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Chapter 48- Prelude of the Mission

Sotsu looked at himself in the mirror of the large clothing shop. The multiple mirror panels lining the semi-circular wall showed Sotsu what Generation had picked out for him. Originally Sotsu had chosen the normal black suit with the white collar, Generation had kept it the same but changed it to how she thought would look better. The shoes were the same, miraculously Sotsu managed to get hold of black shoes with a green stripe going down the center. Sotsu’s black slacks that Generation choose out were very baggy near the feet, yet the trimmed down as they went upward and held tight at the waist, as well as low about the waist to where it was a mere few inches of pants while the legs had surplus. His black suit’s top no longer had the white shirt beneath. It clung tight about Sotsu’s torso and like the pants, were baggy about the appendages. The top also wasn’t long enough in the torso and showed Sotsu’s midriff whenever he lifted his arms. The white collar was thick and full, reaching only slightly below the echidna’s muzzle. And the new whit gloves had thick wrist coverings, overall it made a snappy outfit. Though Sotsu grimaced as he found it to be rather revealing.

"What’s wrong?" Generation asked as she saw Sotsu’s look of distaste.

"A bit on the flashy side don’t you think?" Sotsu asked as he tried in vain to pull the pants up higher.

"What? You’re walking around pretty much bare since I’ve met you. What’s with the sudden concern? Besides, you’ve got a nice body. I don’t think anyone cares," Generation replied as she went to grab Sotsu a bowler’s hat.

"If you say so," Sotsu replied dully.

After a few moments Generation walked back up and plopped a black, round hat on Sotsu’s head. Sotsu looked over in the mirror and smiled, liking it, just like the old one he use to have. Generation hummed in thought for a few moments then her face brightened with an idea.

After placing the hat back and purchasing for the clothes, the hedgehog dragged Sotsu into a hair salon. Sotsu looked about in panic as he wondered what Generation was going to push him into this time.

"What… are we doing here?" Sotsu asked in a low voice as he watched the hedgehog shuffle about a few magazines.

"Just wait and see," she insisted pushing Sotsu lightly into a waiting chair.

"You’re one of those scary spontaneous people huh?" Sotsu questioned cynically.

"Ah lighten up Sotsi’. Be happy I’m paying for this," Generation replied as she took a magazine over to the hair-stylist, who looked like the stereotype full-mustached small man (actually a mouse in this case) with the barber’s apron.

Sotsu looked up with curiosity as Generation indicated a picture to the barber and talked in a low voice, preventing Sotsu from figuring out her plan. A few moments later Sotsu was perched on en elevated chair, facing away from the mirror as the barber worked about him, fixing strange chemicals into the black echidna’s dreadlocks. Sotsu growled to himself mumbling about how being in suspended animation looked like a good idea at the moment.

The barber shuffled about with Sotsu’s dreadlocks for another fifteen or so minutes before placing a plastic bag over his head and blow-drying it for several minutes.

"Gen, this had better be worthwhile or I’m gonna get kinda angry," Sotsu growled, barely audible over the whining of the blow dryer.

"Oh don’t worry. I think it’ll add character to you," Generation replied as she sat with an amused look on her face while the barber continued his task.

"Be sure to get his tail too," she called out, hearing this Sotsu began grumbling about putting Generation into suspended animation, to save all the others she might put through this.

After a few more minutes the barber twirled Sotsu about so he could see himself in the mirror. He lifted in eyebrow as the barber prepared to pull the plastic bag that clung to the top of his head. As the small, old mouse lifted the bag, Sotsu’s dreadlocks fell from underneath, now tipped at the ends with a deep royal blue color.

"How do ya’ like em’ Sotsu?" Generation asked standing to get a good view of the results.

"I.. I like them a lot! Hey thanks Gen!" Sotsu exclaimed.

"Yer’ tail too," the hedgehog added.

Sotsu lifted his tail into his view and saw that the tip of it was blue just as his dreadlocks were. He smiled broadly as he shook the barber’s hand and thanked him. After Generation paid for the work she lead Sotsu out of the place and began to head off toward one of the few food courts.

"Gen?" Sotsu asked.

"Yeah?" she replied stopping to turn toward the black echidna.

"You’re not gonna buy me food now are you? You’ve done well enough. The Dark Legion pays for most of my expenses," Sotsu explained feeling guilty he hadn’t said anything earlier.

"So? Sally gave me a wad of money and told me to help you about and try to have a good time," Generation simply said before starting off again.

"Well still," Sotsu began blushing slightly," you don’t have to waste it on me. You can use it for yourself y’know."

"I’m not wasting it. I happen to enjoy being with you," the hedgehog stated.

No sooner Sotsu and Generation found themselves enjoying a fast food meal underneath the cool shade of one of the outdoor tables from which above hung blue and white parasols. Sotsu tried to keep his eyes cast down, feeling a slight guilty pleasure from being around the hedgehog. Sotsu felt as if this was a test of his faith toward Skara. And to make matters worse he was sure Generation was noticing his actions.

"Something wrong Sotsu?" she questioned.

"No. Nothing," the echidna returned with a smile, obvious to the fact that he was lying trough his teeth.

"Hmm," Generation sounded with skepticism. A silly smile crossed the hedgehog’s face as she asked, "So are you seeing anyone?"

"Ahh…," the echidna hesitated," No but I’m trying to find someone I was separated with."

"Oh that’s sad. What happened?"

"The mission her and I are on, to find the Legends, basically sent us to opposite sides of Mobius," Sotsu explained, his eyes cast back down on the table.

"Uh… hey Gen," Sotsu began.

"Yeah?" the hedgehog replied.

"Thanks for the great time today. I really enjoyed spending time with you," the echidna stated smiling up at Generation.

"Oh sure no problem. I enjoyed it too. You’re a really nice person Sotsu, thanks," she said happily blushing slightly from the comment.

"And thanks a ton for the clothes and food and all. I really appreciate it Gen," Sotsu added.

"Hey thank Sally, it’s coming from her pocket. But no I really enjoyed this Sotsu. Hopefully we can get to know each other better during this mission."

"Sally requests your attendance you two," a light feminine voice sounded from behind Sotsu.

"Ok thanks Frisky," Generation replied with a smile.

Sotsu turned his head slightly to see the speaker, out of the corner of his eye he could see a pink kitsune wearing baggy blue jeans and a white shirt. She seemed to be young, though perhaps a few years older then Sotsu, she still seemed to have a shining aura of youth about her. She walked off without another word. Sotsu figured perhaps the Freedom Fighters expanded a good bit since his last run in with them during the ARK incident.

Sotsu and Generation came walked into the city hall’s storage room that had been made into a type of briefing room. A large map of the Sandopolis desert lay rolled out across a wooden create, serving as a makeshift table. Sally and Elias were the only two in the room besides Generation and Sotsu. A thick black circle ran about in individual pyramid on the map that represented Robotnik’s hidden base.

"Well then… let’s begin briefing," Elias stated as he went about and shut the door behind Sotsu.

The four took seating atop small wooden boxes about the map. Sally took out her laptop computer, Nicole, and began to type in some data. Sotsu and Generation waited silently as Sally looked over the results on her screen.

"Okay… well according to this you guys shouldn’t have too much trouble crossing the desert. There’s no forecast of any sandstorms of any kind. I’m guessing it should only take you two, two days to reach the place from you’re deployment point. We can’t land you closer due to the risk of being detected. Oh yeah, and Sotsu as I’m sure you know Robotnik has the same kind of psychic nullifying technology as us, so be weary about that." Sally explained drawing a yellow folder out and pulling forth several photos.

"We had taken these upon our run-in with one of the clones," she said as she handing the photos to the other two.

Sotsu looked at one that sat in front of him. It was a profile shot of what seemed to be a red kitsune, one he would have easily mistaken for Tails unless he had examined the picture well. Sotsu looked at the others, they were all of the same cherry colored kitsune.

"He ran before we could capture him. Robotnik had sent him here on some kind of mission to steal some data from Nicole here," Sally stated as she patted the computer. "Though we picked up on some weird readings before he left. We believe he may have some powers due to his genetic code. Far-fetched as it sounds but many of the chemicals found in his genetic code are the same as yours Sotsu."

Sotsu raised an eyebrow in curiosity. After a slight moment of thought the black echidna said, "Not as far-fetched as you say Princess. When I came here I did crash into the clone lab at Robntik’s HQ. It’s very possible this kitsune is the result of a clone experiment gone array from the crash. I might then suggest being cautious, it’s very possible he might be a psychic due to this."

"I’d not doubt that Sotsu," Elias began," he did manage to pull off some teleportation during our encounter."

"Not including shooting a flame blast that nearly fried Antoine," Sally added.

"So you’re saying what Generation and I are going up against might very well be as powerful as me?" Sotsu questioned with a large amount of concern.

"I wouldn’t drop that idea. But I wouldn’t consider it very likely. After all this one ran away after a few blows were exchanged, didn’t seem a very serious threat," Sally said drawing the photos back into the folder.

"Well after we explain some basics about the base itself I think you two should prepare for tomorrow," Elias said taking a stand over the map.

After sitting through a full hour of Elias explaining how to enter the base, Generation and Sotsu finally were able to leave the dim confines of the supply closet/briefing room. The two now stood out front the City Hall. Night was to dawn shortly upon them, the air had cooled and a very slight wind picked up. Sotsu sighed deeply, relived to be in the fresh air of the outdoors again. He stretched out his back, popping it a few times before Generation tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey Sotsu."

"Yeah?" the black echidna asked turning toward the hedgehog.

"You staying back in the medical ward?"

"Probably. My equipment is there and I want to make sure it’s in working order before the mission tomorrow."

"Okay. I just wanted to know where I’d be able to find you at in the morning," Generation turned her back and while walking off called out, "It’s been fun! Take care of yourself Sotsu!"

"You too Gen and thanks!" Sotsu called back before taking ways toward the medical ward.

The Black Knight sat on his bed with his equipment about him. He held one of his new shoes in his hand, the bottom of it had been carefully removed from it’s place. The insides of Sotsu’s Dark Legion feet gear lay disassembled atop the bed as well. Sotsu worked hard as he transferred the magnetic soles and feet-blades to his new shoes. He had already checked his pistols, which were still in working order, and his glasses, which were fine beyond having a few fingerprints on it.

Sotsu remembered the last time he had attacked Robotnik’s base. I wasn’t all that difficult for him. But since then Sotsu was more then sure Robotnik had booted up his defenses. And now with these clones about Sotsu didn’t dare think what they might be capable of. The next few days were to be long ones, but Sotsu knew during his travels across the desert, somewhere near, Skara would be there to.

Frisky is © of herself

Credit to Frisky for the submission of her character


-Nicholas D. Wolfwood-