earlier one; a set of black slacks, black buttoned up coat and a white shirt underneath. Small silver frames held from his round nose, his pudgy look was almost comical, yet a deathly gaze was fixed on Sotsu as the man’s blue eyes bore into the echidna’s gold ones. "I have come for you… Sotsu," the man spoke raising a thick index finger to point at the echidna across from him. "Who are you?" Sotsu growled as this man who seemed to be challenging him. "My name is Dan Wheater, of the League of Gentlemen. I am here to kill you, and prevent what is to come of time," the man explained, Sotsu had mixed feelings. One was to laugh at the humor of the situation, the other was of fear as Sotsu knew these men no doubt were a serious bunch. "Everyone stand away!" Sotsu shouted, he positioned himself, readying for combat. The people listened as they all backed far away. Wheater did the same as he got into some form of martial arts fighting stance. "Lord have mercy on your soul Sotsu. You would have made a fine addition to our team. But it’s apparent that you are too dangerous," the overlander said. "It is your mistake to be challenging me. Who ever opposes me or the Dark Legion shall find their opposing movement to be the cause of their demise," Sotsu replied, his eyes sharpening on his heavy-set assailant. Wheater quickly jerked his hands in front of himself and shook them violently, as if drawing from a great power source. Sotsu quickly confirmed that the overlander was indeed doing just that, the echidna could sense the presence of a Chaos Emerald somewhere about his opponent. Then within the mere second it took for that thought to cross Sotsu’s mind, and with a short shout from the man, Wheater had thrusted the heel of a dress shoe into his targets stomach. Sotsu rolled back a ways from the blow then quickly rolled up drawing his pistols and popping off several shots. Sotsu whenced slightly as he felt the sting from the blow stomach. The lasers were deflected as the overlander actually used his own hands to smack the shots away, yet he remanded unharmed. Sotsu figured that this "League of Gentlemen" were apparently highly skilled at both using the powers of Chaos Emeralds and at hand-to-hand combat. And God knows how many more of these guys could be out there. Wheater dashed forward, Sotsu pivoted his back foot readying to spin-kick the man when the time came. Just as the overlander was within range Sotsu quickly spun and thrust out his armored foot, only to find it being caught between the hands of his opponent. Sotsu swiftly brought up his other leg and turned his hips into his blow as the foot shot across the man’s face. As Sotsu got his footing back the stout man pulled off Sotsu’s flip technique. The black echidna was in shock when he saw the man take a single step forward, then back-flip right on the spot, unleashed a powerful blast of Chaos Energy as one of his feet struck Sotsu, sending the black echidna back several feet. The downed echidna looked up as Wheater hastily power-walked toward him. Sotsu let out a shout as he lifted his battered body up and charged the overlander. He hoisteled his pistols and worked out his long shadow-blade. As the echidna brought it across in an attempt to slash the man, the blade was merely stopped by the man’s left hand, which now held a green aura about it. Sotsu pushed against the man’s hand and struggled for a long moment before receiving a backhand from the man’s other hand. The echidna was shot back a few feet and once again downed, with his back finding the dirt surface of the ground. Wheater now stood over the Black Knight, starring down at his opponent much like he was at the corpse of the mole earlier. "Now ends the once sought to be the Arch-Legend!" Wheater spat drawing a small dagger from within the confines of his coat. He took the blade into both hands and rose them above his head. Right as the man was about the pull his weapon downward and finish off Sotsu, a loud shot echoed throughout the town, a bead of red on the man’s forehead ran forward with crimson blood. His eyes bulged before he finally collapsed. Sotsu rolled out of the way before the body hit the ground with a thud. Sotsu looked up to see the man’s killer, the widow. In her hands she held a small old-fashion pistol clumsily. The barrel smoking, her eyes leaking forth tears. She ran fourth to Sotsu and cried into his jacket, Sotsu put his hands on her shoulders. The echidna didn’t exactly know what was going on, but he figured try to help those who apparently need it, this person, of most, did need it. Sotsu was later let out of the town and pointed into the direction of Knothole. So the echidna set off to Knothole. He hoped with all his heart that he wouldn’t be confronted with any of the ex-earthlings, he knew by even seeing one that he’d set in motion, a most horrific of battles. No doubt if Kragok were watching him now, or by some means reading his thoughts, that he would force the echidna into battle with the ex-earthlings. Sotsu remembered his first encounters with each one. Kevin, and his two friends was that first battle in front of Robotnik’s Base. That battle had merely been a sampler for the Freedom Fighters to taste the fear they had developed when it came to Sotsu, this included the few other scrimmages in the base against the Freedom Fighters. The echidna had merely flicked his wrist and could have that easily caused their demise if it had not been for his internal motives being good at the time. Then there was Remoan, the first of Sotsu’s friends that he had to fight. The rat put up a decent fight, nonetheless it was nothing compared to the fight Evi-Tanoted and Wolf had put up. Sotsu smiled as he remembered Sally’s initial reaction upon learning of the two being friends. Sotsu then remembered the attack on Robotnik’s base. The first contact with Evi-Tanoted was furious but nothing too stressful, at least not on Sotsu’s behalf. The Freedom Fighters on the other hand were pushed to their limit as they had to combat a dozen or so of the DE-55’s. Sotsu now knew that fighting them would be no problem, having developed his powers much further since then. Then the latest fight with the ex-earthlings was that of Evi-Tanoted’s second round and the introduction of Wolf. Wolf, having actually been Sotsu’s best-friend back on Earth, made it all the more difficult. That battle that endured had almost spelt death for Sotsu, as he remembered that the Freedom Fighters had saved him and pulled him from the depths of Robotnik’s Base when he had blacked out. If he were to face the ex-earthlings again, even if be all of them at once, he would no doubt put them in more pain then they’d wish to have to ever receive, if not throughout their whole lives. He knew that with his newly acquired equipment, his newly enhanced body, and his finely toned psychic and Chaos powers would prove extremely proficient. If not that, bring the downfall of them all. Now… as Sotsu nears the place where he might have to make this standoff, he finds his mind pondering through the events that had taken place. As always he considers and reconsiders action he has taken or should have. Judging his progress, effectiveness and skill through time. And now all he can do is pray to get an easy break. Pray that Kevin isn’t about, that Zhi Wei isn’t scanning through the area, that Remoan isn’t hiking or Wolf isn’t roaming about. All the echidna can do… is pray for their sake, that he doesn’t encounter them. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-