Chapter 6: Remoan Sotsu woke early the next day. He feared exiting the safe heaven of his hut. He feared that his world had changed due to his loss in his morality by giving into that horrible concept… known as love. Even though it was Sally and not him. He starred at himself in the mirror. He hasn’t changed. Everything seemed to be normal. The world hasn’t collapsed on him, but the worst is yet to come. He still has to meet Sally later today. He thought he might as well lay out his clothes for the meeting later. He didn’t dare call it a date, though that’s probably what was intended. He starred in the mirror focusing on what he could wear. Well of course Sotsu always liked dressing up, though he never did, he always wore nice clothes though. He figured he’d borrow a nice suit or something of the sort. He figured his best guess would be looking back at the store in Robotropolis. Or maybe he could use his powers to create one… He conjured up Snivley’s outfit that he’d worn before. He kept the hat the same, instead he focused on the long coat. He tightened it around his body and began to trim loose at the bottom pieces, and also worked at the collar of the coat. He needed to get some small black buttons from somewhere, also a white shirt and a tie would be nice to. It wasn’t an easy task. Overall he spent a total of two hours on the thing, and has yet to eat breakfast. So Sotsu stopped for the time being. He went out to grab a sandwich and looked about any other types of shops about the perimeter. There were a few, not much of a selection at all. One fortunately had a fair selection of clothes. Most of what they had were simple. Not much more then light vests, open shirts, and such. Sotsu grabbed a hand full of buttons and a white shirt and purchased a pair of black pants. He headed back to his place and began to work on what he needed. He was stopped as a knock was heard at the door. Sotsu set toward the door, he opened it to find Sonic standing there. "Hi there Sotsu," Sonic said, with his ever present cheerfulness. "Hi’a Sonic. What’s going on?" Sotsu replied. "Nothing much. Hey we got word that Robotnik was planning on developing a new type of war machine. We’re going to attack Robotropolis tomorrow. We’ll need you to join us," Sonic said, his tone was determined, but it still had no concern whatsoever. Sonic probably regards Robotnik as nothing. That’s blind optimism. "Yea’ sure," Sotsu said. "Okay then, gotta juice!" Sonic said running off. "Gotta who’ wa’?" Sotsu didn’t understand what Sonic just said before running off. He figured that attack Robotropolis was common for the Freedom Fighters to attack, so it shouldn’t be to hard to do whatever they’re gonna do. Later Sotsu decided to check on Kevin to see if any word of Knuckles coming was received. Kevin said that he had called Knuckles earlier anyway, due to the mission that was ahead. Knuckles would be here early sometime tomorrow. So with that it rounded the afternoon. Sotsu had completed his outfit, and it made a good suit indeed. His white shirt worn beneath his suit top, and his black pants that he specially fitted to him. The bowlers hat sat atop his head as usual. He had combed back his hair, just like he used to back on Earth, so all his hair went down to his back. He didn’t have a tie, but the overall outcome worked well. Rats, what about his glasses, he’d noticed that he didn’t need them, but they looked nice. He tried to focus his entire mind onto those glasses. His glasses were small, kinda rectangular shaped and had silver framing. He managed to conjure them finally. Like his guitar, it wasn’t the actual item from Earth, it was a duplicate. He pushed them onto his face. They added a little more to him, just with that glasses on he looked almost like an entirely different echidna, though how many black echidnas are there? Sotsu started outside, the air was nice, the sky clear. But now, he would have perhaps the toughest fight of his life. He found Sally sitting on the log, much like how she was last night. She wore a rich green dress. It was made of a delicate material, probably satin or something of that sort. "Sally," Sotsu said. She turned, her eyes reflecting his image back at him. "Hi Sotsu, you look nice," she said as she stood up. "Thanks. You do to," Sotsu said as he pushed his glasses up. "There’s a great place down near the end of the Great Forest. It’s in the middle of another small town, it’s only a half hour walk or so," Sally said. "Hey! What are you doing?" Sonic shouted as he ran over to the two. "What are you doing dressed up like that? Are you going out with him?" Sonic asked, jealousy shown though his eyes. "Why should you care, what about Mina?" Sally mocked. "It… was a one time thing?" Sonic said. He was lying but Sotsu didn’t say anything. "First you try to kill us all, then you attack the village. Now you’re taking away Sally!" Sonic shouted at Sotsu. "Sonic," Sotsu began, "you have cheated on her. She as every right to be with some else." "Oh yeah. Come on then I’ll fight you!" Sonic shouted, he pushed Sotsu who only had to take a step back to balance himself. "Come on!" Sonic said, he threw a punch at Sotsu, who barely moved his head to dodge it. "Sonic stop!" Sally cried, people began to watch at the event. "I said come on!" Sonic shouted, he threw another punch at Sotsu, it stopped right in front of the echidna’s face, Sonic didn’t stop it under his own will. "Fight… me… like a man. Coward," Sonic strained as his body was being held in place. "A true man learns to fight with his wit and words not with his fists and force," Sotsu said coldly, the fist still being held in front of his face. "I will not fight you because you need to be able to function for your mission tomorrow," Sotsu added, with that he released Sonic who feel to the ground, not excepting the sudden release. "Come on I think we should go," Sotsu said turning toward Sally. Sonic got up and just stood there, his eyes stayed sharp and stern on Sotsu. The people behind him were still watching until the pair disappeared into the forest. "Thank you for not fighting Sonic back there," Sally finally said, trying to converse to break the unsettling silence that fell over them. "I’m sorry that Sonic did that," Sotsu replied. "You don’t have to be, he’s always been a punk," she said, she didn’t sound pleased with Sonic, but she didn’t hate him either. "I’m used to dealing with people that mean violence. Thus far I’ve managed to get away each time without having to throw a single punch. I mean aside from when I was under Robotnik’s control." "What are you like a pacifist?" "I guess. I think it’s that I’m afraid I might hurt someone really badly." "Oh you mean with your martial arts and stuff? How long were you in it for?" "I was still in it, so far ten years. I’m going on second degree black belt." "Oh. Are martial arts common on Earth?" "There are quiet a few different types. But less then one out of twenty people take it." "Sounds like Earth is a lot different from here?" "It is. One major thing is that the only intelligent creatures are humans. That’s why all the earthlings that come here are human. Then again I’m sure you know this already" "Yeah I figured that. It must be strange for you to be dating a squirrel," Sally said with a slight laugh. "Well no. Me being an echidna… it’s not to strange for me," Sotsu replied, though when he thought over what he said, to him it didn’t sound right. "I wonder why you became an echidna? The other earthlings had to touch a creature in order to become what they are. So when’d you come in contact with an echidna?" "I dunno. When I awoke I was already with Dr. Robotnik. I’m not sure what happened at all." "Maybe there was an echidna in the base or something." "Perhaps." The two made their way to the restaurant. It was a nice place set in the middle of a very small town. It was mostly made of brick. The inside had a nice hardwood floor and nice wooden stalls. Sally offered to pay for the meal. Sotsu ordered a decent meal that wasn’t too expensive. Regardless of if he paid or not, he didn’t want to expense Sally. But it only made since that she paid because he doesn’t have any money. Finally their meals came and the two mostly ate in silence. Outside, standing in the cover of the trees sat a mysterious figure, shade obscured all his features. He had an intercom to his head. "I don’t care what it takes. Kill him!" Robotnik’s voice rang over the intercom. "Yes sir, you can count on me." The figure lifted a small silver rifle to his eyes. Sotsu sat unknowing that he was in the middle of the sights. The only thing visible from the shade was the tip of the silver barrel. The figure breathed in slowly, he tightened his finger on the trigger, and then he slowly breathed out and pulled. There was a silenced noise that emitted from the gun, as the bullet burst out and shattered the glass with a loud noise. Sotsu flew from his set, away from the window and hit on the floor. He felt his warm blood run between the fingers on his hands as he held his right shoulder, which was hit by the bullet. Sally stood up and shouted, "Oh my God! Sotsu are you okay? Someone! He needs help!" she ran to Sotsu’s side and rolled him on his back. "Are you okay? Where were you hit?" Sally asked softly. "I’ll be fine. Nothing I can’t handle eh?" Sotsu said as he leveled himself. "Persistent aren’t you?" the figure said to himself. He leveled his rifle with Sotsu, he breathed in again and readied to fire. Sotsu got the reflection of something off outside. He ducked pulling Sally down with him. A bullet zipped past where his head previously was, and it broke someone’s glass. "Someone’s trying to shoot you!" Sally cried. "Thanks for the update," Sotsu said with a sarcastic tone. Sally drew her pistol from her leg. "Hey you carry that around all the time?" Sotsu said pointing to the small arm. "You always need protection," Sally quickly replied. "I know where he is so I think I can handle this," Sotsu said as he stood up. Right as he did a shot rang out. Time seemed to slow down to a horribly slow pace. People panicking and running around, the reflection of the silver barrel gleamed at the edge of the tree line. Sotsu flew back, the shot ran by him, it almost looked like he got shot but what happened is that he fell backwards to avoid the bullet. "Arg! I can’t get out there without becoming a target," Sotsu said, he winced as the pain returned to his shoulder. Sally stood up real quickly and randomly popped a couple shots into the forest in that direction. "Sally watch out!" Sotsu exclaimed. She jumped back into cover as soon the shot was heard. Sotsu began to draw into his energy. He formed a shadow ball that crackled with white energy. "This should do the trick," Sotsu said. "Alright when I throw this look away. Okay?" Sotsu added. "Right," Sally said giving a nod. Sotsu chucked the ball out into the open area. He shielded his eyes as the place briefly lit up. Sotsu had used the energy to create a large burst, it was a psychic flashbang grenade. Sotsu ran out toward the forest quickly. He scanned the perimeter of the trees, he found nothing. Then he noticed something behind him. He turned to see a tall cloaked figure, the cloak was brown in color and covered the whole body of the creature. A blackness held place where the creatures face was. Nothing was visible. "Who are you?" Sotsu said, he readied himself in a fighting stance. "I am Remoan. I have been sent by Robotnik to kill you Sotsu," Remoan said, his voice had a certain pitch to it, maybe because of what animal he was, or something else. He thrust out two gloved hands in front of him. White lightning energy began to spark between them. Remoan? Could it be… no it’s just a coincidence. "Hmmm earthling eh?" Sotsu noted. "Yep. You betrayed Robotnik so now you’re gonna pay with your life," Remoan said as he chambered back his hands to his sides. Sotsu pulled back his hands and began to develop shadow material. He was ready to meet what ever this guy had. "Fighting back eh? You’re stupider then I thought," Remoan mocked. He thrust his hands outward and a large yellow lightning beam blasted out with a loud crackle. Sotsu did the same and a black shadow beam meet Remoan’s attack. Sotsu felt like this was an episode of Dragon Ball Z or something. The two clashed each other’s powers for a few seconds then the beams thinned down a disappeared. Remoan quickly dashed for Sotsu while drawing out a dagger, he tried the dagger down onto Sotsu. Sotsu evaded to the side and tried to toss a few punches in. Remoan stepped back to avoid them, then he thrust his dagger toward Sotsu’s stomach. Sotsu saw his opportunity. He stepped to Remoan’s knife hand (his left) and grabbed at his wrist with his right hand and pushed in Remoan’s elbow with his left. Thus, Sotsu was now behind Remoan with his knife held at his neck. "Damn you," Remoan hissed. "Huh… didn’t think I was trained in Taekwondo did you?" Sotsu said. "What? Hmmm. Well then let’s see you beat this!" Remoan jutted Sotsu’s chin with the butt of his Scout rifle. It had been hidden somewhere in the robes this whole time. Sotsu lessened his grip just enough that Remoan managed to get out. Sotsu backed off a bit. Remoan was already taking aim. Sotsu did have the knife in his hand and that’s the only immediate protection. Remoan pulled the trigger. Sotsu brought up the knife, it shattered when the bullet hit it but it did deflect it. Sotsu dropped the broken weapon and began to charge another attack. Remoan frantically cocked the gun and brought up his rifle. Just as he did, a shot was heard and the rifle flew out of his hands and skidded across the ground. He looked to see Sally standing about twenty feet away, her gun was pointed at him, and smoke rose from the barrel. "Had enough?" Sotsu said, his hands held out in front of him, in the middle of them sat a small black sphere. "Heh. Hardly," Remoan snapped. Sotsu shot out the beam from the ball and began to widen his hands, as he did the beam widened as well. The beam abruptly ran into something, much like it was hitting an invisible wall. On the other side Remoan had his arms x-shaped across his face, he was holding an air shield in front of him. It seems he’s as smart as Kevin when it came to those things Sally shot off a few times only to have the bullets bounce off the field. The shadow beam eventually thinned down and depleted. Remoan quickly brought up his left hand, and conjured small glass knives that psychically flew at Sotsu. Sotsu hit his back to the ground and the knives landed right around his head. Then he jumped back up and conjured a long sword made of the same shadow material. Remoan did the same except his was made of the glass material, which probably was actually some form of crystal. "Sally get out of here it’s going to get dangerous," Sotsu said, he stayed in his fighting stance not taking his eyes off Remoan. "Go warn the others in Knothole got it?" he added. "If you say so," Sally said as she began to run off. "Afraid your girlfriend’s gonna get hurt?" Remoan cracked. "Hmm. I guess I am," Sotsu said with a slight smile. Remoan dashed toward Sotsu with his sword drawn back to strike. Sotsu chambered his sword reading a good strike. Timing Remoan’s pace, he slashed out in front, it forced Remoan to bring his sword out to block and stopped his progression. Sotsu followed his strike by swinging over his head and to that side again. Remoan blocked it bringing his sword vertical, then attempting to draw his blade across Sotsu’s open stomach. Sotsu hopped back and flicked out his left hand. Several shadow needles flew toward Remoan, all though to by hacked away as Remoan twirled his blade around with blinding speed. Remoan jutted the tip of his sword in the ground then jerked it outward. A shock wave shaped like a semi circle going tall wise speed toward Sotsu. Sotsu somersaulted out of the way as it sped by. Then as he was in the air he launched another salvo of needles. Most missed Remoan passing over his right shoulder, but a good amount hit in that area. Remoan hit the ground as the pain swelled. He grasped his shoulder and began to try and steady himself. Sotsu began to get up slowly, he once again, hurt his shoulder when he did that. "So it seems you do have some potential," Remoan said while he gritted his teeth. "What, that attack hasn’t begun to take effect yet?" Sotsu said, he rose his left hand out and began to close it slowly, activating the needles effect. "What?" Remoan said, right before all of the nerves in his upper right torso begin to throb in pain. Remoan fell to the ground. He constantly cursed between moans and cries. "I’m sorry to have to put you though this… but until you learn your lesson… this isn’t over," Sotsu said coldly. Remoan’s sword disappeared, as he rolled on his back. The hood fell back to reveal the head of a rat. He eyes were watery and red. "You’ll… never win," Remoan cried. "Is that right?" Sotsu said as he began to walk toward his opponent. Sotsu used his sword to draw back the edge of the hood, down to the neck. There wasn’t a collar to Sotsu’s surprise. "You’re working for Robotnik on your own will?" Sotsu asked. Then he noticed something else as he pulled back the hood further. There was a small metal device attached to the back of his neck. Sotsu used his foot to turn the rat over and grabbed the device and pulled it off. Remoan passed out after a few seconds. Sotsu placed the device in his pocket and slung the body over his non-wounded shoulder. He wasn’t all to heavy, but of course Sotsu was far stronger then a normal Mobian. "Just like on Earth Remoan. Much taller then me, you refuse to be a shorty eh?" Sotsu said to the passed out rat. Sotsu let his sword disappear and reached for Remoan’s rifle. "Favorite weapon to. You can’t go without one can you?" Sotsu said examining the weapon. It was an actual Scout. He was sure Robotnik had it built for him. But who else could be here? It’s more then weird that Remoan was here but is it possible others to? A chef looking guy walked out of the broken window and yelled… "Hey look at what you did to my restaurant!" Sotsu turned and waving a hand said, "Bill Robotnik for it." He made it to Knothole and Remoan still lay unconscious. Sally was the first to meet him as he entered the area. "Are you okay?" Sally asked, she noted the figure over Sotsu’s left shoulder. "Yeah, here we needa take him to the doctor," Sotsu said. Sally headed him to Dr. Quack. They put Remoan into the same table treatment as Sotsu had been treated to before. The device was left to be examined later, though they’ve already seen it before. Sotsu’s shoulder was treated. "Yes he’ll be fine. He’ll wake up once he regains his energy," Dr. Quack said happily. "I think he might be my friend from Earth," Sotsu said quietly as he sat stop one of the tables. "What makes you say that?" Sally asked as she eyed the robed figure on the table. "Well one. His name’s Remoan. That was a name that one of my friends used for several things. Second he is really tall. Third, the Scout sniper rifle is his favorite weapon from a computer game we used to play," Sotsu replied. Remoan was tall. He stood an easy 5’ 6" in his Mobian body. His fur was a light gray color, the robes were a brown color. Sonic entered, he didn’t seem angry anymore but he wasn’t happy either. "I heard you guys ran into trouble," Sonic said as he looked at their captive. "Yeah… he’s another ex-earthling. I’m wondering if what Robotnik used to draw me from Earth, only works around a certain area. That is that Remoan lived sorta’ near me," Sotsu said, he rubbed his chin where Remoan had hit it before, it was still sore, but not actually hurting. "I don’t care what you say. I still think this is a setup. I think you were trying to kill Sally, and you’re making it look like he’s after you," Sonic snapped, he eyes sharpened on Sotsu. "Sonic if not for Sotsu, I probably would have been killed," Sally said. "What ever… I’m outta’ here," Sonic said as he exited the door, obviously disgusted that Sally sided with Sotsu. "That’s Mobian’s hero huh?" Sotsu said sarcastically. Sotsu didn’t care for Sonic reaction to the situation to be called any kind of hero whatsoever. "Well, he saved us all from Robotnik more then a few times," Sally replied. "Did you want me to apologize to him?" Sotsu asked. "No he deserves it." "Having troubles with Sonic again?" Dr. Quack asked. "I should leave to Echidnaopolis when Knuckles leaves back there. At least this way he won’t have to bring the Chaos Emerald and risk loosing it," Sotsu said. "No. It’s no big deal," Sally said, her tone was lighter as she was trying to desecrate the glum of the situation. "You know, there might be more then just him," Sotsu said indicating Remoan. "It takes a lot of energy to bring someone through a portal like that," Dr. Quack replied. "But if there is more, then I’m endangering you guys by being here," Sotsu added. "Look there’s no way we’re gonna let you go any sooner then we have to," Sally cut in. "Oh… ok," Sotsu said, a bit of exasperation hinted his voice. Sotsu and Sally now stood together in front of Sotsu’s Hut. It was around five or so, the sun barley hung over the trees. "I enjoyed the time we had together," Sally said. "Well, sorry that my friend had to cut in like that," Sotsu said, finding the situation very funny but not trying to show it. "No that’s okay. We always have next time," Sally said, hitting another one of Sotsu’s points that he were hoping unseen. She’s too dang smart to get by. "Well, if you say so," Sotsu said, a smile edged his face. He didn’t care for smiling but he didn’t want to seem rude to Sally. "Okay then goodnight," Sally said as she walked off. Once she was out of the perimeter Sotsu exhale in relief. Sure am glad that’s over. "Now… I’m going to rest for the day," Sotsu said to himself as he was about to enter the house… then he remembered Remoan who was probably awake now. Sotsu entered the room. Remoan was awake, he was looking around the place, he looked worried. "Don’t worry Remoan were not going to kill you," Sotsu said as he walked in. "Hi… what happened?" Remoan said, he looked glad to see Sotsu. "You passed out when I took that device off of you," Sotsu said indicating the circular metal object that was set on one of the counters. "Yeah he put that on all of us," Remoan said. "A…all of you?" Sotsu stuttered. "Yea’ there’s two others. I never saw them though. I only heard them yelling as the device was forced onto them," Remoan said, he eyes glancing off as he remembered hearing the cries of two voices and them the horror as they suddenly stopped at the time. Their red eyes reflected on the wall, that’s the only thing Remoan knew they have. Might meaning they could probably change their eyes to normal. It could be anyone. "Dear God what the hell is with this place. I’ll never get a break," Sotsu replied with a depressed tone. "Wow I can’t believe this. Look at you, you’re am echidna and I’m a rat! This is ridiculous. I can care less for Sonic. We can’t this be Diablo?" Remoan whined. "You’d rather have us overran by little devil people then having us being psychic creatures with unknown potential?" Sotsu replied. "Good point. Hey when am I gonna get out of this thing. It’s irritating, I got an itch for the last hour." "I dunno but with this dang gloves it doesn’t help." "That was a nice shot back over at the place," Sotsu added. "Heh… sorry about that," Remoan said seeing the patchwork on Sotsu’s right shoulder. "Don’t be. I was beginning to forget what pain feels like. These guys here didn’t even manage to get me when I was with Robotnik." "How’d you turn good?" "They used a collar type device instead of a chip. I managed to take it off once Robotnik wasn’t able to activate it." "Geez, what kinda stuff will he think of next?" The two talked for another hour or so until finally Remoan was released. Just like with Sotsu Sonic doubted Remoan’s faith to the Freedom Fighters. Extra guards were also called to duty to watch out for any incoming creatures that have the possibility of being an ex-earthling. Though Sotsu knew that if the others were anything like Remoan, the guards, as well as the normal Mobians, are already dead. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-