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Atouts /Trumps


Subject of CardUrban SceneRural Scene
1Individual FollyPierrotPuck and Ballerina
2Stages of Life (1): ChildhoodGirls Playing in the ParkBoys Playing Soldier
3Stages of Life (2):AdolescenceGroup of Youths in a ParkYouths Walking
4Stages of Life (3):MaturityAt WorkA Woman with Her Children
5Stages of Life (4):Old AgeGrandfather Grandmother
6Time of Day(1):MorningBreakfastHarvest
7Time of Day (2):Mid-DayIn the ParlorResting in the Field
8Time of Day(3):AfternoonA Musical GatheringAt the Door of the House
9Time of Day (4):EveningNight Watchman Return of the Hunter
10The Elements(1): Earth and AirFresh Air Landscaping
11The Elements (2):Water and FirePicnic at the Park Canoe Ride
13Leisure (2):ShoppingStore Store
14Leisure(3): NatureFishingHunting
15Leisure (4): The ArtsPhotographyPainting
16Seasons of the Year (1): SpringGardeningShearing Sheep
17Seasons of the Year (2):SummerRacetrackHarvest
18Seasons of the Year (3): AutumnAt the MarketHusking Wheat
19Seasons of the Year(4): WinterIce SkatingSpinning
20GamesCard PlayingPétanque
21Collective FollyCarnivalMilitary Revue