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undefined Hi. My name is Dan and this is my first website. If you have any suggestions about this page or comments for me than e-mail me. Make sure you tell everyone you know about this website. This web page is about 4 things:

  1. Metroid (mainly Metroid Prime and Super Metroid)
  2. Convincing Nintendo to revive the Star Tropics franchise
  3. Other interesting things I have to say
  4. Links

I drew this myself!!

Star Tropics


Other ideas, comments, and thoughts of mine

Click here to fill out my survey.


This page is under contruction and will be for a long time. Also, this page was last upated on 5/31/03. Lastly, sorry about any spelling errors.

e-mail me

This site is not affiliated or endorsed by Nintendo of America or it's parent company.