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Will's Rom Hacks

Last update Nov. 10 2003

These downloads are IPS files. You Must use them on the original rom to play them. This requires SNEStool or a similar tool to patch the IPS onto the rom. Please Right Click and click "Save Target As" or some of the .ZIP files won't download. Don't ask me why, I don't know either. They just won't.

Super Mullet-o Bros.

This is one of my earlier hacks which started as just Mario having a mullet. I slowly decided that other little graphics could have nice changes as well, and before I knew it, I had a complete Mario redneck makeover. It works on pretty much every emulator.

Mullet Kong

This hack is the second in the series of Mullet-o Bros. hacks, though not the first game featuring Mario. The only real change is that Mario looks how he does in Super Mullet-o Bros. It doesn't seem to work on any emulators which can take screenshots, but I'm working on a way to get some on for the site without spending any money. It does work on LoopyNES, but that emulator's not too popular. I may update this hack later, but I have no intentions at the moment.

Hyrule Bros.

This is one for the Zelda fans who think Mario is overrated. Mario, of course, becomes Link. Luigi is a fake alternate character named Blink who is a blue Link. The Goombas have been replaced by Octoroks, the Koopas are Re-Dead, and there are several other graphics changes. The Fire Flower has been changed to a boomerang, and Link's color scheme no longer changes when it is used, so that it is more like an item from Zelda than Mario. Definitely one of my better hacks. It works on most emulators.

Super Willio Bros.

Here I am! I am now not only a Mario hacker, I AM MARIO! I don my flannel and blue jeans, along with my Motörhead Classic England t-shirt and Buddy Holly frames. Everything is pretty much the same about this hack, otherwise. Fire Mario is replaced with my alter-ego Willie, who can throw fire. Luigi is my brother Russ, in his entirely black outfit. This is not a hack that takes a large amount of talent to make, but I am quite proud of myself for how I've used... myself. Once again, works on most emulators.

I still have a lot of work to do on my River City Ransom hack to make it become a Grand Theft Auto 3 spoof, entitled LIBERTY CITY RANSOM, but you can count on it being up as soon as it's done. I'm also almost done with the newest line of mullet hacks, MULLET-O BROS, after the original Mario Bros. I've even been considering giving the MC Kids their own mullet hack. There is one almost complete hack without mullets, a hack of the less popular game Kid Icarus, with the Greek theme changed to Norse Mythology. I call it KID LOKI. More updates on these hacks some other time.