Chapter 5: Knothole Common It was morning now. Sotsu washed his face in the sink. He starred in the mirror at the sopping wet fur about his face. His glossy gold eyes starred back at him. He remembered that back on Earth, people always used to ask if he wore contacts. His eyes had always been gold, but he never knew why. His eyes were the only thing that remained the same about him, ever since he’d taken his Mobian body. It’s the only thing that still remained the person he once was. An abrupt knock rang on the door. Sotsu grabbed a towel and dried his face, then set it back. He opened the door to see a cheerful looking Kevin, holding a bag of something. "Yea’?" Sotsu asked dryly as he looked down at the cooxen. "Oh… I brought these for you. I figured you’d be hungry since you haven’t eat since we got you," Kevin said lifting the bag to Sotsu. "Oh hey, thanks," Sotsu said excepting the bag. He could smell that they were chilidogs, no surprise. They were probably made a lot just for Sonic. "Did you already have some? Because if you haven’t your more the welcome to," Sotsu added. "No that’s okay. Hey when school ends Sonic and the rest of us are probably gonna have a game of soccer," Kevin offered. "I’ll see when the time comes," Sotsu replied. Though Sotsu wasn’t exactly nice sounding, he held a tone of gratitude. "Well okay then, I’ll let you eat. If you need anything you know where I’m at," Kevin said beginning to walk off. "Okay thanks," Sotsu said as he closed the door. Sotsu set himself on the bed and opened the bag. "Christ sakes don’t these people have any concern for the well being of their bodies?" Sotsu said picking one of the chilidogs out of the bag. "Oh well, might as well take what I’ve got." Sotsu thought about the events of last night as he went through the chilidogs. He was surprised he managed to pull all of that stuff off. Creating that sniper rifle, and maintaining that bomb were both difficult, but still not too hard. He remembered the simple rifle schematics and elongated them to accustom a sniper rifle. The Chaos Clock Bomb was simply not a "created" weapon, it was "conjured". Therefore Sotsu had to look over it and maintain, until it was deactivated and no longer useful to him. The mannequins were a combo of both. He created them out of a mix of thickened and hardened tree-cap and plant fiber. Then once that was complete all he had to do was maintain them by using his psychic powers to keep control of them. He found it rather easy to sneak those three into Kevin’s hut, as he was busy. He sneaked in each mannequin piece by piece. Then he put them together and picked them up off the floor. He rather liked the Leoanof the Puppet Master bit that he did. It was enjoyable while it lasted. Sotsu finished the last of the chilidogs and washed up. Then he figured he’d better head out into the forest and practice his Taekwondo for a while since he was going to miss class since he was stuck here. As he was about to pass the tree line he heard Sally behind him. "Hey wait! Sotsu!" she yelled as she ran up to him. He turned a bit slowly, as he really didn’t want to talk to anyone at the time but didn’t want to be rude and just continue. "Oh hi’a Sally," Sotsu said, he put on his nicer tone. He respected Sally a lot, as she was the only person who had believed in him during the whole controlling epidemic. "Hi, where you going?" she asked. Sotsu got the idea what was going to happen. He remembered hearing about the Sonic issue "Blow by Blow". Ag! Damn you Archie Comics! Why him! "Oh, I was going to practice my martial arts out in the forest," Sotsu said. "Hey… er… do you think you’d…" she was hesitating. Sotsu knew why to. She didn’t really like him, but he was used to not being liked. No one had ever liked him. Of course though! I mean who’d like a freak such as himself. Let alone that since he’s been here he’s put everyone in a lot of pain. "Sally I’d really better get going, I’m gonna be out here for a few hours and I wanna be able to get back before it gets dark. Ok?" Sotsu cut in, he didn’t want Sally to embarrass herself. "Ok," she said. "Ok then, C’ya," he replied as he walked into the forest. Sure enough he stumbled across Sonic and Mina. Sotsu kept very quiet and slowly walked by. "Damn pervert," Sotsu mumbled to himself, passing them easily unnoticed. Sotsu eventually made it to a nice isolated spot into the forest. He began warming up, when, Zhi Wei showed up, dropping in from above. "Hi Sotsu," Zhi Wei said cheerfully as he landed. "Hi’a," Sotsu said, trying to prevent himself from seeming angry at this interruption. "What are you doing?" Zhi Wei asked, looking around the small clearing they were in. "I was going to practice my Taekwondo, but it seems I keep running into people out here," Sotsu replied, letting his anger slip in just enough to give Zhi Wei a hint. "Well Sonic and Mina didn’t seem to have a problem finding a place to be alone." "Not really if I hadn’t been quiet they would’ve noticed me. So two people coming across them isn’t a very secluded spot," Sotsu said, while stretching out his arms. "All right then I guess I’ll leave you alone," Zhi Wei said, sounding disappointed. "Okay thanks, C’ya," Sotsu said as Zhi Wei left. After a few seconds he heard a slight shout then Zhi Wei apologizing. Most likely he was apologizing to Sonic and Mina. "Idiots," Sotsu said coldly as he began some punching drills. Sotsu worked on until later. He found himself constantly interrupted by playing children now. "Ah for all the unspeakable words! I give up," Sotsu complained, as he headed back to Knothole. He stopped at the forest line to see the group playing a game of soccer. He didn’t wanna join so he stayed in the forest. Sports had never been his high point, let alone he didn’t really care for them anyway. He noticed that Kevin wasn’t having an amazingly fun time either. He figured Kevin just found it something to do. After the game died around an hour later Sotsu made it back into his house. It was around four or five, still enough time to do some practicing before it gets dark. But first he wanted to grab a late lunch, or perhaps an early dinner. Sotsu headed to the Knothole dinner and encountered Tails there. "Hi Sotsu!" Tails said as he walked toward the echidna. "Hi’a Tails," Sotsu said. God we don’t I get a brake from these people! "Here for a quick snack or something?" Tails asked. "Yeah sure," Sotsu said, simply agreeing with whatever Tails just said. Sotsu remembered his friend on Earth, who always just nodded his head and said "Yeah," and "Sure,". It always worked to, the person would just leave you alone after that. Probably because they figured your retarded but that’s their problem. Sotsu got an order of a salad bowl, which had some seasoning on it with an assortment of vegetables on it. It wasn’t much but Sotsu never ate that much anyway. After finishing the meal he headed back out into the forest and began some weapon’s practice. He summoned his bo and began his normal workout of moves and special tricks he always did. He never got hold of many of the tricks. Things like spinning the bo under your arm and getting it over your shoulder so you could catch it on the other side. It wasn’t that easy to pull off. Now his arms were scrawny, and he could do that and much other stuff. It still bewildered him of how he could support his hands with his thin arms. He also wondered if Sonic still wore those shoes, just so he wouldn’t topple over from the size of his head. Sotsu couldn’t believe that this is what he had to live as now. Day in day out, living as a Mobian. He needed to get to that dang floating island and fast. This place is gonna drive him insane. At least he knew that the Chaotix weren’t a bunch of cheesy animals that did nothing but bother him all…. Oh wait yeah they are. Damn! "Still out here?" Sally asked, stepping into the clearing. "It’s getting dark," she added. Sotsu stood into a normal standing position and let the bo disappear. "Yea’ I was just about to head back," Sotsu said. He was going to have to avoid her from now on if he wanted to stay out of the stupid issue with Sonic. "Well, since you don’t seem to be doing anything later do you think…" she trailed off again. "Look Sally I have a slight feeling I know what you’re going to ask and the fact of it is you should look to someone else or just confront Sonic about it. Trust me when I say that I am not a good person," Sotsu said dryly. He didn’t mean for it to come out as strict as it did, but the whole idea behind it was to protect Sally from him. "Oh I see. Your afraid I might actually end up liking you," Sally said. Sotsu slapped his forehead. "I’ll just say yes for the sake of me having to explain it," Sotsu said walking off into the forest. "Wait! What do you mean by that?" Sally asked. Christ she must be sick or something! No one’s suppose to attempt to start something with someone the like’s of him! "Look Sally. I am a cold and soulless person. I never had a relationship in my life because of the simple fact that I have to much to do," Sotsu replied. Though now he was stuck as a Mobian that wasn’t true. "You’re a Mobian now. You’re not on Earth anymore, you can start a new life here." Yep she hit it dead on. Rats, hoping she was a ditz. "You’re only doing this to get back at Sonic so it’s pointless," Sotsu said, looking at Sally though the corner of his eye. He didn’t want to really look at her because he might end up seeing that she was hurt. Though he was sure that she didn’t really care for him. Shoot, I hate emotions! "No I’m not. I think it’s best I move on. So… I…" Sally stopped. Sotsu was afraid she was going to cry. Damnit! What the hell! I can’t stay away from this stuff can I? Er… I’m showing distaste toward you God! Sticking me with a squirrel that is using me! "I told you before I don’t want to start a relationship with anyone. It’s not that it’s you. It’s that I have lived my life as a soulless creature. You’d do nothing more then get hurt from me. Worse then you might get hurt right now. I don’t even understand why people start relationships with other people. It always leads to corruption of morality and the degrading of dignity," Sotsu said, softening his voice just enough so that it wouldn’t hit Sally head on. "Besides… I’m leaving to Echidnaopolis in a few days. Maybe even tomorrow," Sotsu added. "You can’t you owe us at least a week as a Freedom Fighter," Sally said sternly. "Ep… forgot about that," Sotsu replied, a little embarrassed that he forgot about why he was here. They finally reached Knothole. Sotsu only had to make it a little distance back to his hut, freedom. "Well I’m going to keep trying at you. I know you’re just afraid to show your emotions. You’re not soulless, you’re a very sweet person," Sally said as Sotsu attempted to reach his hut, but found himself stopping as Sally said that, it was mostly the truth. "Well you are to, but I can’t let you be around an insane person like me," Sotsu said. "Insane? Since when were you insane?" Sally asked. "Er…. Look it’s getting dark. I need to get inside before I see the moon. Or… I’m going to suffer from that thing where it’ll make me go crazy," Sotsu said, not knowing what to do. "What are you talking about?" Sally asked. "Okay! C’ya!" Sotsu quickly ran into his hut and locked the door. He slid to the ground with his back on the door, tired from the short and quick dash he made to get here. "Dear God she’s mad. Why on the name of Chaos would anyone want to be around me?" Sotsu said as he lifted himself off the ground. He walked over to the mirror. He saw that he was red. Had be been blushing? "Oh no. She must’ve seen this. God why the hell is this happening? What happened to the old soullessness that I used to have. Oh yea’, I ripped the collar off," Sotsu said to himself. He went to his bed and conjured his Cameo. He began playing "Across Fields so Green", a song that he wrote. This was the only thing that’d calm him down at this time. It did help a little. Not much, he couldn’t get passed the fact that after all these years of being a nice guy, someone finally found charm in him. Or was he right the first time to say that she was just using him? Er… why the heck am I concerning myself about emotional stuff? "Because I have emotions," Sotsu said quietly. He remembered Kevin saying that before. Kevin… why the heck did you force me to show sentimentalism. Now it’s lead a chain reaction that is degrading my years of self-desensitizing and bringing back my soul. "No. These can’t be emotions. It’s just juvenile teenager stuff, nothing I can’t handle," Sotsu said, he starred out his window at the stars. They shined brightly, each one was a small white flame in the sky. Sotsu let his Cameo disappear. He figured perhaps he could talk to Kevin for a little while, before it got too late. He headed out the door and made his way across the area, being cautious in case Sally might see him. He made it to Kevin’s door and knocked a few times. A second later the small cooxen opened it. "Hey there Sotsu, come on in," Kevin offered as he opened the door a little wider. "Thanks," Sotsu said as he stepped inside. He looked about seeing that it seemed Kevin had managed to set his room inside here. "Wow? How’d this stuff get here?" Sotsu asked. "I got it all here using my psychic powers, and the help of a Chaos Emerald," Kevin replied. Nikki was cooking dinner. Sotsu saw Kevin’s computer and instantly took interest. "Well now. A computer. I’m guessing you don’t have Internet access," Sotsu said as he looked over the device. "No I don’t," Kevin said. "I have a computer too. But what I really need is to contact my parents. I bet there worried dead sick about me," Sotsu said, concern crossing his face. "Yea’ that can be arranged," Kevin began as he reached for his marker and a piece of paper. "Here you go, take your time," Kevin said pushing the two items into Sotsu’s hands. "Yea’ thanks," Sotsu said. Dear mother and father, I have been abducted my aliens. Blame Luis for this there he’s friends! No I’m just kidding. Please don’t worry about me. I’ve been teleported to a different realm and am doing fine. This isn’t new. There are other earthlings here. I’m still practicing Taekwondo and a, even getting a lot of exercise. Please tell this to only the given few here. Luis, Zach and Mark. I’ll be fine and am going to grab some of the stuff from my room using a device here so don’t worry, no one’s broken into the house. Oh yea’ keep the dogs out of my shed! I’ll try to get back as soon as possible. Love, Your son. Sotsu passed the paper to Kevin who said he’d teleport it back as soon as he could. "I’ll let you have the Chaos Emerald to get some of your home stuff here as well," Kevin said. "How are you going to do that? I mean get the Chaos Emerald here," Sotsu asked. "Easy, I’ll call Knuckles," Kevin replied happily. "You have a phone?" Sotsu asked, a bit shocked that they had a phone system. "Yea’ right here," Kevin said, he pointed to the phone setting on the desk next to the computer. "Cool. That’d be neat, I wanted to meet Knuckles. He’s always been a good example of strong determination to me," Sotsu said, he was excited but of course he didn’t show it. "Yea’ and if you go to Echidnaopolis maybe you’ll met a nice female echidna there," Kevin said. "Er… yeah whatever," Sotsu said shrugging his shoulders. Dangit is that all these people care about! "Anyway, where is Echidnaopolis?" Sotsu asked. "I’m not exactly sure of that either, but it should only take a day or two for Knuckles to get here," Kevin said. "Kevin! Dinner is ready!" Nikki called from the kitchen. "Okay! Thanks!" Kevin called back. "Okay then enjoy your dinner. Thanks and C’ya," Sotsu said as he made his way toward the door. As Sotsu began heading back to his hut he saw Sally sitting on log near the back of the area. Her back was faced toward Sotsu, he could easily get by unnoticed. "Ah in the name Van Halen," Sotsu grumbled to himself. He found himself approaching Sally. Stopped when he reached a few feet from the log. She turned around. She wasn’t really gave Sotsu a depressing look. "Hi," she said lifelessly. "You okay?" Sotsu asked. "Yeah I’m fine. Look I’m sorry if I was bothering you earlier," she said sadly. "You weren’t. I’m just scared that’s all," Sotsu admitted, he felt guilty for making Sally fell bad for what she did, when there really wasn’t anything wrong. "Scared? Of what?" Sally asked. Sotsu set himself on the log, though keeping a few good feet from Sally. "I dunno. Something that I’ve thought myself to be able to keep away from," Sotsu replied quietly. "You mean girls?" Sally said, here words hinted with humor. "I… guess so, yes," Sotsu struggles saying. "That’s sad. You shouldn’t hide from people like that," Sally said, she began to scoot closer. "I think it’s for the good of those people," Sotsu said. "Why do you say that?" Sally asked, she was at an uncomfortable distance for Sotsu’s taste, but he stayed where he was so he wouldn’t offend her. "Because I don’t want to end up hurting anyone. It seems that that’s all I’m capable of doing," Sotsu returned. "Have you ever even tried a being in a relationship?" she asked. "No, I’ve never even thought it possible." The moon glared down on the small village. It’s soft light added a dream-life effect to the scenery. "Well I’m offering you a chance," Sally said. She leaned her head on Sotsu’s chest and closed her eyes. Damn! I really hate this. Sotsu’s face turned red. He was shocked at this action and had to restrain himself from pulling backwards which would cause Sally to fall over. Though it would be funny, he really wasn’t that mean of a person. He looked around for something to help him out of this. Nothing. He could make another excuse and try to get out of this but it seemed like he couldn’t think of anything. "Er… Sally," Sotsu said, he poked her shoulder. "Yeah?" she said in a weary voice. "I…. I… accept," Sotsu strained out. Sotsu closed his eyes, he was trying to shutout the distress of this. He was wrong about before when she had hesitated. She was probably shy of him. After all he had almost killed all of the Freedom Fighters twice, without so much as breaking a sweat. He scared himself as is. Later the two retired back to their places. Sotsu was distressed more then ever. Sonic will probably be happy since now he was free to go about with Mina. Sotsu was to meet Sally at that location in the afternoon tomorrow. Arg… why the hell did this have to happen. I could’ve just keep walking and avoided her. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-