Chapter 44- Alignment Transition Note: Being the idiot I am I forgot to add the following to the end of the last chapter Generation is © of her cool self and major credit for her submitting her character Jim is © of himself, credit to him And Karzola is © of herself, credit to Karola Raven swept his blade in a large circle in front of him, parrying a thrust from Karzola. The wolf-warrior pressed on sweeping wide and quick, backing the black fox up with each attack. Despite the fox’s speed he couldn’t take the risk of receiving a single blow from the wolf, her strength having nearly been quintupled from the power of the ancient wolf spirits. Carmen forced one leg higher then the other between the Quicksilver’s legs. She pushed up trying to force the echidna off. Finally with a bit of effort she lifted him enough to free one leg. She slammed her foot into the echidna’s chest causing him to roll backwards off her. The fox quickly got up and got on guard as the echidna also quickly righted himself. Though the odds were quickly changed as Generation took up Quicksilver’s side, pistol drawn and trained on Carmen. "Freeze!" she demanded as the small red aimer-light traced onto Carmen’s head. "We don’t have to end this in violence. Cooperate and you won’t get hurt," Generation continued. Carmen stood up straight and a mischievous smile crossed her face, the fox lifted her right hand and simply replied giving the light blue hedgehog the middle finger. Generation scowled a few obscenities under her breath but didn’t feel provoked enough to fire. The three stood hesitating for a few seconds, anticipating the other to take first action. Then altogether they dropped their guard (or in Carmen’s case dropped her middle finger). "Well, aren’t you going to fire?" Carmen asked with an almost disappointed tone. "I thought you were going to attack us," Generation replied, her voice hinting curiosity. "Aren’t you the bad guy here?" Quicksilver questioned pointing a gloved hand toward the fox. "Bad guy? You attacked us first!" Carmen shouted back. "But you’re with Sotsu. He’s a villain if anyone is. Almost considered as bad as Robotnik," Generation stated as she shot a glance to the dueling ex-earthlings. "He’s no villain you idiot!" Carmen shot. "What? He-" Before Generation could finish Carmen cut in. "He’s no villain. Hell I doubt he would even have hurt you guys if you hadn’t attacked! He’s being forced, hence the word FORCED, to work for the Dark Legion! He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met I-" Carmen was interrupted as she ducked under streak of shadow energy that bolted across the clearing. "-I’ve ever met," Carmen finished as she rubbed at a few signed hairs. "I don’t think we should trust you! You’re are the enemy," Quicksilver snapped. "Fine then don’t. But don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when Sotsu wipes the forest floor with you. Anyways I’m done with fighting you guys. Go take your blasted attacks to someone who cares!" Carmen said as she began walking away from the general area. "Hey! No you don’t!" a strong voice shouted following by rapid footfalls. "Huh?" Carmen asked as she looked over to seeing an uzi-armed otter charging toward her. "Jim! No!" Generation shouted as the otter clubbed Carmen upside the head with the butt of his gun. Carmen was downed by the blow, head trickling from the side of her head. Jim held the gun firmly in both hands and aimed it toward the unconscious figure. "Gen! They’re in direct alliance with a traitor of King Acorn! They are villains and deserve no better then death," Jim explained sternly as he loaded in a new magazine. "Since when were you the heroic, brave one?" Generation asked. "That’s not funny Gen," Jim said shaking his head. "They aren’t ba-" Generation was cut in by Jim. "That’s what they want you to think. Remember they’re against us. She was probably gonna turn tail and shot you with your guard down. You’re a fool to believe this and I’ll report this incident to King Acorn personally. Karzola leapt over a low swipe from the kitsune samurai. As soon as her feet hit the ground she boosted off her back leg and brought her sword in a wide vertical swipe. Raven jutted his sword inward to intercept the swipe and successfully parried the blow. Karzola’s spirit enhanced speed actually leveled her even with Raven. Despite how unbelievable it was, Raven was naturally that skilled. Raven rolled back as the wolf-warrior brought her curved weapon down hard though only to find the forest floor. Raven righted himself seeing a slight opening from Karzola’s miss; he swept his blade across from the right. Despite how close the blade got, Karzola managed to get her blade form the ground to the left of her head in time to catch Raven’s blade. She pushed hard against the blade and stepped, as she pulled her blade from Raven’s parried blade she spun about bringing her sword fast with her, she was inside Raven’s guard and was now determined to end this fight. She pulled the blade across Raven’s chest and drew blood. The fox gasped out as his life-fluids leaked from his ribs. "Good one," he breathed as his stance lowered. The wolf smiled as she chambered her blade head level. "You’re head will do as a nice trophy," she sneered. "One problem," Raven said as he, unbeknownst to Karzola, shifting his handing on Yasha. "What’s that?" Karzola asked in a degrading manner. "You won’t be alive to take my head," the fox replied with a smile as his blade flew crossways slashing Karzola across the side. She fell to the forest floor with a slight thud, still breathing but in bad condition. Raven chuckled slightly before falling into a welcoming darkness as well. Wolf built up mounds of fire energy about him as he charged forward to meet the black echidna and the doberman. Sotsu let loose a great surge of Chaos Energy into the giant sword, it glowed brightly in lime green; blazing with incomprehensible power. Welkin chambered his broad sword, the ex-military canine always ready to fight to death, pummel firm in both hands, meeting the fire-wielding wolf who seemed to be a fearsome opponent even to Sotsu, the Black Knight. "Bring it on!" Wolf shouted as he thrust both hands forward unleashing twin funnels of blazing fire. Sotsu stepped a slight nose ahead of Welkin and brought the Chaos Blade across unleashing a bright crescent of Chaos Energy toward the inferno tunnels rocketing toward them. The Chaos Energy cut through the fire and quickly depleted. Sotsu brought the Chaos Blade in a wide circle above his head then slammed the weapon into the ground, he recoiled back as a great beam of Chaos Energy shot forth. Wolf grinned mischievously as he formed a bo and slammed the butt of it into the ground, then pushing down and forward with all his strength, launched himself gracefully into the air and over the titan energy beam. He flipped gracefully before landing in front of Sotsu with a fire blade formed in his hand. Sotsu brought the Chaos Blade up defensively as Wolf again and again assailed the echidna was swipes and slashes before Welkin could even begin his assault. Once the doberman made it in Sotsu finally received a chance to make an attack of his own. Welkin shot a swipe to Wolf’s left rib, while Sotsu launched a wide swipe over-hand; Wolf parried Welkin’s strike and rolled between his two opponents and away from Sotsu’s blow. Sotsu shot the Chaos Blade behind him almost hitting Welkin in the process. Wolf evaded to his left as the blade just slipped by. Then Sotsu turned about whirling the Chaos Blade high above his head and slammed the weapon down hard, intending to hit Wolf but hitting nearby as he once again evaded to his right, keeping Welkin on the other side of Sotsu. Wolf took a step and launched his foot into Sotsu’s open stomach but Sotsu ignored the pain and brought the Chaos Blade from the ground and across going up. Wolf slammed his fire blade to meet Sotsu's attack. The force of the strong swipe from Sotsu sent Wolf backing away a little and leaving him slightly stunned. Sotsu thrust his right hand out and sent a powerful shadow beam toward the other ex-earthling. Wolf dove to the side and the beam streaked right over the head’s of Generation, Quicksilver and Carmen. Sotsu cursed under his breath as he noted to himself to watch where he’s aiming. Thinking a millisecond to long Sotsu received a hard slam from Wolf’s right shoulder as the fire-wielding wolf drove right into him. Sotsu let out a cry as Wolf pinned him to the ground with one foot and drove at him repeatedly with his fire blade. Sotsu having trouble darting the heavy Chaos Blade back and fourth left if to his normal shadow blade to parry and block Wolf’s salvo. Unfortunate for Wolf Sotsu wasn’t his only oppoenent. Welkin charged forward with his broad sword posed to strike. He hefted the blade up and brought it across toward Wolf. Wolf shot back as the blade slashed diagonal across his chest drawing blood but not causing a severe wound. Welkin attacked again at the stunned wolf, drawing another slash across his chest. Wolf fell to one knee, holding a hand across his bleeding chest and another hand up his flame sword weakly in defense. Welkin eyed the ex-earthling down sternly, lifting up his broad sword, reading for the final blow. Sotsu took to the doberman’s side and put one hand on Welkin’s sword arm. "That’s enough Welkin. We’re not murderers," the echidna spoke softly. Wolf looked up to the black echidna with grief in his eyes. Generation and Quicksilver at this time were occupied with Jim who had just knocked out Carmen. The shouting from that direction caught everyone’s attention. "Looks like we may still have problems," Welkin stated as he lowered his sword. "I’ll handle this," Wolf growled as he got up and stalked over to the three standing a ways near the clearing’s edge. Wolf walked hastily over to the otter, giving him a meaningful glare. "Jim the fight’s over! Put the damn weapon down before I put it down for you!" Wolf demanded with authority. Jim’s expression lightened a bit. He looked at Carmen lying on the ground, his hands were trebling, his trigger finger looked as if it might go. He looked back at Wolf who was growling at him. Then he lowered the gun and sighed with exasperation. "It’s over Jim. We’ll go back to King Acorn, tell him that-" Wolf was interrupted as Generation cursed loudly. "What is it?" Wolf asked, his tone seeming deeply concerned. "I radioed for backup," she cried aloud. "They’ll be here any minute!" Jim added, panic-stricken. "We’ve gotta get going then," Sotsu stated as he approached the group. "What about them?" Quicksilver asked as he pointed about to the various unconscious figures. "Dammit," Sotsu spat, "Let’s get them and leave. Hell to this! You guys come with us! We can’t wait around!" Sotsu took up Gray and Spitfire, Quicksilver took up Raven and Shekaru, Jim took Carmen, Welkin took Eron and Wolf took Karzola, with that the group made off deep into the forest. They ran as fast as they could until they nearly fell with exhaustion. Wolf was the only person not tired by the time they had gone half a mile. After a short stop to rest and tend to the wounds, the group drudged on until dark. By the time they had set camp the first of them woke, that being Eron. After him panicking, thinking they had been caught, they got him up to date with the events. Once all was quiet again Sotsu got his first look at the new people. The first that caught his attention was the one Wolf was always near and tending over like she was some infant child. Guessing by both of them being wolves, and Wolf’s normal attitude, this was his girlfriend. Next Sotsu took notice to the otter, the one that caused the slight dispute from before. He didn’t look too intimidating, but the weapon he held did. Sotsu’s eyes shifted to the two close couple who were at the edge of camp. One was a strange looking yellow echidna, with rainbow hair. Sotsu did notice the Guardian marking on his chest, this brought up quiet a few questions in the black echidna’s mind. The last was the sky-blue hedgehog. Sotsu blushed slightly when he saw her, he was afraid he had developed a small crush of some kind. He would admit he thought she was cute, but he didn’t know her so wouldn’t consider it any further. Besides he noticed that Quicksilver was probably her boyfriend, and not only that he couldn’t forget that he was still looking for Skara. Sotsu’s mind instantly shifted when the name Skara came to mind. Where is she? How is she? Sotsu grinded his teeth, frustrated that he wasn’t with her. He remembered right before he left from the Dark Legion the echidna had admitted how she felt toward him, and vice verse. "Something bothering you Sotsu?" Eron asked as he sat down next to the long-tailed echidna. "Not really," Sotsu sighed, "but thanks for asking." "No problem. Say, do you think we can trust these people? I mean I don’t want to sound pessimistic but they were out to kill us," the gray hedgehog stated as he shuffled about a bit on the bumpy fallen log. "I’m sure we can. I mean it’s not like- " Sotsu was interrupted as a figure stalked out of the brush nearby. Eron and Sotsu, being the only two near this end of the camp, stood up in surprise; as slowly a female squirrel, looking horridly beaten, stood wearily where she was before dropping to the ground. "Eron get help quick!" Sotsu demanded as he took to the squirrel’s side. Her gray fur was stained red with blood, her own. Her long white hair was a mangled mess. Sotsu knew she wasn’t in the best shape right now. But one question… who is she? -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-