Chapter 7: Enter Robotropolis Sotsu was up early, as all of the Freedom Fighters were. They had to prepare for the important mission ahead. Remoan was briefed on the situation. The ex-earthlings were to be used to spearhead the attack. Doing as much damage as possible before the Freedom Fighters get in. Knuckles had arrived. Sotsu finally got to meet him. This is the first time anyone’s every seen Sotsu voluntarily greet someone. "Mr. Knuckles!" Sotsu said as the red echidna came. Sotsu extended his hand out. "Hi everybody. Wha’? Who are you?" Knuckles said with a slight hesitation. "My name is Sotsu. I’ve been waiting to meet you for a while," Sotsu said with actual enthusiasm in his voice. "Oh you’re the guy that wanted to use the Chaos Emerald. Here," Knuckles said as he reached… from where ever he puts the emeralds (Sonic Adventure 2 he pulls the Master Emerald from no where. Dark Space perhaps?). "Hey thanks," Sotsu said taking up the blue Chaos Emerald in his hands. Knuckles walked to talk with the other Freedom Fighters while Sotsu made his way to his room. Remoan sat on the edge of the bed. He looked up as Sotsu entered. "Hey look what Knuckles let me borrow," Sotsu said. "Knuckles is here? That’s cool," Remoan said. "Okay time for redecoration," Sotsu said, putting himself in a cheesy anime pose, one fist in front of him while he was standing straight. Remoan tilted his head to the side, in a confused manner. "Uh….sure," Remoan said after a brief moment of silence. "You might want to leave, it could be dangerous," Sotsu said. "Okay… have fun," Remoan said as he walked out the door. Sotsu held the Chaos Emerald between his hands. He could feel the power of the emerald pulsing and flowing though him. He closed his eyes and focused on his room back on Earth. There was a slight moment of discomfort. When it lifted when he heard a buzz sound. He opened his eyes to see various objects from his room. There was his white desk, on which sat his white monitor, keyboard and mouse next to the desk sat his computer. On the desk also sat various items. His black Sony Discman CD Player. His TRIGUN the Second Donut sound track. His blue sunglasses with the black frames… as well as his gray Jeep glass-case which held his normal glasses. He looked about the walls. His TRIGUN wall scroll hung on one wall. It was the one he got for Christmas, the black one that had the cover of Lost July on it. There was his tan duffel bag, which contained his stuff for playing D&D. Finally, there was his set of How to Speak Japanese and Kanji books set on the night stand next to the bed. "Heh. That’s pretty good," Sotsu said as he slipped on his blue-tinted sunglasses. Sotsu headed out and handed the Chaos Emerald back to Knuckles. "Thanks much Mr. Knuckles," Sotsu said. Knuckles returned Sotsu with a weird look. "Hey those aren’t my glasses are they?" Knuckles asked. "No… I’ve had these for a long time. They just weren’t here," Sotsu said taking off the glasses and rubbing away a smear. Kevin sent the letter out like he promised. Then the group began it’s trek to Robotropolis. "Alright Team One. Which consists of Kevin, Sotsu, Remoan, Why Kit, and Zhi Wei. You guys head in first and try to make an opening for us," Sally announced. "Team Two, which is the rest of us, will serve as support until there is a clear path in," she added. Oh great we do all the work while they sit back and watch the show. Kevin had his usual equipment in his bag. Remoan of course didn’t have any equipment except for his sniper rifle, he was wearing his cloak so he had a place to hid it. Sotsu wore his nice suit and had his CD Player and headphones, he was equipped with the most proficient and powerful weapon he had… his TRIGUN sound track. It was music that lifted his spirit, gave him extra strength and will, he never understood it, maybe it was his passion for music. But he liked music more the Taekwondo. Though he had never owned many music CD’s he was raised listening to his father’s collection of Van Halen and Led Zepplin CD’s. They reach Robotropolis soon enough. The towering buildings stood in their horrific and twisted way. The ever-awake bustling citizens went about their business. The dance music blasted from various clubs and flowed about the city. Layers of twisted and overlapping highways and runways ran in and out through out the city. The sky was tinted with an ever-present gloom of pollution. "You know the drill. We infiltrate Robotnik’s HQ. Find the developments here," Sally said as she pointed to the location on the map that both groups had a copy of. "And lay waste to it," she finished. The groups broke their separate ways to keep little notice to themselves. But their destination was the same. So they set off… Kevin, Zhi Wei, Why Kit, Sotsu and Remoan, to begin the attack. Sotsu hit the play button on his CD Player and turned to track 19… it was a song labeled Cheers! It wasn’t particularly one he cared for too much, but something to pass time. "God you love that show don’t ya’?" Remoan said. "Of course… who else spent hours and hours just to develop the TRIGUN D&D system?" Sotsu replied with a smile. "God bless you Yasuhiro Nightow," Sotsu added inclining it to be a joke, though he was sure Remoan had taken him seriously. "Come on snap outta it, we gotta job to do," Why Kit said. "Hey if Vector can listen to music all the time, so can I," Sotsu commented back. "Whatever," Remoan said. It was a usual thing for him to say, though it wasn’t used in the same context as most people use it, but it severed proficiently. The two groups meet in the front of Robotnik HQ. It was the same place Sotsu had been in before. It was a large metal, egg-shaped building that resided in the middle of the city. Somewhere in there lies the two only other creatures that have the same potential as us, but wishes to use them to destroy. Who are they… what are they? "Keep an eye out for those two other ex-earthlings," Sotsu announced. He flipped the CD to track 5, the Unhappy Song. It was a fast paced rock/techno song, that had a strong beat. He waited for the faster part to begin, then he began to assail the front blastdoor was a relentless salvo of shadow blasts. Along with the help of the other ex-earthlings the door gave way. Inside was a team of SWATbots ready and shooting. Sotsu felt the music invigorate his attacks. The ex-earthlings lay waste to the SWATbots in a horrible barrage of powerhouse attacks. Kevin shot ice arrows that pieced or severally damaged a good number of SWATbots. Why Kit and Zhi Wei hacked SWATbots apart, with various close-ranged attacks. Remoan blasted numbers of them away with lightning attacks and Sotsu outright devastated them using quick and sharp shadow blades that were hurled at the SWATbots almost recklessly. They entered a large chamber that had the auto-turrets from before. The group instantly took action trying to get them all before they could activate. It wasn’t an easy task. There were eight turrets to each ex-earthling. The turrets began to beep as soon as the group entered the room, indicating that they were aware of the intruders. They were also set at difficult locations, floors, walls, ceiling, all over. "Let’s do this!" Sotsu shouted as he quickly began to charge powerful shadow attacks. Kevin zipped quickly to his set and began assailing it with powerful shock blasts. The group did what they could as fast as they could. Kevin and Sotsu were the first to finish their’s off, then began to help the others to the best of their abilities. The turrets were fully up about by the time Remoan and Zhi Wei were almost through theirs. The metal sentries began to spit out a vicious hail of bullets from a machinegun style barrels. Remoan, Zhi Wei and Why Kit put up protective force fields which forced them to stop their attacks. Kevin and Sotsu saw their friend’s trouble and knew what was to take into action. Kevin let his "lunatic rage" kick in and Sotsu turned to his favorite song, Track 2- Nerve Rack. Kevin unleashed furious shock waves that tore the metal floor tiles to ribbons, while Sotsu charged a great shadow ball in one hand, he had to have his other hand tighten around the producing hand’s wrist in order to support it properly. Sotsu thrust that one hand in front and a black flash took over the whole room, every thing was lighted in a "black light" fashion for a second or two, then the remains of ten of the twenty four remaining turrets rained down on the area. "Holy lord!" Remoan cried as he covered his head with his hands. Kevin finished off a good ten more by the time Sotsu had finished the attack. Four remained, the ceiling ones. They took aim on Sotsu and Kevin, each had a pair on them. Sotsu and Kevin took off running with great speed. Kevin reached the wall and summoned his wings and began to fly parallel with the wall. Sotsu conjured his climbing spikes on his feet, he didn’t find them in the drawer of his white desk, so he had to conjure them. He took to the wall running up it with some difficulty. "To bad this isn’t Metal Storm, or this would have been easier," Sotsu said gritting his teeth as he pumped his legs hard, having to fight gravity fast enough to keep in front of the gun fire which trailed close behind him. As each ex-earthling neared the top of the wall they charged up for a good attack. Kevin began to charge for a high-powered water stream and Sotsu charged for the obvious shadow beam. Each reached the top and pushed off, turning themselves to face the turrets, then with both hands thrust out in front of each other, they fired simultaneously. They hung there for a minute as the projectiles raced toward their targets. The two fell toward the ground as the beams hit the turrets, then ended in a large blast. The two landed in a crouching position right next to each other, but facing opposite directions. The two teams cheered as the two ex-earthlings stood up, panting a little and sweat running down their foreheads. "Good warm-up eh?" Sotsu said, facing toward Kevin. "Yeah," Kevin said, turning to the black echidna. Then a loud ranging sound erupted from the loud speakers positioned on the wall. Followed by the sound of Robotnik clearing his throat. "If you think you Freedom Fighters are going to make it out of here alive, think again! I’ve already developed the Dark-Egg 55’s and I’ll let the them test run on you!" Robotnik shouted, causing a brief echo across the room. With that the large double-blastdoor that resided in the middle of back wall opened with a soft hiss. Three dark gray, egg-shaped robots filed out. Each had a black slit with two red dots that severed as eyes. The black dots ran back and forth sweeping the room and scanning their targets. A row of large silver spikes ran evenly spaced along the spine of the robot. Two large gattlings fitted on each large hand. The gattlings had a ridiculous sized barrel, which meant that the bullets were that much more menacing. The robots sized up well, being a good twelve feet tall or so. "You ready for the workout?" Sotsu said as he got into a fighting stance. "Bring it on," Kevin replied also doing the same. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood-