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Effects of Video Game Playing on Children Positives and Negitives POSITIVES -Video game playing introduces children to technology -Video games can give practice in folowing directions -Some video games provide problem solving and logic -Games can provide prectice in use of fine motor and spatial skills -Games can provide occasions for adults and childs to play together -User is introduced to information technology -Therapeutic applications with patients -Entertainment NEGITIVES -Games could foster social isolation, since most games are often played alone -Practicing violent acts may contibute more to aggressive behavior than passive television watching -Studies do find a relationship between violent television watching and behavior -Women are often portrayed as weaker characters who are helpless and are acted upon -Game environments are often based on plots of violence, aggression and gender bias -Many games only offer an arena of weapons, killings, kicking, stabbing, and shootings -Feelings of mastery occur in a world that is not real, a video world -The long term effect is unknown -Questions have been raised about early exposure to violent video games -More often games do not offer action that requires independent thought or creativity -Games can confuse reality with fantasy -In violent games, players must become more violent to win