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                                                                                                                                                                                                    Demo available now !!!

                                                                         Due for release 27th of September



                                                                          This only a small amount of features in timesplitters2 but it still gives a 

                                                                          good insight into the game  or seem some screens here


                                                                     1.   Totally immersive single player and co-operative story mode

                                                                           featuring a complex narrative, and superbly animated cut-scenes.

                                                                     2.   Nine ‘time travelling’ episodes 

                                                                         each with their own distinct graphical style ranging from the Wild West 

                                                                          to Neo Tokyo                                                  

                                                                      3.   Huge detailed environments 

                                                                            with interactive features and atmospheric musical score themed 

                                                                            around levels.                                                    

                                                                       4.  Over 90 characters

                                                                          featuring original cast, ancestors and new loveable rogues you’ll want to                                                                              kill!

                                                                       5.  A vast variety of weapons

                                                                          to choose from through the ages, ranging from Tommy Gun to flame thrower.

                                                                       6.   Furious 2 – 4 split-screen multiplayer action -

                                                                       the most exhilarating experience you get from your console!

                                                                       7.    Customisable multi-player mode,

                                                                               scenarios including deathmatch, capture-the-bag, escort, last stand, etc.

                                                                       8. AND THERES MONKEYS !!!!!