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Xbox Codes
Xbox Strategy Guides
Xbox Accessories

Cel Damage

Unlock All Weapons 
To unlock all weapons, enter MELEEDEATH as your name. 

Become Invincible 
To turn on invinicibility, enter your name as CODY. You will 
be impervious to pain. 

Unlock it All 
To unlock everything in the game, enter ENCHILADA! as your 
character name. 

Play as Count Earl 
To play as Count Earl (and open the Transylvania level), 
enter COUNTDEAD as your character name. 

Play as Whack Angus 
To play as Whack Angus, enter your name as WHACKFAD. 

Unlock All Desert Stages 
To unlock all desert stages, enter the name WHACKLAND as 
your character name to begin a game. 

Unlock All Transylvania Stages 
To unlock all Transylvania stages, enter the name EARLSPLACE 
as your character name to begin a game. 

Unlock Almost Everything 
Type in "pita". 

Unlock Hazardous Weapons 
To unlock hazardous weapons, enter your character name as 

Unlock Jungle World 
Enter TWRECKSPAD as a character name to unlock the Jungle 

Unlock Pencil Rendering Mode 
To unlock pencil rendering mode, enter the name PENCILITIN 
as your character name to begin a game. 

Unlock Personal Weapons 
To unlock Personal weapons, enter UNIQUEWPNS as your 
character name. 

Unlock Plastic Rendering Mode 
To unlock plastic rendering mode, enter the name FANPLASTIC 
as your character name to begin a game. 

Unlock Ranged Weapons 
To unlock ranged weapons, enter your character name as GUNSMOKE! 

Unlock Space World 
Enter your character name as BRAINSALAD to unlock the Space World level.