MGS2 - Close Call
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is finnaly out, and it looks like this marvelous game will live up beyond its expectations. All the hype from the MGS fans really paid off. For most games hype will either destroy a game by not living up to its expectations or either turn a game into an antisipated big hit, and MGS2 has done the impossible as well as the Konami team. We couldn't have asked for more after viewing numerous MGS2 craving trailers, images, pictures, rumors, and demos we would expect way more from a game, and thats what we got. So far all the scores i've seen for MGS2 have been above 9.5's. 1.8 million copies have all ready been sold off the shelves just in the U.S, Konami will be in for some big sales after releasing the game in Japan and the U.K which haven't been released yet. Metal Gear Solid 2...outstanding video game'll expect the unexpected. It was certainly worth the long wait..