Chapter 31- The Departure Sotsu closed his eyes and sighed as he heard Kevin weeping and calling for Doctor Quack. Sotsu decided to make his exit, he had done his damage and made sure the others knew that he could defeat them. But as he reached the door to exit the hut, Kevin was waiting for him, tears streaming down his face and a deathly gaze fixed on the echidna. "Move aside," Sotsu demanded, only to be answered as the cooxen began to charge a searing light blast. "Haven’t I done enough to you?" Sotsu growled as he charged a shadow blast. "You’ll die," Kevin spat as he jumped back a good distance and unleashed the white beam. As it streaked toward Sotsu, the echidna thrust out his hands and let go the shadow blast. Black and white met, crackling and sizzling, the beams pushed against each other. Sotsu thought Kevin a fool to try this again. Sotsu once again called upon Chaos Energy, but instead he used it to use a super speed dash, like before. The Black Knight emitted a green aura and split right through the two beams, smashing into Kevin and sending him to another trench-making trip through the ground. Sotsu slowly walked to the grounded opponent, who was wheezing, possibly because of a few broken ribs. "Now I’ll make sure this is something you won’t forget," Sotsu said harshly, but kept his voice quiet. Kevin’s head was turned to the side, only his eyes looked up toward the echidna, he was too weak to move. Sotsu lifted his right hand slowly, a small amount of shadow energy crackled in his open palm. "To burn those who oppose. To cleanse those uncleansed. To brand thy enemies to know who’s friend," Sotsu spoke softly, the shadow energy forming a small black and white ball. Sotsu looked down to the cooxen, Kevin looked up at the horrible visage as the sky itself turned gray, the clouds turned black, it was as if someone took the colors from the sky and killed the area. "I shall show you power. As I drain the energy from the land, I shall create a Dead Zone about Knothole. Slowly but surely, life, happiness, cheer and joy shall be drained away. Only those who move from the proximity shall remain unaffected. This is symbolic of your wasted and futile attempt to resist me Kevin," Sotsu explained softly, that same smile creeped at the edge of his mouth. Then, in a vile silence, the shadow ball blasted fourth, skimming the side of Kevin’s head. Kevin found his scream silent, as he felt the fur slowly peel from that side of his head, scar tissue began to form instantly. As the beam slowly depleted it revealed Sotsu’s handiwork. Kevin had been branded, just as Sotsu had explained before. A large patch of fur had been permanently scalped from Kevin’s head, and in the middle was permanently burnt scar tissue that formed a kanji symbol. This kanji stood for Sotsu. "I’m finished, now tell these people to leave if they value the quality of life," Sotsu said turning his back to the cooxen. Sotsu took off at a great speed, flying back to the Dark Legion HQ, he went undisturbed as he left. Sotsu had done more then his fair share in damage, and he got away that easily. Sotsu now was on top of the Dark Legion’s floating fortress. He had reached the floating fortress by night. He felt weary now, having used more energy then he had inclined when flying here. He looked out over the vast view, he smiled as he looked over the familiar landscape. "Home," Sotsu breathed, savoring the blues of the sky, greens of the trees and even the metals of the machines about the fortress. He took in a deep breath to once again taste the chill of the air of this altitude. He felt refreshed and relaxed, but he more wanted to see Skara again. He wanted to be able to finally tell her. Sotsu headed done the stairs, guards stood about and didn’t seem to mind him, as he walked down several halls an eventually came to the large double-doors leading to Skara’s room. He slowly opened it, to see a small lump under the blankets on the bed. The light was on in the room for some reason. Sotsu slowly closed the door keeping as silent as possible. He smiled as he looked upon the other echidna, who seemed so tranquil at the moment. But there was something wrong, as Sotsu slowly got closed he noticed something wrong indeed. A small cut ran across her forehead, and a bruise on her right cheek. The black echidna felt a black rage well up inside of him, he knew who was responsible. "Kragok, that bastard," Sotsu whispered, only to set Skara shuffling about a little as she turned her back to Sotsu. Sotsu took notice at the few stray feathers lying where Skara had just moved from, aside from that, her left arm was slightly out of place. Sotsu clenched his fist until he was sure he was going to cut himself with his fingernails. He felt like blasting the whole place to pieces, and Kragok… he felt like tearing him to shreds. Then Sotsu remembered that Kragok deserves worse then death for what he has done. Sotsu slowly took off his equipment bag and leaned it against a corner, then he slowly walked toward the bed and sat on the edge of it. It was warm, something Sotsu had almost forgotten after spending all that time in the ARK. Though the bed that he had spelt in during his night at Woodenal was warm… it didn’t hold the same homely warmth that the rooms here had. Sotsu would never call this place home… nonetheless it was, and it being home made it more comfortable. "Hmm go away," Skara moaned, she was asleep though. "Heh," Sotsu chuckled a little he thought Skara seemed cute like this… though he was soon in pain as the asleep Skara half turned over and sent a punch to his nose. Sotsu yelped as he fell off the bed and landed on the floor, rubbing his sore nose, and awakening Skara. "What? Who’s there?" she exclaimed as she bolted upright. "Just me Skara… nice shot by the way," Sotsu replied standing up next to the bed. "Oh… Sotsu!" she cried, actually tossing her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly, though he was sure she winced in pain when doing so. Sotsu blushed crimson, he patted Skara’s back, once again noting the stray feathers here and there. Skara pulled back to meet Sotsu face-level. Her jade eyes looking into him, tears seemed to by pressing fourth. "Is there something wrong?" Sotsu asked, despite Skara having a smile across her face, her eyes held untold stories of sorrow. "It’s… nothing. I’m just happy to see you again," she lied, wiping an escaped tear from her bruised cheek. Sotsu slowly sat down at the edge of the bed, he placed his right hand on Skara’s left shoulder. "Look Skara. If there is anything wrong please tell me. I care for you a lot and I want to make sure you’ll be okay. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you. I meant to tell you earlier… but I was too afraid. Please it there’s anything I can do for you… just tell me," Sotsu said, his words came fairly slowly to him as he tried to think out what he was saying, in truth he was more scared now then before. Skara’s smile returned to her face, she looked as if she were going to hug Sotsu again but she sat back down after wincing in pain. "Something wrong with your shoulder?" Sotsu asked as he watched Skara rub it. "Yeah I dislocated it," she replied, trying to hide her pain. "Here I could fix it for ya’," Sotsu offered. "If you think you can," Skara replied. Sotsu walked over to the over side of the bed and placed one hand on the slightly raised shoulder, it was dislocated. Sotsu noticed something else, Skara, who had for the most part pulled herself from the covers, had a large gash in her jeans, under that was a red slash mark. Sotsu grimaced but didn’t say anything. "This might hurt… ready?" Sotsu asked as he places his other hand close to the first. "I’ll live," Skara simply answered, her tone neither held aggression or attitude of any kind. Sotsu was still blushing slightly, he couldn’t help it. "Ok then," Sotsu said as he pushed in the shoulder, and with a sounding pop, he removed his hands and she rotated her shoulder a little. "Thanks," Skara said as she stretched out her right arm. "Uh… sure," Sotsu said scratching the back of his head, feeling rather embarrassed at the moment. Sotsu walked back around to the other side of the bed and pulled up a chair and sat down. Skara’s jade irises fixed on him. Sotsu smiled as he looked to her, her hair was slightly stuck up on one side, having been pushed up by the pillow, but she still held a radiance of beauty about her, aside from just making her seem cuter. "So how are you?" Skara asked. "Good now that I know you’re okay," Sotsu replied. Skara nodded, her face turned from happy to a little concerned, her eyes didn’t seem to agree with her nod. "Now that you’re here, I’ll be okay," Skara said finally, returning to her cheer. "I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. I hope I didn’t hurt you in any way," Sotsu spoke, his eyes falling to the floor. "No you didn’t. I made the same mistake trying to hide my feelings, it’s just the situation we’re in makes it rather difficult," Skara explained, her eyes looking hurt as she seemed to be looking back into some painful past event. "Well I don’t want to get you in trouble… maybe we should just talk tomorrow," Sotsu said. "Oh ok… would you stay in here until I fall asleep?" Skara asked as she pulled the cover and lied back down. Sotsu blushed crimson again and he scratched his head, something he usually did when he was embarrassed. "If… you want," Sotsu replied, a little choked at the moment. Sotsu waited patiently until long after Skara had fallen asleep. Then he retired to his room were sleep also quickly claimed him. The next day the two stood close by each other in the Throne Room as they were briefed on their next mission. "The Book of Myth tells of great warriors in history, that had fought so valiantly for justice that they were made immortal by the Ancient Walkers. These warriors are known as the Legends, the Book of Myth claims that if the Legends were united under one power they would become an unstoppable force, one capable of over-powering the world itself. There are currently 8 Legends," Kragok explained, as he finished the view screen came on over-head. 8 small pictures held place, each one of a different person. Though each picture was fairly bad quality, and Sotsu could tell little from them. "You two shall have to travel across Mobius to find these 8 individuals, and attach these chip to the back of their necks," Kragok announced as he produced two small metal boxes, each box held 8 of those devices. Kragok handed each of the two a box. "You two shall be heading in opposite directions though, and both of you shall leave today, you have two hours before departure. Sotsu shall head west and Skara shall head east. First Skara, we are to do surgery on you, we don’t want our Angel to be going out to the battlefield in bad condition do we?" the dark lord said stroking Skara’s hair before walking back to his throne. Skara stepped closer to Sotsu and gripped his hand, the black echidna’s face turned red slightly, he was glad Kragok was looking the other way. "Each of you have as much time as needed to complete this mission. All of your expenses shall be covered by the Dark Legion, just don’t abuse it or you may find yourself dirt poor. Understood?" Kragok said as he took a seat on his large throne. "Yes sir," Sotsu answered, managing to keep himself from blushing further. "Good, now off with both of you," Kragok shot with a swing from one hand. Sotsu packed his equipment and placed the box into a pouch in his bag. He stocked up full on ammunition and various devices until he was sure the bag would hinder him immobile. He checked and rechecked his equipment to make sure it was all operational, then he headed off to see Skara. Sotsu slowly opened the door to the room, she was folding her clothing into a suitcase. She turned to meet him, her eyes were welled with tears. "Skara?" Sotsu questioned as he let himself in and placed his equipment bag into a corner. "Sotsu… I don’t want to have to leave you again," she replied, choking back tears. "I’m sorry Skara. Don’t worry though, we’ll be back here before you know it," the black echidna said softly. "I don’t want to be here. I want to be able to be with you, I can’t as long as Kragok’s around," Skara answered back, sounding ashamed of herself. "No don’t worry. Maybe we can meet up once we get away from here," Sotsu offered, trying to sound cheerful to the best of his abilities. "Ya’ think so?" Skara asked, a ray of hope shining in her jade eyes. "Sure, I’d be more then happy to head to you," the Black Knight replied. "But our transportation will only follow Kragok’s orders," Skara countered. "So be it… I’ll go off on my own. A little bride will keep them quiet," Sotsu explained, bringing a smile to his face. "Plane leaves in a few minutes!" one of the robed minions shouted into the room. "Righto thanks," Sotsu called back. "Sotsu I’ll miss you," Skara said walking toward Sotsu and putting her arms around him tightly. "I’ll miss you to Skara," Sotsu answered back hugging her as well. The two stood there for a few minutes before Sotsu finally drew back a little to face Skara. "I’ve gotta go Skara," the black echidna said, Skara replied with a smile as she looked onto him with her deep jade eyes, then let Sotsu go. "Wait… here I want you to have this," Skara said pulling out her black leather wallet and pulling out a folded photo. She handed it to Sotsu who carefully unfolded it. It was a picture of her, taken perhaps no more then a few months ago. Sotsu smiled and blushed as he looked back up to Skara and folded the picture. "Thanks. I don’t have anything I could give you though," Sotsu said as he placed the photo into the upper most left pouch on his coat. "That’s okay," Skara replied with a shrug. "Well you’d better get goin’," she added. "Ok then…" Sotsu replied hesitantly before slowly walking to the corer where he had set his bag. "C’ya," Sotsu said lifting his bag and heading out of the room. "C’ya," she called back as he slowly shut the door, looking back on her one more time. As Sotsu found himself boarding the silver plane on the landing stretch, he found himself thinking of the events that’ll carry ahead. How will they turn out? And how will they effect him in the future? Now being able to act against Kragok’s orders for the most part, though still evil, he knows his actions can now better him and help those he wishes, but just as easily, they can hurt him and them as well. Now what lies ahead is perhaps the biggest journey of the Black Knight’s life. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-