~ Final Fantasy Deathmatch 2000 ~



-Ultimecia: "Kurses! Where is that fool Mills Lane? He was supposed to have been here an hour ago!"
-Cloud: "He must have gotten held up. Wonder Square Garden is a big place, you know. It's not hard to get lost in here."
-Ultimecia: "I don't care, this is unexcusable! We're never going to get this match started!"
-Cloud: "Just chill out. I'm tired of hearing you whine about everything."
-Ultimecia: "What did you say to me?! I grow tired of your constant insolence, filthy dog."
-Cloud: "Who are you calling filthy? You'd think that a sorceress like you would have discovered the magic of `deodorant' by now. Jesus, you reek."
-Ultimecia: "THat's it! I've had it! I've put up with your disrespect for long enough. We fight here and now!"
-Cloud: "Oooh I'm scared. The big bad witch is going to try and..."
(Ultimecia bitch slaps Cloud and sends him flying across the arena.)
(He slams against the far wall with a solid thump.)
-Cloud: "..oof...that...was uncalled for."
-Ultimecia: "You are nothing to me. I will soon own you."
-Cloud: "No one owns me. Especially not you."
(Cloud climbs back on his feet and readies his sword.)
-Ultimecia: "Bwa ha ha. You simply fail to understand. Very soon, I will be the queen of everything you have ever known. You might as well go ahead and accept it."
-Cloud: "You saying that to a sewer rat might make sense, but to me....? Oh well, I think I'll just kill you and call it a day."
(Cloud charges in at Ultimecia with his Ultimate Weapon in a dizzying whirl of slashes and feints.)
-Ultimecia: "Get away from me dog!"
(She whips out a large jeweled scepter and backs away from Cloud, parrying blow after blow from his whirl of swordplay.)
-Cloud: "That's right sorceress, run away from the power you will never possess!"
-Ultimecia: "What a fool you are. Do you really think that power is based on strength alone?"
-Cloud: "Do you really think your silly magic can hold water to a skilled warrior? One can always count on a good solid blow from a blade. Magic cannot always be predicted."
(Feigns an overhead chop and spins into a low sweeping strike.)
(Ultimecia barely catches the maneuver in time and suffers a small bruise from the impact.)
-Ultimecia (looking around angrily): "What was that!? I thought you said I was protected from this twerp!"
-Cloud (looking confused): "Huh? Who are you talking to?"
-Ultimecia (laughing): "Oh, you don't know?"
-Ultimecia: "It's only the future GOD of the multi-verse!"
-Cloud: "...god?...Who is this god?"
-Ultimecia: "You don't need to worry little one. You will be dead and gone soon enough."
-Cloud: "We'll see about that!"
(Launches into yet another series of deadly attacks.)
(Ultimecia lets her guard slip and Cloud's sword comes slicing through....)
(...It bounces right back.)
-Cloud: "What the hell? I scored a hit! What's going on?"
-Ultimecia (mockingly): "Oh no, what happened Cloud? Did your `solid blow from your blade' fail you in your time of need?"
-Cloud: "It's not right! I should have skewered you! How....?"
(Ultimecia throws her scepter down on the floor.)
-Ultimecia: "Come on little one. I'll even give you another chance."
-Cloud: "That's it, no more playing around."
(Raises Ultimate Weapon high into the air.)
-Cloud: "From the Alpha to the Omega, all cosmos lend me your power! Omni-Slash!"
(Cloud focuses all of his power into a almighty series of critical slashes.)
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(Cloud falls away.)
-Cloud: "Huh? That's impossible! I didn't even scratch you! Is this for real?"
-Ultimecia: "No Cloud, it's just a dream. Here let me pinch you and wake you up."
(Ultimecia's claws rip into Cloud's shoulder.)
-Cloud (falling backwards): "Auughhhhhh! No! Cure 3!"
(No effect.)
-Cloud: "Huh? My magic is gone! How is this happening!? I don't understand!"
-Ultimecia: "I thought you didn't need magic, Cloud. What happened, hmmm? Here, this should make you feel better."
(Uses Hell's Judgement.)
(The fires of Hell consume Cloud and burn him with their everlasting fury.)
-Cloud: "Ahhhhh!!!! I'm....finished...."
(He collapses, mortally wounded.)
-Ultimecia: "Fool. Now, you know what true power is. It has nothing to do with that lump of metal in your hands. The only true power is Neo-Sephiroth."
-Cloud: "....Sephiroth?....no...he's dead. I killed him..."
-Ultimecia: "Try again wretched dog. I'm afraid he is very, very much alive."
-Cloud: "..neo?..."
-Ultimecia: "He is the reincarnation of the man you used to hate so much. Only this time he will not be defeated by a spiky haired freak like you! Mwa ha ha ha!"
(Cloud attempts to pick himself up, but Ultimecia kicks him back down.)
-Cloud: "That's why I couldn't hurt you..."
-Ultimecia: "Of course it is you silly creature. Do you really think Neo-Sephiroth would allow a twerp like you to injure his future QUEEN? I am protected from any harm you might try to cause me."
-Cloud: "Ughh...Queen? Is this what he promised you?"
(Ultimecia pats Cloud on the cheek.)
-Ultimecia: "Don't be jealous blonde one. I can't help it you're not his type."
-Ultimecia: "I can't help it if I will soon help him rule EVERYTHING!"
(Raises scepter to deliver finishing blow.)
-Cloud: "This is the end...."
(Without warning, a long sword flashes out from nowhere and impales Ultimecia's raised arm.)
-Ultimecia: "AIEEEEEEE!!!!! My beautiful skin! AHHHHH!!"
(She falls to the side screaming.)
-Voice: "There is only one fool here Ultimecia. That is you."
-Ultimecia: "Who's there?! Who did this to me?"
(Sephiroth steps from the shadows as Squall enters from the left.)
(Squall immediately rushes to the aid of Cloud, an X-Potion in hand.)
-Ultimecia (to Sephiroth): "You!!!...You are not him! How are you here?"
-Sephiroth: "You mean he didn't tell you I was in the tournament too? Looks like you've been played lady."
-Ultimecia: "You will address me as `your majesty'!!! I will soon be your queen!"
(Sephiroth laughs.)
-Sephiroth: "Do you really think that Neo is going to make you his queen!? He is going to kill you as soon as he is done with you!"
-Ultimecia: "You are wrong! He promised me we would rule the universes together! How do you know what he will do!?"
-Sephiroth: "Because we are clones! Do you know what that means!? It means we have the same likes, dislikes, ambitions, preferences, and tastes! And I personally think you're a nasty bitch who doesn't even deserve to rule over cockroaches, much less the multiverse!"
(Ultimecia's eyes widen.)
(Sephiroth grabs her and pulls her face to face with him.)
-Sephiroth: "But you don't have to worry angel. I won't let him hurt you..."
-Ultimecia (her eyes flooded with relief): "You won't?"
-Sephiroth: "...No. I want the pleasure all to myself."
(Sephiroth drops her to the ground and gives her a moment to absorb the realization before driving his Masamune cleanly through her heart.)
-Ultimecia: "AGHHHHHH!!!!!! NOOO GGHHOGGHHHH!!! ARghhAckkhhhhhh gggurgle..chhccc......."
(Ultimecia thrashes around wildly for a few moments and then does not move anymore.)
(All three jump backwards at the loud and sinister voice.)
-Squall: "Who's there?"
