The Magical Drop 3 Translation Project

I am currently in the midst of writing what will be the definitive Magical Drop 3 FAQ. There are only two on the internet so far, and even though they are both reasonably good, I feel such a great game deserves more. However, the biggest issue is that the American version is butchered and lacks many, many things the Japanese version has. I would like very much to translate the majority of these things into English for this FAQ, but I need your help. I cannot read Japanese at all, so I need volunteers to help translate the many different story lines, endings, and game screens that up until now Americans have never been able to understand. If you want to help, then not only will you score your name in the opening credits of the FAQ, but I will appreciate it quite a bit.
As you can see, there are several items below, with their corresponding translation status. If you can assist or correct in any of these, please feel free to join the team. E-mail me at with your translations, or alternately, if you're familiar with GameFAQs, you can post what you know there on the topics that are on the Current Events Board or the Anime: Other Board (just look for the topic about translation by Shade7x). Thanks again!

Current translation team includes: CJones, Durendal

Current Screens
Opening Story Scenes Translated
Fool's Magical Journey Story Untranslated
Fool's Conversation With Empress Untranslated
Fool's Magical Journey Failure Untranslated
Fool's Magical Journey Ending Untranslated

If you can help in the translation of these screens, please mail me at:

E-mail me at: