Chapter 41- Black Fox of Destruction The group of five walked down the dirt path until twilight donned of them. The blue sky fading into a deep purple. The last of the moisture from the heavy rains of last night cleared, leaving the smell of the fresh dew behind. As the group peered over a steep hill a deep valley came into view. Settling in the valley stood a peaceful town. Settling between the sloping grassy plains, seeming a sanctuary to the group. The group found themselves rushing down the hill. Sotsu, Carmen and Gray considered almost any type of civilization a blessing, having been traveling almost non-stop for the past few days; while Welkin and Shekaru were just happy to be in a familiar town "Fields Town," Welkin simply stated happily as the five entered the town, standing about were rows of several wooden houses. The inhabitants ranged in species as also their attire ranged from rags to formal clothing. "You guys familiar with this area?" Sotsu simply asked. "Yes this is where we get our necessary supplies and such at," Welkin explained as he lifted a hand toward a large red building half way across the town. "Over there lives my good friend, Pat the Possum, he can provide a room for us," the doberman said as he began walking in the general direction of the building and motioning for the group to follow. As Sotsu neared he noticed it to be an inn. Figures. After Welkin planned out two separate rooms Sotsu went off to stock up on supplies for the group, the cash for the supplies were funded by Gray, who apparently had a good amount of cash on him as he hefted out a thick wallet from his belt. Sotsu found it funny when Carmen scolded Gray thinking he had stolen it. But her suspicions were lay to rest when she remembered the only people he could have stolen from would be Welkin and Shekaru, Welkin had his wallet and Shekaru never had one to begin with. At the local general store Sotsu picked up extra rations, a medical kit, a map of the local area and a compass. Upon returning they eat a small helping of the rations and resorted to planning as Sotsu unraveled the map onto the dining table they sat about in one of the rooms. "Here we are, here in Fields Town," Welkin stated as he pointed to a point along the valley represented on the map. Sotsu noticed for the first time that they were no where neat the coast of what he used to know as the Pacific Ocean. Back when he was in San Francisco he had naturally assumed he was near that coast, but now looking back on it and remembering the area under the Golden Gate Bridge being nothing more then dust, it struck onto him that they were very many miles from the coast. Now he personally knew he had no idea where to go. "Well Sotsu do you have any idea who we’re after next?" Gray asked the black echidna, all eyes of the group now falling toward the same figure. "I do. I mean I’m pretty sure…" Sotsu began before getting cut off by Gray. "What do you mean you’re pretty sure? It’s a yes or no answer!" scolded Gray. "Yes. We’re to go after… Scios." "Do you know where we might find him?" Carmen asked looking down at the map of criss-crossing dirt paths and rolling grass plains. "Somewhere near Knothole. At least that’s the only place I can tell you I saw him at. The other time was upon some mountain range near the Floating Island," Sotsu explained trying to bring up any details that might prove helpful. "Knothole I do now of; but there are too many mountains to have to cover around that area," Welkin said. "Do you even know what we’re talking about?" Gray shot toward Welkin in a brash tone. "Yes I do! I know perfectly well what’s going on around here. This here echidna is a Hunter. I know of you’re type, I’ve read of the Legends. Frankly, I’m surprised he knows of Scios, let alone meeting him. But I’m no real expert on him. All I know is that only one who searches his hardest well have a chance to meet the warrior," Welkin’s voice softened as if he held some dream of meeting Scios. Sotsu wouldn’t doubt the military-attitude canine would enjoy meeting the disciplined Scios. Then again on Sotsu’s terms a meeting with Scios isn’t anything pleasant, especially considering the fact that he was now out to kill him. In order to relieve the overwhelming amount of stress that felt as if it were going to consume him whole, Sotsu took leave to the buildings roof. The stars gleamed brightly down from their place in the heavens. The moon hung full in the sky, casting a soft white light on the small town. Sotsu stared deep into the forever depths of space. Lying on his back on top of the flat roof of the wooden in, his tail flopping about a little and his arms behind his head. He considered how much trouble he’d have now without his equipment bag. He had lost it in the explosion of the inn when the Neo Guilty Blades last attacked. He cursed at himself, frustrated he no longer had the Sword or the chip devices he was to use on the Legends, another reason he’d have to find Skara. A slight breeze picked up, Sotsu felt someone coming. He dropped his hands near his hoistels; the slight sound of feet clapping as they hit the roof’s surface echoed. "Sotsu. I’ve been looking for you," a cold and serious voice sounded. "Yeah a lot of people seem to say that now days," the black echidna replied as in one fluid motion he drew his akimbo and faced the voice’s owner. There stood a fox, adorning black pants and a white shirt with a ying-yang symbol on it. Long blacks sleeves ran down each arm, matching his matte black fur. A blue cap sat atop his head, he almost seemed harmless aside from the katana he held firm in his right hand. "Who are you?" Sotsu said as he charged his pistols to a high blast level. "My name is Raven Vulmont," he replied, "I hear you are suppose to become the next Legend." "So you’re here to kill me because of that? Let me guess you’re from the League of Gentlemen," Sotsu snapped as he enabled the display on his glasses. "No. Those incompetent, Chaos Energy wielding overlanders wouldn’t stand a second against me. I’m sure you’ve meet Scios, well I guess you can say he and I have a history together," Raven explained as he turned his back to the echidna, seeming to be looking out over the expanse of the town. "I’m assuming because you’ve been nominated to become a Legend you are no doubt a skilled combatant," Raven stated as he looked over his shoulder at the echidna who’s guard hasn’t dropped a bit. "I guess you could say that," Sotsu said as he fingers tightened on the triggers. "Put away your pistols. I want to fight you like a real warrior should fight. I know you have the capability to form those shadow blades. I want you to use them. The Chaos Blade will slow you down too much and aside from that Chaos Energy isn’t the most efficient thing to use against me." "So you are here to try and kill me," Sotsu said as he slowly lowered his pistols to his sides. "Yes. I want to make clear to the Ancient Walkers that what they did to me was a mistake," Raven growled as his hand tightened on the pummel of his blade. "You know Scios you say?" Sotsu asked as he replaced the pistols and began to change up his shadow energy. "Yes. What’s it to you?" "I am looking for him. Let’s make a deal. If you beat me, well then I guess I’m dead. But if I beat you, you agree to help me find Scios." Raven grinned sinisterly as he thought about it, the moon light gleamed in his blood red eyes. The slight wind picked back up causing his long back hair to flap slightly, though hindered because it was tied in a pony-tail. "Not like you will win but it’s agreed. Also if you do somehow win, I will kill you afterwards." Sotsu put one foot forward deepening himself into a fighting stance. He brought up the crackling shadow sword in front of him, gripping it tightly in his right hand. Raven turned toward the black echidna, he deepened his stance with one foot facing almost backwards, the sword lifted above his head with both hands holding the weapon firmly. "It’s gonna be fun watching you die Sotsu," Raven gloated. Raven stuck out with such speed the only indication a normal Mobian would have of the sword coming would be the flash of the moonlight reflecting from the blade. Though Sotsu not only had his heightened senses to help him, he had his LED on the glasses so help time the strikes. But still, not even Scios had been able to move this fast. Sotsu struck his shadow blade out in front as Raven’s blade. There the loud ringing of metal as Raven drew back the blade and before another heartbeat he was striking out again but from the other side. Sotsu angled the shadow blade the other way, blocking the furious strike again. But Raven kept on pounding away, Sotsu figured sword fighting was second nature to the fox. Finally after Sotsu had lost a few feet Raven changed up. He quickly shot his feet about as he circled his katana in a low circle in an attempt to come underneath Sotsu’s guard before he could react. Sotsu stepped back and spun about as the blade skimmed the bottom of his stomach but arched up just out of reach. As the katana went up and Sotsu pivoted about another flash of the moonlight told him that the blade was already coming back. Sotsu brought up his blade as Raven whirled the silver sword above his head and brought it down hard. When the blade connected Sotsu pushed his blade up and left trying to get inside Raven’s guard. But the fox was able to draw his blade back quickly enough so it was Sotsu who’s guard was opened. As Raven shot his sword about the right to Sotsu’s open side, the echidna dropped to the ground, using his tails to hold him up only enough so he could right himself right after the initial attack. Just as the blade passed over head Sotsu pushed off his long tail and changed up the blade’s hand and struck out to the fox’s chest. Raven circled his sword inward to parry the swipe and hastily followed up the counter with an attack as he circled his arm about Sotsu’s and extended his sword out to try and stick Sotsu in the torso. Sotsu squeaked as he scooted himself back just enough to escape the tip of the cold sword. Raven emitted a low growl as he pushed forward a bit, Sotsu reacted in the same fashion as he backed up again. Then Sotsu used his right hand to grab onto Raven’s arm then he flexed his left arm and pushed against Raven’s extended arm. The black echidna pushed black fox away only to have the fox maneuver out of the grasp, but reactively he backed away, which gave Sotsu enough time to recover. Just as Sotsu righted his stance the fox was out on attack again. Raven stepped forward and shot out his blade low, Sotsu brought up his legs up as the blade passed underneath, as the echidna came down he swiped low with his shadow blade. With amazing speed Raven brought in and shot up his blade to block Sotsu’s before the echidna could land the blow. Sotsu rolled backwards as Raven circled his blade low again. Sotsu got upright and charged forward rounding a swipe vertically, Raven also dashed forward and circled his blade overhand. The two weapons clashed ringing loudly. The shadow energy crackled violently as the silver katana pressed against it. The two fighters were mere millimeters from each other, each growling as they locked eyes. "You won’t live through the night Sotsu," Raven remarked. "I’ll leave that for fate to tell," Sotsu shot back as he pushed hard outward, sending Raven back a few feet. Sotsu pressed forward as he brought his blade in a wide arc. Raven brought his blade up just in time to prevent the shadow blade from making contact with his ribs. In one quick jerk of his wrist Raven sent Sotsu’s shadow blade sprawling off the rooftop. "Dammit!" Sotsu shouted as he ran and leapt off the rooftop after his blade. As the blade flipped end over end Sotsu reached toward it and gripped the handle and hit the ground rolling, his trench coat flapping lively as it kicked up dust. Raven took high into the air with his katana held upside down. He stabbed down at Sotsu as he came to the ground. Sotsu evaded to the right only getting the blade to skin his leg. Raven spun his blade out to send Sotsu stepping back a few more spaces. Then the fox used the extra room to take one deep step toward the echidna then a spun jump with his sword chambered back to strike. Sotsu brought his blade up as Raven swiped wide as his feet touched the ground. Raven followed up the attack despite having been blocked, he spun about sharply to close in the little distance between him and the Black Knight. Sotsu blocked to where he thought the blade was going to go, instead the katana’s pummel smashed into his nose. Sotsu recoiled back as blood shot from his nose and he spat out a few obscenities. Seeing the echidna’s guard down Raven stepped forward and brought his blade diagonal. Sotsu stuck his blade out to block the attack but it without being in a strong stance the echidna was thrown off balance. Raven stepped forward and kicked out Sotsu’s left foot sending him to the ground. Raven leapt in the air and came down hard with his blade. The moonlight shining valiantly off the silver blade, as it came down quickly Sotsu shot his blade between the menacing weapon and his muzzle. Raven stepped his right foot onto Sotsu’s open stomach and pressed down as he shifted all his weight forward, Sotsu cried out slightly as his guard began to slip up. The katana began to cut into the shadow weapon. Crackles of shadow material erupted wildly about. As the blade further cut in Sotsu began to panic, his breathing became unsteady, seeing his opponent in such a pathetic state Raven laughed bringing up his broad grin again. "Are you ready to die echidna?" Raven whispered. That struck the nerve in the echidna, thinking of how Kragok, Hellfire and Lemetris all seemed to mock Skara like that. Sotsu’s eyes became sharp, his heart rate steadied and his blood ran calm again. The shadow blade stopped crackling violently and Raven almost took on a look of shock. "Are you?" Sotsu asked as the shadow blade erupted fourth with renew strength. Sotsu pushed upward and steadily gained back his footing until he was once again face to face with the fox. "What the hell is going on?" Raven demanded, he now sounding panicked. Sotsu grinned in reply as he quickly snapped back his blade and then in one motion, shot it out to Raven’s blade. The strong blow threw the katana blade-first to stick into a wall of the inn. Just as Raven was about to turn and fetch his blade Sotsu chambered back his armed appendage and slammed the weapon into the back of Raven’s head, Sotsu spanned out the shadow energy into a form of a hard paddle, knocking the fox into a deep sleep. With a silent thump of the fox hitting the dirt ground the town was cast into a tranquil silence. Sotsu’s breathing was heavy at first as he stood slightly slumped over, his shadow paddle quickly fading away. His eyes slowly lifted to the heavens and he fell to his knees. Still overly tired from lack of sleep, and now ever so more fatigued from the battle. With help from the others Sotsu made it to bed finally. He fell into a deep doze. Now comforted with Raven locked away in a temporary holding sell, his katana placed safely in a lock box. Sotsu would finally get a decent night’s sleep for the first time in a while. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood- Credit to Raven from TSF Boards for the loaning of Raven Vulmont. Raven Vulmont is copyright of Raven