Chapter 42- Potent Force The group of six had been walking for two days, trying to minimize the amount of time to get to Knothole Village. Raven hadn’t been the friendliest of companions, especially upon waking after the fight, he nearly started a second round when trying to strangle Sotsu. Sotsu, regardless of Raven’s attempts to kill or simply injure the echidna, had not been fairing at best. From time to time Sotsu had been suffering several minute intervals of sever fever, dizziness and outbursts of shadow energy. A theory Gray had that Raven agreed with was that the intertwining of Chaos Energy and psychic energy began taking an influence on Sotsu’s body, in a since where he might go berserk if he weren’t careful. Sotsu had told them not to be afraid to kill him if such a thing were to happen, they all knew Sotsu could easily become a very dangerous threat, most of all Gray knew. Now as they neared the large town of North Greens Sotsu began another wave of sickness. Except this time it had took to a new height. With the town in view and Gray carrying Sotsu the group hurried in a rush to the town. Great jolts of shadow energy blasted from the echidna’s twisting body. He cried out in agony as another wave of shadow energy shot out randomly. Gray was having trouble managing to remain upright as Sotsu thrashed about. The shadow jolts didn’t effect Gray too much as his thick armor prevented any harm; and Carmen had trouble keeping up as she was holding Spitfire for Gray. As the group rushed into town they began calling out for medical assistance. The various citizens about turned in curiosity toward the group. A good few ran off to fetch medical assistance, and a few others approached offering help. No sooner then half a minute later a medical staff had mounted Sotsu on a stretcher and were rushing him to the medical ward. With help from some of those who offered they managed to strap the black echidna onto the stretcher so we would stay on. With much effort the medical staff had sedated Sotsu. The black echidna now lay on a bed in the medical ward. An I.V. of tranquilizer medicine hung from his left wrist, he was asleep but his eyes still were held tight in pain and he still groaned slightly and his tail flapped about slightly. His trench coat was flopped down at the foot of the bed, it had been hanging on the bed’s end but was knocked off by Sotsu’s tail. The leg and feet gear were set aside the bed, the glasses on a nightstand along with the gloves, pistols and hoistels and the Chaos Blade rested in a corner of the room. The echidna looked a good amount thinner then before, having been living off trail rations for the past few days along with constant walking and the stress put on his body from the waves of shadow energy running trough him. It was later in the day, the sun began to set behind the rolling green fields. Carmen entered Sotsu’s room. To her relief the echidna was finally at ease. She pulled up a wooden chair besides the white bed. She smiled as Sotsu snored quietly, she was glad that he wasn’t suffering anymore, for the most part she was glad she wasn’t having to carry around the heavy gattling either. Carmen pulled up Sotsu’s blankets, which had been thrown off from his thrashing. The soft white bedding contrasted with Sotsu’s thin black body. Carmen wondered how Sotsu could possibly be so strong for as wiry as he looked. She remembered how he was able to damage that large Egg-Mech from before. And how he had smashed through the other robots with his bare fists. Yet as she looked upon Sotsu now she realized she probably had more muscle then him. She had remember when she had first saw him wearing that Dark Legion jacket he seemed slightly more muscular, despite the clothes she could tell he was. She figured it was probably some effect of whatever was wrong with Sotsu, as if it were draining out his body perhaps. She worried about Sotsu too. He looked as if he might be starving to death by how small his waist had become. Carmen almost thought it might look as if Sotsu might be top-heavy and fall over if he tried to stand up. Then again she knew plenty of species naturally looked that way so she doubted Sotsu would actually have to worry about that. Carmen walked over to the discarded coat lying on the floor and laid it back over the end of the bed. The tip of Sotsu’s tail stuck out from underneath the blanket end. This brought up more questions in Carmen’s mind. Sotsu never had explained himself to her, she never really thought of asking. She never thought of asking about why he was different looking from other echidnas. Why he was able to create shadow energy and how he had learned to fight so well. Many questions dwelled in her mind, but she shrugged them off. She was sure she would be able to ask them later. She set herself back in the chair and lost herself in thought again. While in deep consolation a stranger went unnoticed as he entered the room. A smoke colored gray hedgehog entered the room. He recognized both of the figured from the group that had entered the town earlier. His yellow and blue-toed white shoes made little sound as he tried to keep quiet as possible. His tan slacks shuffled along with his loose red shirt and he silently came up behind Carmen. He curiously looked over her shoulder at the black echidna resting in the bed. His large blue eyes held many questions as he looked down on the strange figure. A sudden shift from Carmen startled the hedgehog and he drew back sharply. Then after a few moments he realized he hadn’t been noticed so he went back to peering over the foxes shoulder. "Oh well," Carmen sighed as he got up and spun around, walking right into the hedgehog causing them both to yell out and stumble to the floor. "I’m so sorry I didn’t mean," the hedgehog pleaded while Carmen rambled, "What the hell were you doing!? Who are you?" Then Carmen shot a meaningful glance at the hedgehog and scolded in a whispering tone, "Be quiet you’ll wake up Sotsu." "I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you," the hedgehog began," My name is Eron. I saw you guys come into town earlier and caught my attention. I thought I might check to make sure everyone’s alright." "Oh," Carmen replied hesitantly, also blushing slightly for being embarrassed at her outburst. "Name’s Carmen and this is Sotsu," the fox said as she got up and lended Eron a hand up. "What’s wrong with him?" Eron asked as he diverted his attention back to the black echidna. "I’m not too sure. All we know is that he’s pretty damn sick," Carmen replied as she crossed her arms still in partial thought. "Weird," Eron stated as he walked over to examine the gear discarded next to the bed. "What… is with all this?" he asked as he lifted up one of the metal-material foot pieces and turned it about studying it. "It’s some of his equipment. He had a lot more but it was destroyed in an explosion. I’m not too sure I can answer many questions about him. I just met him a few days ago." Eron gently replaced the foot piece and walked about to the foot of the bed. He leaned down as he noticed Sotsu’s tail sticking from the bed cover. "He’s… an echidna?" the hedgehog questioned as he looked back up toward Carmen. "Supposedly," Carmen simply replied along with a shrug. Eron walked to the Chaos Blade and ran his fingers along with ruins etched into the blade. "Is this his?" Eron asked as he squatted down and took in every detail of the weapon. "Yeah, so are these," Carmen stated as he gestured toward the gear on the nightstand. Eron got up to see what Carmen was talking about. Eron’s face took on a bit of concern seeing the pistols. "I guess he’s not exactly you’re friendly type is he?" Eron questioned with a bit of disappointment holding in his voice. "Actually he’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He’s helping me try to find my little brother. The weapons though, as far as I know he’s been sent by some army or something, called the Dark Legion, to seek out these people called the Legends," Carmen explained. "Legends. I think I’ve heard of them. Well I’ll be here at the medical ward for the nights since they’re housing me here after a wound to my ribs. I’m fine really but they want me to stay here a little longer just to be sure. If ya’ need anything I’m just two doors down on this side," Eron said as he took off out the door. "Alright thanks," Carmen called as she looked back at the form of Sotsu who began to shift to turn on his side. "Hey Carmen?" Sotsu said with drowsy and slow words. "Yeah?" Carmen replied with a hint of care in her voice. "Could you please shut up?" Sotsu asked still half asleep and his eyes still closed. Carmen just growled softly with a scowl and headed out the door with her feet stomping loudly. The room was in silence now, the Black Knight curled up tight under the white blankets. "’k thanks," Sotsu finally said after a long few moments from Carmen’s departure. "Raven what are you-?" Carmen’s voice was heard from down the hall before the fox cut in harshly. "Out of my way! I’m gonna kill him!" the sounds of cold steel being drawn was heard. A slight sound of struggling was heard before a loud thump. Carmen’s sounded out a moan before the loud clomps of Raven’s steps began again. The fox burst into the room with his sword drawn high above his head and a vile smile crossing his face. "Yasha shall feast on your innards echidna!" Raven spat as he took slow steps toward his asleep target, savoring each moment. "I’d put that away if I were you," a young but strong voice demanded from behind the fox. "Who the hell?" Raven turned to see the young gray hedgehog from before, a blade-less pummel held in his hand. Raven chuckled as he lowered his sword. "What are you going to do, bludgeon me to death?" the black fox stated sarcastically. "Not exactly," Eron replied simply as he pressed and held his thumb on a button on the pummel’s grip. A bright orange energy blast shot from the base and formed into the shape of a blade. Raven stepped back in slight shock, then he raised his katana defensively. Eron depressed the button and the energy blasted outward, now leaving a solid metal blade in place. "Impressive. But let’s see how you fair in actual sword-play," Raven said maliciously as he took up his blade and readied to strike out. The slight sound of crackling energy rang out from Sotsu as shadow energy began to spread out and shoot wildly from the echidna. His groan which he began quickly developed into cries. "Dammit what the hell is going on?" Raven groaned as he quickly shot a glance at the black echidna. "We’ve gotta get the medical team he might need help," Eron stated with panic in his eyes. "Let him die!" Raven growled as he brought a quick slash down on the hedgehog. Eron met with a block and held his blade up while Raven continued pushing down. "Why be so wasteful with life? It’s wrong," Eron said calmly while meeting the foxes gaze. "I’ll tell you what’s wrong hedgehog!" the fox said pulling away and quickly striking out again only to have the hedgehog block, but not without the lose of ground. "To have you’re rightful title as a Legend taken away-" the fox explained as he struck out again. "-because the Ancient Walkers- thought you weren’t equal- to another!" upon the last strike Eron found himself pinned against the wall of the hallway. Raven pushed fourth his blade until it pressed again Eron’s neck, Sotsu’s cries became louder, the medical staff ran about the end-corner of the hallway, only to stop when seeing Raven. "Leave or he dies!" Raven spat violently. "If we don’t get-" the lead medical staff-man stammered only to be interrupted by Raven. "Now!" Raven shouted sending the doctors and nurses fleeing. The shadow energy began tearing at the bed and walls, peeling away the skin of the wood and ripping the blankets to shreds. The storm of shadow energy caught the two’s attention, both lessened their guard and watched in awe as Sotsu began glowing with the shadow energy. "What- what is this strange force?" Raven questioned as his eyes grew with terror, "It’s… Chaos Energy! It’s taking him over!" "What does this mean?" Eron asked, his voice falling to a near whisper. Sotsu began to lift off the bed a little, levitating in mid air as if the shadow energy were holding him by strings. "I must kill him before he goes any further!" Raven shouted as he charged forward bringing his blade in a wide arc. As he dashed forward shadow energy shot about him, when he was close enough he swept the blade down toward Sotsu, a wide crackle of shadow energy struck the fox right in the chest and rocketed him toward the back wall where he lay phased. Sotsu flopped to the floor and got onto his knees and elbows with his dreadlocks falling heavy over his face. Sotsu emitted a low growling, violent and grumbling in his throat, like that of a vicious beast. The shadow energy became even more violent as it shot from Sotsu’s body, now tearing the tiles off the floor. Gray, Welkin and Shekaru rushed from their room and sided with Eron. "What’s going on?" Welkin asked as he saw Carmen’s limp body on the floor and looked back at Eron. "That black fox did it. I came out to help, then this," the hedgehog replied pointing to Sotsu. "Lemme get Spitfire!" Gray exclaimed as he dashed back to his room. "What are you planning on doing with it?" Shekaru asked in a quiet and shy voice. "Shot him if I must," Gray replied grimly. "All of you be ready for anything," Welkin said drawing his broad sword. With a nod from Shekaru and Eron they got ready, Shekaru pulling free her sledgehammer. Sotsu’s growling got slightly quieter. He strained as he pushed himself up with both arms, and he awkwardly struggled to managed to get upright. He stood in a slightly hunched posture, he gold eyes seeming to be made of a dark burnished gold. He was breathing hard and still emitting a growling as the shadow energy blazed about him. "Ar… are you okay Sotsu?" Welkin asked as he leveled his sword. "Gray hurry up!" the doberman shouted down the hallway. Sotsu’s growling grew to a roaring sound as he began to change. His hand and toe nails extended into razor-sharp talons, his muscles expanded and stretched his skin tight. His hair grew rigid and his tail grew spines and grew double as he grew nearly triple in size. His long slender muzzle became thick and his teeth grew into sharp fangs. The three looked on in terror with wide eyes as the monstrosity took form. "Hurry your ass up dammit!" Welkin demanded as Sotsu took one heavy step forward causing the tiles underfoot to crack. Before the group had time to react the monster Sotsu crashed shoulder-first into them. Welkin took the main of the impact having been in the center of the three, he now found himself buried under what used to be the wall dividing the hallway and the medical staff’s break room. The few in there ran out in panic, yelling and shouting. Eron steadily began to get up wiping blood from his forehead and gripping his blade strong in his hand. As soon as the slight tensing of leather was heard Sotsu shot his long muscular arm out and tightened his hand about the hedgehog’s throat. In one fluid motion Sotsu stepped forward and slammed Eron into the ground with a thunderous bang. Eron struggled futilely against the monster’s arm. His gaze locked into Sotsu’s, the gold eyes held nothing but rage. There was a brief moment of footfalls, Sotsu looked over just in time to have Shekaru swing her hammer into his chest and send him twisting to the ground. Eron scrambled upright and got to Shekaru’s side. Gray came charging down the hallway with Spitfire in hand. As the monstrosity turned to meet the three, Gray shoved out the muzzle of the assault cannon. "I’m sorry Sotsu, please forgive me," he muttered as he pulled the trigger. The gattling whined to life and erupted orange and yellow. Shell after shelling being pounded out at an extreme velocity. A weapon created with technology beyond that on the planet. Crafted from alien metals and welded from a machine of that not even this solar system has seen. The shells flew toward the black beast. Sotsu threw out his right hand outstretched, with that a disc of malign shadow energy formed, as the bullets eat at the shield, bolts of shadow energy flew rampant. The bullets were turned to ash as the powerful energy devoured the bullets. The group turned tail to run but as they did so Eron stopped and turned back. "We can’t leave Carmen!" he shouted. "Don’t be a fool! You can’t stand up against Sotsu!" Gray shouted behind him as he and Shekaru stopped to see the gray hedgehog taking his blade firm in both hands and charging the giant black echidna. "I’ll leave no one behind!" Eron shouted as he brought his blade across only to have Sotsu block it with his left claw. Eron swung his blade low, the black echidna evaded back but lost his balance being a little awkward in his larger body. Seeing his opening Eron lifted both his feet off the ground and sent a swift kick to Sotsu’s chest with is left foot. The hit landed and sent Sotsu toppling over; with that Eron flipped his sword forward. As the blade flung end over end Eron took to the air sending his feet over his head forming an aerial cartwheel as he cleared over the downed echidna. As Eron completed the circle he caught his blade in mid-air and dejected the blade to form it once again into a simple pummel. He heard the crunching of stone as Sotsu got back to his feet and began rushing toward the hedgehog. Eron swept low and picked up Carmen, hefting her over his right shoulder. Then he pressed the button on the pummel and swept the piece outward forcefully. The orange energy went wide and with a depressing of the button it formed a wide buster sword. His eyes sharpened as he neared the end of the hall, a dead end. He put all his strength into one wide arc of the blade. The metal slammed into the wall and burst it through assailing him with wood chips. The monster formed a shadow ball into his fist and extended out his arm. With a sickening grin on his face, revealing his razor-like teeth, the shadow ball formed into a giant blast filling the hallway. Eron dived out the hole he created and to the side as the blast ripped by like a huge thunder strike. "Hey ugly-face!" Gray mocked with Spitfire firm in hand. Sotsu turned with his attention drawn to the red echidna. As Sotsu began to charge forward Gray opened fire only to have the bullets meet a thick shadow field. The shadow energy ran wild about Sotsu’s built frame, a wild force running amok like a ragging flood from a broken damn. Shekaru went unnoticed as she began running behind the monster with her hammer chambered strong in both hands. "Please catch him," Gray prayed as the monster neared. Shekaru pressed hard. Despite the black echidna’s size and bulk he was as fast if not faster then before. She pushed her legs too their extent, going over the debris as best as she could. "Screw it," she spat under her breath. With a loud growl she hefted the hammer behind her head and slammer her arms forward, and released her grip. The weapon was sent tumbling end over end. The weapon sailed across the air, and slammed straight into the back of Sotsu’s head. The monster shot upright erect for a second before slumping to the ground unconscious. They held a silence for long moments as they anticipated the titan beast to get back up. After a few painfully long moments they relaxed. He was down… but for how long? -Nicholas D. Wolfwood- Eron is copyright of Eron at TSF Boards Credit to Eron for the submission of his character