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The Sonic Fan Fiction Club -> Written Fan Fics

Here is where the talented storywriters of tomorrow take their hand at a bit of Sonic story telling. You can submit anything in this section - movie scripts, cartoon scripts, Fan game scripts - just send 'em to SFFC and it'll end up here!

Submit your own Sonic Team related fiction


  Author: Bomberman10
Old Foes - 2002

  Author: Ghost the Black Echidna - Email
Ghost the Black Echidna - 2002

  Author: Heroic Age - Email
The Tournament - 2002

  Author: Hyper Knuckles - Email
The Knuckles Factor - 2002

  Author: Kevin Lu - Email
Three Gems, two lost, a new start - 2002
Reunions - 2002
Pit one against a hundred - 2002
A Time to Love - 2002
Crystal Series: Chapter 1 - Triangular Prism - 2002
Crystal Series: Chapter 2 - Spire Prism - 2002

  Author: Knuxs412 - Email
:Untitled: Fan Fiction - 2002

  Author: Master Gamer - Email
He Didn't die... Shadow's Story - 2002
The Creation of Mecha Eggman - 2002

  Author: MechaShadow12 - Email
Shadow's Return: Chapters 1-6 - 2002

  Author: Mewy - Email
Shredded Angel: Chapters 1-4 - 2002
Shredded Angel: Chapters 5-8 - 2002
Shredded Angel: Chapters 9-11 - 2002

  Author: Miles Fan - Email
Tails: The Ultimate Life Form - 2002
How Tails Was Created - 2002

  Author: Monkey - Email
Sonic's Daughter - 2002

  Author: Mteo
Sonic: Shutdown - 20th September 2001

  Author: Netraptor - Email
Daylight Savings - 2002

  Author: Nicholas D. Wolfwood - Email | AIM: SotsuEchidna | YIM: Knuck1es
Sonic Absolute: Chapters 1-8 - 2002
Sotsu: Chapters 1-49 - 2002

  Authors: Nicholas D. Wolfwood & The Rabid Chiuahua - Rabid Chiuahua's Email
Ultimate Chaos Sonic Adventure Egg Carrier Return and Shadow's Quest for the Ultimate Knowledge! - 2002

  Author: Red Knux - Email
Sonic Hyper Adventure: Chapters 1-11 - 2002
Sonic Adventure: Future Chronicles Prelude - 2002
The Challenge: Chapter 1 - 2002

  Author: Richie Z
Sonic Adventure: Chaotic Evolution - 8th March 2002

  Author: Shade the Echfox - Email
Origin of Shade: Chapter 1 - 2002

  Author: Shadowgirl - Email
It Begins - 2002

  Author: Shayne Thames
Sonic Underground Season 2 - 5th October 2001

  Author: Sonic_Hedgehogs [Aka: Mr. H]
Moody Ruins 2 - 19th June 2002
Team Sonic Part 1 - 2002
Team Sonic Part 2 - 2002
Doomsday Emerald - 2002
Sonic Got Speed - 2002
Toxic Ruins - 2002
A New Adventure: Parts 1-5 - 2002

  Author: Sonic SSJ
Sonic In The Adventure of the Legendary Chaos Part 1 - 20th September 2001
Sonic In The Adventure of the Legendary Chaos Part 2 - 20th September 2001
Sonic Road Trip - 20th September 2001

  Author: Super Shadow - Email
The return of Shadow: Part 1 - 2002
The Return of Shadow: Part 2 - 2002
The Return of Shadow: Part 3 - 2002
The Return of Shadow: Part 4 - 2002
The Return of Shadow: Part 5 - 2002

  Author: Tailsfan - Email
Sonic's Capture - 2002
Sonic Crystal Adventures Part 1 - 2002
Sonic Crystal Adventures Part 2 - 2002
Crystal Capture - 2002
Crystal Killer - 2002
Character Info: Karma-Slash - 2002
Sonic Switch Part 1 - 2002
Sonic Switch Part 2 - 2002
Sonic Switch Part 3 - 2002
TimeLine - 2002
Splitstone Part 1 - 2002
Splitstone Part 2 - 2002
DeathKeeper Part 1 - 2002
DeathKeeper Part 2 - 2002
The Deadly Game - 2002

  Author: Tails T3
The World's End: Chapter 1 - 2002

  Author: THASF - Email
The Powerpuff Girls Meet the Freedom Fighters - 2002


'SSNG' © Dread & Andrew. 'Dreadknux' and 'The Sonic Stadium' © Svend VJ. 'Sonic News' is © Andrew P. Content © SVJ/AP. Sonic the Hedgehog © Sega.