Chapter 34- Backtrack Sotsu found himself speeding back to San Francisco. Carmen and Gray were staying at a rest stop some miles north of San Jose. He wanted to see if he could recover his Chaos Blade from the plane wreak. He cursed himself for not doing so earlier when Gray was here. The Black Knight’s motorcycle was running down the interstate into the dead city, when a loud bang was heard. Sotsu stopped his bike and looked up. The top section of a building had been blasted apart from something. "Abet’s men?" Sotsu questioned himself, thinking about how just yesterday he had been fighting the Thomson-wielding, pin-stripe-wearing thugs. "No… there’s something different about this," Sotsu corrected himself, he felt a strong sense in the air. It was as if his electromagnetic senses were going haywire. The echidna sharpened his eyes and rode into the city, slowly though, keeping his senses alert for anything. There was a the sound of a thunder clap, followed by the rumbling of what Sotsu assumed was more building being blasted apart. "What the hell is it?" Sotsu asked himself, frustrated from the irritating sensation he felt. With concern for mobility, Sotsu dismounted the black bike and ported it into his coat pocket after returning it into it’s compact form. He slowly took to the streets on foot, glancing about the building tops. More rumbling was heard echoing throughout the city. The ghost city held an almost completely colorless appearance. No sound except for Sotsu’s footfalls against the worn pavement, and the mysterious thunderclaps, always followed by the rumbling of a breaking building. Then something caught Sotsu’s attention, the rumbling was coming closer. Layers of buildings were broken, through and through, it came like nothing was between it and it’s target. Sotsu wasn’t able to react fast enough, a white blur with lightning crackling about, it flung itself into the black echidna’s chest, sending him into a concrete wall. Sotsu groaned as the wall crumbled on him, a cloud of dust rose about , pieces of concrete threatened to hold him down. He heard the sound of running electricity, and he sensed power running eminent, vast amounts of it running like an unlimited source. Sotsu pulled himself up slowly, he slowly looked up, through the light cloud of dust that was about him. There standing like in a valiant form that contrasted from the dark surroundings was a white cat. Silver streaks of a lightning pattern ran about his ivory fur. Silver eyes glittering, held a cold lock on the black echidna. Gold boots and gloves stood out against the fur, yet complemented the colors in an impressive way. Menacing silver claws extended from the fingertips of the gloves, small lines of electricity trickled about them. And atop his head was a brown western hat that completed his attire. "Who are you?" Sotsu asked wiping a little bit of blood from his lips. "Chaos the Cat, it is unfortunate for you, I’m in a bad mood," the cat said, his voice hinted violence but held a calm tone. There was a white flash, then before Sotsu could react the cat had sent a jolt of lightning out, a thunderclap sounded and reverberated off the dead buildings, Sotsu was hurled through the already crumbling wall again. He tumbled a ways then came up with his akimbo drawn. Sotsu came up to see his lightning harboring assailant blazing with vast amounts of lightning crackling all about him, a ball of the white energy was building between his extended hands. The black echidna shot off several laser rounds, they reached the perimeter of the building lightning, and were simply stopped, the cat growled low, then thrust out his palms unleashing and furious lightning streak toward the black echidna. Sotsu dived to the side right as the blast went by him, he righted himself and dashed to the cover of some small ruins, almost falling several times as he crossed over loose debris. The ex-earthling dived into the ruins right as another strike passed overhead. The crackling rang in Sotsu’s ears. He hoisteled his pistols and drew the Sword. He made sure it was set into assault mode then jumped out of cover and opening fire. Chaos wasn’t there, his bullets fell to the empty street. Sotsu only heard the telltale sizzle of electricity. He rolled to his right, just as the feline’s deadly lightning claws passed overhead. Sotsu thrust the tip of the Sword upward toward the cat and pulled the trigger. Only a few spurts were heard, Chaos jerked to the side and struck the weapon from Sotsu’s hands, it clattered away. The cat struck out again, Sotsu backed up a little only feeling a slight tingle from a few stray electric jolts brushing his fur, then in a swift movement Chaos stepped forward and brought one large set of claws upward. Chaos backhanded Sotsu was amazing strength, the black echidna was sent flying backwards a few feet before skidding to a halt. There was a loud series of crackles, Sotsu saw an oncoming wave of electricity that stood almost ten feet tall. It crackled brilliantly, Sotsu quickly stood up and x-ed his arms in front of his face. As the bright wave of lightning was about to slam into the echidna a sphere of shadow energy blasted fourth. The energy fields pushed against each other, causing a strong wind current that blew about the loose debris, and sent clouds of dust into the air. Chaos yelled as he dashed forward with one large claw drawn back and it charged dangerously with electricity. He plowed right through his own electric without harm, and broke Sotsu’s field. The echidna began to draw his pistols again as the cat came upon him. Chaos was faster then the echidna as he brought down one strong blow to Sotsu. Sotsu rolled to the side, only getting a small slash to his ribs. He shot fourth several shots as he came up and back peddled a little. The shots were stopped by the lightning discharges that were being emitted. Then the ivory furred feline took one strong bound, and Sotsu found himself taking a strong backhand to the face. The force sent Sotsu back a few steps and before he could recover the feline sent a kick to the echidna’s stomach. With a sounding groan from the ex-earthling Chaos smiled evilly, small lightning bolts danced about his teeth. The cat drew back his right hand and thrust it forward, he pinned his opponent to the wall with one large claw about the neck. Sotsu’s feet were a little more then a foot off the ground, he gagged as he reached for the feline’s wrists, dropping his pistols. Chaos chuckled a little, then electricity began to build from his shoulder, and it rippled down to his hands. Sotsu felt the shocks like little razors that were causing very minor nicks into him. The electricity built more, Sotsu couldn’t concentrate enough to use his psychic powers. Then he closed his eyes as the light became brighter. A great blast erupted from Chaos’ hands, Sotsu was sent through another half-standing wall, his torso was smoking and his face was blackened. He lie in the rubble, coughing and wheezing, his sinister opponent slowly walked forward, lightning ever-crackling about his long silver claws. Sotsu growled, he wouldn’t be downed so easily. He summoned up his shadow blades and slowly righted himself. "Still alive eh? Not for too long," Chaos said in a menacing tone. There was a loud thunderclap, Chaos shot fourth a long streak of lightning. Sotsu brought his left blade across and deflected the shot. Several more thunderclaps echoed about the city as Chaos shot fourth another. Sotsu x-ed his blades in front of him and deflected that one as well. Chaos growled as he dashed forward with his claws shot out behind him. Sotsu also took charge toward the strong feline with his blades drawn back. The two quickly rushed over several yards of broken debris. One cat, lightning charged, his color was stark and contrasted with the dark and dead surroundings of the long since abandoned city. The other was the echidna, the Black Knight, the Gold-Eyed Guardian, the Dark Legionnaire who wasn’t. Both were very skilled in combat, though Sotsu had no idea of Chaos’ true abilities. The distance closed quickly. Chaos struck out with his right claw, swinging wide for the black echidna’s head. Sotsu blocked that with his left blade and slashed for the cat’s left side with his right blade. Chaos stepped back and sideways to avoid the strike, then sent a left backhand toward Sotsu. The echidna crossed his blades in front of him as he stepped into the blow. Then he quickly brought his right blade in a long vertical swipe, drawing back his left blade to follow up. Chaos leaned to his right as the blade passed by his side. Sotsu used the chambered left side to bring the blade in a wide arc across, only to be blocked by Chaos’ left claw and having his right sending a vertical slash aimed for Sotsu’s stomach. The echidna circled his right blade in front of him and parried the slash, drawing it about with the blade and leaving Chaos open for a quick blow. Chaos caught on to the echidna’s plan and lowered himself, spinning about and bringing his right foot about. Sotsu quickly pulled a sideways flip to his right as Chaos’ foot passed underneath him. Just as Sotsu hit the ground, bringing both blades down aiming for Chaos. The feline already brought up his claws and blocked the attack. Still in a kneeling position, Chaos pushed upward against the blades. This forced Sotsu’s arms off and Chaos right in the echidna’s open middle. Right at close-range the cat thrust out his palms and blasted force a white streak of lightning. The black echidna was sent back into a pile of rubble, it clattered loudly as he hit it hard. A smoke trail was held in the air marking Sotsu’s aerial path, his Dark Legion jacket was burnt up for the most part. With luck one of the tatters had the complete and undamaged pouch in which Skara’s photo was in. Sotsu got up and completely ripped the shred off and stuffed it into his equipment bag. Chaos once again took up his evil grin, but not for long. A small black metal ball bounced to the ground, thick black smoke rose from it and quickly filled the area. Sotsu heard Chaos curse loudly, but anything else he might have said was drowned out by the sound of motorcycles. Various caries of enthusiasm where heard. Then the motorcycle sounds got louder, Sotsu couldn’t see very well, nor could his electromagnetic sense help him do to Chaos flooding it out with his massive amount of surging energy. Sotsu heard something come closer, then a hard object jutted him in the side of the head and he blacked out. Sotsu awoke slowly, his head throbbed on one side, he heard broken laughter mocking him. All rather tough and course sounding voices, sure enough, as soon as Sotsu saw the group, he figured they matched. There stood a group of five or so. A two dingoes, a hedgehog, a wolf and a coyote, all adorning a dark blue leather jacket with a patch on their left shoulder. The patch was a yellow circle with a black blade in the middle. They all seemed into a punk-biker fashion. One of the dingoes had a red mohawk, most of them were pierced in several places. Also they were standing amongst their bikes, which were all very aerodynamic and technological looking. One individual stepped forward, the coyote. This one actually wore a different jacket, it was a trench coat, a blood crimson in color, that faded to gray about the edges. He held a slight resemblance to Antoine, or that might have been because Antoine was the only coyote Sotsu has seen until now. He was about Sotsu’s height surprisingly. Atop his head sat a spiked assemble of dark red hair, which went well with his dark gray fur, a gold earring hung in his left ear. "So you’re the other Hunter?" he asked in a hash voice, Sotsu would do something if he could, but it seems they were adeptly equipped. He was strapped to the remains of a wall with strong leather straps, that wasn’t stopping him, their pistols at their sides did. They were hoisteled in small black belts, each blaster seemed over-sized for it’s container, the blasters also seemed very high-tech for something that looked like a simple street gang. "Who are you?" Sotsu asked, his brows furrowing as he contained his rage. "We are a proud squad of the Neo Guilty Blades," the coyote exclaimed. "I am the squad captain, Fury Gear!" he added standing with a proud posture. "We are the Hunter of the Legends. We’ve killed one recently, one that goes by the name of Irec Kens Chiston. He was an overlander, he put up a fight, took down almost 12 of our men. You though…" Fury Gear continued, taking on a tone of interest," you’re unique Sotsu. An ex-earthling who’s legacy is to become the most powerful of the Legends, but yet destiny made you a Hunter! What a twist, a twist indeed." "What do you want from me?" Sotsu spat, feeling insulted. "What I want from you Sotsu? I challenge you! The winner walks away with his life. Before the Dark Legion had gotten you, Genesis wanted you to come to our side, but I don’t think you’ll do that will you?" the captain spread a grin across his face," so instead we are suppose to kill you. But that’s no fun! So… we’re gonna have a duel. You me pistols only, no psychic crap." Sotsu’s eyes lowered to slits, he gritted his teeth. "Fine then I agree." The two now stood in the middle of several ruins. They had given Sotsu his pistols, the echidna had learned they had all his equipment held off, they had also found his Chaos Blade. How convenient. Sotsu had agreed not to use his psychic powers whatsoever, it was strictly pistols. Sotsu had two, and Fury Gear had two. He had large metal pistols painted with a bright red flame motif on the front of each of the barrels. "When the coin hits the ground… the dual begins!" one of the dingoes shouted as he produced a coin from one coat pocket. Fury Gear smiled as his hands dangled lightly near his hoistels, as did his black echidna opponent. The dingo hesitated before he flipped the small silver piece of currency into the air. The air held thick, it seemed an eternity in the silence of the ghost city, the two combatants eyes sharpened, then the coin hit the pavement, with a ring that was heard throughout the city. Sotsu and Fury Gear drew their akimbo, both dived to the opposing sides with their fire arms pumping out shot after shot. The shots all went stray, over and about. Sotsu already began to perspire from the tenseness of the situation. The two hit the ground and rolled continuing the motion. Fury Gear’s coat flapped vividly as he brought about his pistols to the echidna. The coyote was faster to the shot, Sotsu knew he wouldn’t be able to get in a shot so he pertained to diving away as Fury Gear launched two loud rounds that merely skimmed over Sotsu’s head. Once Sotsu hit the ground he rolled forward and continued as he righted himself, and ran forward a ways. Fury Gear had gotten up and prepared another pair of clips for his pistols. He saw the ex-earthling making his way into the cover of some ruins. He launched off a few shots but they hit the walls soundly. Sotsu put his back to a cement wall. He heard the sound of ricocheting shots. He lifted his pistols and prepared to dive out. He set each pistol for a mild setting that’d only inflict minor wounds, unless the coyote should unfortunately take a shot to the eye, then his brains would be fried. Sotsu grimaced at the thought, but shook his head to get the gore filled vision from his head. The black echidna dived from the cover, he quickly took the coyote into his vision. He aligned the sights, taking the milliseconds of airtime he had to take aim, milliseconds were all the enhanced echidna needed to make a precise shot. To him, in battle, especially gunfights where he excelled, everything almost seemed in slow motion. Though it was just that his enhanced senses were able to pick up on everything. He pulled the trigger, once, twice, and a third time. But the coyote had somehow caught on. As Sotsu hit the ground Fury Gear had rolled quickly to his side and avoided the shots with amazing reaction speed. As the two righted themselves they both pulled their pistols up. Sotsu knew he wouldn’t win in a head on firefight with his opponent, so he decided to do the stupid thing and charge forward. The shots passed over his shoulders, under his arms, around him. The large metal slugs of the coyote’s pistols blazed by brightly in orange and red. Sotsu was amazed that he was missing, was Fury Gear panicking? As the ground quickly closed Sotsu yelled as he pushed even harder to close the distance, all area about him seemed a gray and black blur, except for his target which stood their blazing away with his pistols. Fury Gear knew what the echidna was planning, he pushed off the ground with his strong legs and dived backward, he yelled as he pulled the trigger twice as fast as before, his crimson and gray coat flapped with his motion, the yellow flashes from the flame colored nozzle of the gun highlighted his gray fur. Sotsu turned his side toward the shots, they nearly skinned by where his heart and one of his right lung would have been. Then the echidna took one step forward with his back leg, and leapt toward the coyote who was preparing to charge forward as he shifted into a squat. The two gunfighters leapt toward each other, pulling up their twin weapons. In a mere blink the two were standing no more then a foot away, their paired firearms were locked out in the face of their target. The wind of the dead city blew lightly, brushing their hair slightly to one side. The tatters of Sotsu’s Dark Legion jacket swayed and Fury Gear’s trench coat wavered over to one side. "Seems like these stand-off’s are common enough," Sotsu mumbled to himself. There was the twitch of Fury Gear’s finger. Sotsu couldn’t use his psychic powers here, but what about Chaos? Then Sotsu decided to, no other choice, he felt a slight tense. The air about him seemed to thicken, there was a slight warmth, the bullet was going slower. In fact everything was, except Sotsu. He was using Chaos Control, or nonetheless a form of it. Sotsu flicked his right pistol into the air, he spun about, grabbing with his right hand, Fury Gear’s single round that was shot, then as he pivoted about he tossed the round back toward the coyote, grabbed his pistol that was hanging in the air, and let time return. Sotsu felt as sudden rush of air, then he heard the thump of the round hitting Fury Gear’s shoulder, the coyote yelled he fell backward dropping one pistol to grip his wounded shoulder which was producing a crimson slightly lighter then his jacket. "Bastard!" he growled out through his teeth. Sotsu smiled in reply. "I won… I could have easily took your life," Sotsu said training his right pistol on the captain. Fury Gear sighed heavily then let down his guard and lie on the ground with a disappointed look on his face. "Fine what do you want?" he asked. There was a flicker in Sotsu’s eyes, he smiled even broader. The group of Neo Guilty Blades watched helplessly as the Black Knight walked out of sight. Fury Gear was being supported by two of the members, he cursed under his breath as he watched the echidna walking away wearing his trench coat. Sotsu walked proudly from San Francisco. He had the Sword back, his equipment as well as the Chaos Blade he had come back to the ghost-city for. And now, he had a new coat to replace the one Chaos the Cat had trashed. The trench coat fell to just below his knees, it contrasted nicely with his leg and feet gear. He had removed the tatters of his Dark Legion jacket, the trench coat would hinder him if he wear to wear anything under it. Sotsu liked the coat a lot, it not only was nice looking, but it gave Sotsu new confidence as it reminded him of his victory over Fury Gear, who would surely come back after Sotsu. "This isn’t the end you damn echidna! You hear me Sotsu! This isn’t the end!" the coyote shouted. The slight rays of sun glinted off the Black Knight’s blue-frames and he smiled. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-