Chapter 30- Suffer on to that not the uncleansed The Black Knight neared the perimeter of Knothole, his transparent form went unnoticed as he passed by a group of playing kids. His cloaking device was activated, as he slowly worked his way about the town. He saw Kevin off near the other side, Sotsu’s main concern was that he’d be noticed by him. The black echidna knew that much like he, cooxens possessed the ability to sense electromagnetic pulses. But it wasn’t Kevin who spotted Sotsu, it was Wolf. "Going somewhere Sotsu?" he growled. Sotsu turned to face his once friend, who was sitting on a stump of a tree, one foot on the stump so he could rest his arm on the raised knee. His large green poncho draping down over his gray fur, his brown eyes holding to the figure that could not be seen. "Wolf," Sotsu simply returned. "We know about you," the gray furred ex-earthling replied, followed by a heavy sigh. "So then… shall it be one-on-one to start. Or shall I just take care of all of you at once?" the echidna asked turning off his cloaking device. "I doubt it," Wolf said with a slight smirk. "Really? You’re a fool Wolf. You’ve always undermined me in the past. I’ll make sure you regret that know," Sotsu snapped back, his words dripping with fury. "Yeah sure," Wolf mocked smiling broadly. "Fine then… I want you to call over all of them. Then I shall make sure you all regret having opposed the Dark Legion," Sotsu growled, his fists tightened and his hatred ran vigilantly through his veins. "We’re here," Zhi Wei quietly spoke. Sotsu turned to see all of the other ex-earthlings standing patiently behind him. Sotsu activated the LED on his glasses, then drew the Sword, jammed in an assault magazine and cocked the gun. His eyes sharpened as he took in everything and everyone, reading every single inch each of his opponents took, scanning everything they did. He’d make sure that if one so much as made the slightest of errors that it’d prove to be a fatal one. The large cat, Zhi Wei. The green hedgehog, Why Kit. The tall rat, Remoan. The quick lizard, Evi-Tanoted. The powerful wolf… er… Wolf. And… Kevin, the one who had been most hurt from Sotsu. All of them now fought on one side against the echidna. All of them… once friends now enemies. All of them… willing to kill him. Now Sotsu would have to fight them all, and if he were so much as to make a flaw in his combat it could lead to his downfall, though that was as well with any of his assailants. One thing Sotsu had an advantage over them is that Sotsu had nothing to loose. Sotsu jumped in the air as Wolf shot forth with a flame whip, then the echidna flipped as he avoided gunfire from Evi-Tanoted. He hit the ground right behind Remoan and twisted his torso as he unleashed a powerful kick the back of the rat. Kevin and his two friends blasted forth an salvo of elemental blasts. The echidna back-flipped and ran the other way as the shots tore past and around him. Then he jumped to the roof of a hut and pulled the Sword out letting loose a great barrage of rounds on the group. The shots for the most part were deflected by a shield formed by Zhi Wei. Remoan lifted his Scout from the folds of his cloak and took Sotsu in the sights. Sotsu seethed the Sword and pulled his arms above his head. Then right as Remoan sent a bullet toward the black echidna’s head Sotsu brought down his arms in a swift action, a great crescent shaped shadow blast was unleashed, splitting the hut in two and tearing a large trench into the ground. Sotsu took to the air as the hut split, the majority of his opponents had dived to the side, while Kevin and Why Kit worked together against the blast. As Wolf and Evi-Tanoted rounded opposite sides of the now shattered hut, they began to charge their attacks. Sotsu hit the ground drawing his pistols and sending one shot each to the two flanking enemies. Evi rolled under the shot and Wolf stopped as the beam passed right by his nose. Remoan lifted his gun for another shot, now on one knee having just rolled to the side to avoid Sotsu’s shadow attack. He pulled the trigger only to find the echidna deflecting the bullet with his right pistol, he was shocked that the pistol didn’t break. Sotsu now flipped and twirled his guns blasting off shots seemingly almost random, but each was almost perfectly aimed. The other ex-earthlings ran, rolled, jumped, dashed and avoided the shots, not getting a chance to prepare an attack. Sotsu hoisteled his pistols and produced his shadow blade. Wolf and Evi tried their luck as the nearest ones. Evi produced his wrist blades and Wolf formed a flame great axe. Sotsu slashed to his side at the lizard, then rolled backwards as the flaming weapon of Wolf came down hard. Wolf quickly got up his weapon and brought it around his head aiming for Sotsu’s neck. Evi charged forward slashing wildly at the echidna with his triple daggered wrist blades. Sotsu kicked out one foot-dagger and parried Evi’s strikes and managed to duck under Wolf’s strike and bring about his sword for an attack. He heard Remoan curse at not being able to get in a clear shot, as well as Why Kit, Zhi Wei and Kevin getting ready to join the melee. Wolf blocked Sotsu’s attack using the neck of the large axe, then Kevin came running in with his ice sword in hand. Sotsu quickly conjured up his second shadow blade and began working at Kevin. Wolf began to bring about another slash. Sotsu rolled forward toward Kevin as the flaming weapon came over-head. Sotsu pushed forward with one sword holding at Kevin, one at Evi and his best at working at avoiding Wolf’s attacks. The vicious melee was quickly joined by Kevin’s friends, both with swords as well. Sotsu conjured a shadow blade for his tail and kicked out his other foot-blade. Now he was spinning, slashing, kicking, rolling, flipping and deflecting Remoan’s shots when he managed to get in his aim. After the furious chaos lasted for a few seconds Sotsu decided to stop playing. The echidna took up a quick boost of Chaos Energy and super sped out with his blades extended to his sides. The blades found the chests of Zhi Wei and Why Kit who found themselves wounded and out of the fight. The echidna took to the air as Remoan shot off, Wolf launched a fireball, Evi changed for his pistols and Kevin shot off an ice blast. Sotsu jump flipped, avoiding the bullets, and landed on the roof of another hut, his shot off a shadow blast that mended the fire and ice projectiles together and canceled each other out. Then the Black Knight took off into the forest, launching himself using the power of a large shadow blast that destroyed the hut he was on. The others went into the forest to search. He went about the trees until he finally noticed Evi had spotted him. Sotsu turned to the lizard with his pistols drawn and the two opened fire at the same time. Evi dived turning his body about like a drill as the bullets passed over and above him. Sotsu front flipped and landed on his feet, then rolled backwards as Evi shot off more shots, having already gotten to his feet. Sotsu brought up his pistols as he leveled himself and shot forth several shots, the two then both somersaulted forward bringing their weapons in front of them. Both came up with their pistols starring each other in the face. Sotsu smacked his right gun to Evi’s left, but the lizard did vice versa. Then Evi and Sotsu rose their right pistols but their opponent’s left pistol jabbed their shots away. Then Sotsu jabbed his left pistol forward toward Evi’s chest but the arm was knocked off by Evi’s left arm. Just as the lizard brought forward his other pistol to Sotsu’s face, a click was heard. Sotsu rolled to the side as one of Remoan’s bullet passed by his head and broke Evi-Tanoted’s right pistol, then with the time given from the lizard’s shock, Sotsu quickly passed by the lizard, turned shooting one shot into each of his’s legs and knocked Evi out after hoisteling his pistols and sending the butt of the Sword toward to top of his head. After that action, which only took a mere two seconds or so, the echidna took the Sword into both hands and snapped the sniper adaptations into place right before hitting the ground, a bullet zipping right over his head. Sotsu quickly picked up Remoan’s trace, he was sniping a good hundred feet away in a patch of thick brush. Right as Sotsu sent a stray bullet passing over the rat’s shoulder, Remoan made off into the thick of forest to find a new spot, as did his echidna opponent. Sotsu took the Sword close to his chest, after running for a bit he hit the ground right near a fallen log. He perched the weapon atop the log and took one gold eye to the scope and scanned the area. As soon as his LED picked up a sharp sound, he rolled to the side, bring the Sword about with him as he barley managed to avoid what would have been a good headshot. "Where are you damnit," Sotsu whispered to himself as he looked through the scope again. "Heh this outta be fun though," the black echidna said as he tapped his cloaking device and activated it. His form faded out as he took up the Sword and made his way to a slight slope a little ways away. Once reached the backside of it he topped it and set himself. He browsed the area through his scope and eventually picked up the rat. Remoan was a good double distance of what he was the first time, this time more properly concealed by several trees crammed together. Sotsu smiled to himself as he pulled the trigger sending an armor-piercing bullet right to his opponent’s weapon. With a loud clank and snap the Scout was diminished to scrap, with luck Remoan pulled away before a piece of shrapnel found his left eye. Then another bullet found home into his collarbone, downing him for the rest of the fight, hopefully not forever. Sotsu turned seething the Sword as he heard a loud crash behind him. Wolf was ripping through a large tree with his redwood bo. Sotsu conjured his bo and readied himself to charge the gray haired opponent when it seemed suitable. Sotsu waited a second too long as Wolf caught on to his scent and quickly turned and charged the black echidna. "Come back here!" Wolf yelled as Sotsu began to dash off through the forest. Several large crashes were heard as Wolf simply plowed through the trees, knocking them over or smashing them into pieces without even slowing his pace. Sotsu ran right up the bottom part of a huge oak and flipped over Wolf’s head. But Wolf was quick to react as Sotsu attempted to strike his opponent, it was blocked and parried. Wolf began to counter, swiping wide and low, the echidna leapt over the attack and brought the butt of his bo toward Wolf’s chin. Wolf dodged his head to the side and brought about his bo whacking the end back and forth, Sotsu meeting the blows with his blocks. The wood clacked loudly about the place, the two highly trained combatants knowing each other’s moves, as both were trained in the same martial arts. Much they were friends they were also rivals, just like Sonic and Knuckles. Wolf quickly drew back his bo and jutted it forward attempting to smash the tip into Sotsu’s face. The black echidna leaned back and spun about, sticking his foot out to try and sweep his assailant. Wolf simply leapt low only bringing up his legs for the most part, then spun bringing his bo about. Sotsu brought his bo about to his side as Wolf’s attack slammed into his block. The two bo’s sounded loudly as the power stressing them threatened to break them in half. The echidna and the wolf pressed against each other, sweat running down both of their faces, their hands sore and worn, and black rage running through both of their veins. Wolf and Sotsu both struck out with their right legs and pelted their rivals stomach with a strong kick. Wolf’s back hit the large oak and Sotsu rolled backwards, they both gripped their bo’s tighter trying to ignore the pain. The combatants charged forward, bo’s chambered back and ready. Wolf swung low, his reach being much further then Sotsu’s, but the black echidna leapt and spun sending a strike toward his rival’s head. Wolf rolled forward under the blow and spun about intending to strike the Black Knight’s back with a horizontal swing. As the echidna landed he dropped to his stomach and Wolf’s bo swung over head. Not staying to the ground for more then a split-second Sotsu arched up his back and mule-kicked Wolf in the chin with his right heel. Then using the same momentum he plopped up-right and leapt in the air, spinning and bringing his right foot up. Just as Wolf began to recover from the shock of the mule-kick, the side of Sotsu’s armored right foot slammed into the side of his head. Then the echidna touched ground and spun about again, sending his right heel into Wolf’s stomach and grounding him. Wolf fell hard into a patch of bushes, he bled in a few places on his face. He looked up to the black echidna, dazed and battle-weary. The echidna stood strong and valiantly, his bo held firm in his right hand, his body silhouetted slightly by the few rays that broke the forest canvas. "You always did underestimate me Wolf," Sotsu finally said, breaking the silence. "How’s it feel to be the beaten one?" the echidna added slowly stalking toward his downed rival. "It ain’t over yet," Wolf suddenly exclaimed sharply, he gripped his bo and charged forward, quickly righting his position. Only to find the hard wooden tip of Sotsu’s bo jamming into his neck. With a sharp intake of air Wolf held paralyzed for a moment. After that long moment he collapsed. "One more to go," Sotsu whispered to himself as he righted his stance and let his bo disappear. The black echidna began to walk back to Knothole, figuring Kevin decided to stay there in case Sotsu decided to come back, which was indeed a smart thing to do. Sotsu looked back to the knocked out figure of his once best friend, his form resting in an uneasy position on top of some bushes. Sotsu frowned at what was to come of Kevin in the event ahead. As the Black Knight exited the perimeter, he found himself mere strides from Kevin’s hut. The cooxen waiting patiently out in front, and he looked up to meet the echidna’s gave. "Sotsu," the cooxen spat, his tone filled with more hate and vengeance then any of the others. "Kevin, give in now. Join the Dark Legion. If you don’t… there shall be dire consequences, I can promise you that," Sotsu spoke softly as he charged a small ball of crackling shadow energy in his hollow of his right hand. "You’ll regret everything you’ve done Sotsu," Kevin replied harshly as he drew back both of his hands to his side as he began to build electricity. Sotsu deepened his stance and drew his hands to one side as the black and white crackling shadow energy built to a soccer ball’s size. His opponent opened fire first, unleashing a great streak of lightning speeding toward the black echidna. Sotsu shot forth a great beam of shadow energy that met his beam. The two combatants stressed and flexed their power as the two beams pushed forth open each other. Sotsu drew a slight smile on his face, he knew Kevin fighting like this was wasteful. Sotsu’s powers most likely dwarfed the cooxen’s. Sotsu drew upon his Chaos Energy, fluorescent green streaks shot down his shadow beam, Chaos Energy charged the echidna’s attack and powered it many times over. The shadow energy simply depleted the lighting and blasted the cooxen a good dozen yards, upon hitting the ground he created a shallow trench. A thunderclap echoed across the town from the energy released when Kevin was hit. Sotsu began to slowly walk forward as Kevin pulled himself from the dirt and mud. The minor smile still held as Sotsu thought of other ways to torture his opponent, take his pride, and crush it like a bug under the great foot of the Dark Legion. As Kevin leveled himself he began to charge an ice arrow, Sotsu produced a small shadow dagger in his right hand. With a slight motion from his arm, but not so much moving his hand, the knife struck and shattered the arrow as soon as it left Kevin. The cooxen shielded his face as ice shards rained upon him. When he opened his eyes he found the black echidna, smiling upon him, mere inches away. Kevin felt the cold metal of one of Sotsu’s pistols pressing against his left temple. He looked up into the blue frames of the echidna’s glasses, he knew if he didn’t do something quick… Sotsu may very well pull the trigger this time. Kevin quickly shot forward a blinding blast of light and made space between him and his powerful foe. Kevin was successful but only managed to distance himself enough that the echidna could not consult melee attacks, Sotsu hoisteled his pistol though. "Give in or Nikki dies!" Sotsu shouted as he regained his sight to see Kevin charging an ice beam. "I’ll never give in to the likes of you!" Kevin shot back as he further charged his attack, now fueling it with more hate toward the echidna. "Fool… I gave you a chance," Sotsu replied softly, drawing upon Chaos Energy to power his next move, which he knew would surly bring about Kevin’s grief. Kevin unleashed the mighty beam that streaked over the ground and turned the grass to ice, it chilled the air over almost a whole block’s radius, and just as it seemed it would meet it’s target, there was a green flash. Sotsu opened his eyes to find himself in the kitchen of Kevin’s hut… where Nikki had recently been standing. He heard a loud whomp outside, followed by the cry of his enemy: "Nikki!" the cooxen shouted with all his grief and pain, having just hit his wife. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-