DROPSHIP The Covenant Dropship is capable of dropping eight aliens without even touching the ground. It has similar backup weapons to the shade turret. The shields around it cannot even be pierced by a scorpian tank so attacking the thing is a big mistake.
GHOST: This vehicle is lightly armoured, so even the small arms can destroy them. Keep on your feet and blow them apart with your favourite weapon (shotgun isn't recommended). A rocket or plasma grenade is ideal. If you want the vehicle in tact just gun down the pilot with light fire. He is unprotected and highly vulnerable. Move the crosshair to accelerate in that direction and keep in mind that the ghost can strafe. The ghost is highly maneuverable and fast. The weapons can swivel fast also. Although, the pilot has no protection so always try to face your enemy and let the ghost take the rap.
BANSHEE: Try not to use plasma or needle weapons or even the shade turret because they have slow rates of fire. Instead, use an Assault Rifle or a Rocket Launcher (only if your good with one) to obliterate them with haste. When driving a Banshee, a blue targeting display appears on the screen. Wherever the display points is the direction the vehicle travels to. The Banshee is your only flying vehicle. It has a powerful fuel rod cannon and a light plasma cannon (which is also on the ghost). Also, be prepared to take some damage if you fly your Banshee into a huge battle. The Banshee is sluggish and not so great at dodging fire. Also remember that unlike the human vehicles, the Banshee can be destoyed.
© Ashley Stevenson 2003 "Halo World v2" - Please feel free to use, print, or save any material on this site - Not including Dynasty Games and JROCK as they are not part of this site