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Remember our Ulysses' Challenges ?  Ulysses is currently on sabbatical,
but you can access his archives here.

2004 Chess Odyssey Winter Olympics Champs - Tigard High School

Our Purpose
The mission of Chess Odyssey is to equip our students with useful tools and strategies for increasing success at the complex game of chess, while developing creative, intellectual and life skills.  Our instruction is designed to enhance enjoyment, as well as help the student win more games.  Students are provided with continuing opportunities for playing chess, whether just for fun or in competition.   

Distinctive Elements of Chess Odyssey
Accept no substitutes! 
Chess Odyssey clubs are structured to include the essential elements of a healthy chess program:  effective teaching, challenging competition and enjoyable social interaction.  Our lead instructor, Pete Prochaska, chessmaster and professional chess coach, has over 30 years' experience in both group and private teaching.  Chess Odyssey students range from those who are just learning how the pieces move, on up to those with extensive competitive experience.  

To allow for our four components (learning activities, group teaching periods, practice games and formal competition), club sessions are two hours in length--twice that of the typical club--flexibly divided into multi-level or single-level groups, as needed.  Chess Odyssey also employs qualified assistant instructors to maintain the best possible student/teacher ratio.  Students in our programs enjoy a point/reward system reinforcing many positive elements besides winning games.  Points accumulate throughout the student's "career" to earn them certificates, ribbons, medals, trophies and other prizes.  For further information about our clubs, camps, tournaments and other services, click here

2004 Oregon 5th Grade Champion Daniel Gay

Did you know?
Researchers have repeatedly linked chess study with heightened academic performance.  For more information, please see our "Why Chess?" page.

Chess Challenges
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Click here for a Chess Odyssey printable (.pdf) score sheet!

Contact Us

Last site update 12/09/05

We would love to have your feedback about anything you like or don't like about our site,
and/or any problems or questions.  Please email us.

© 2002-2005 Chess Odyssey, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Search terms:  Portland Oregon Scholastic Chess

All text and images on this site are either the property of Chess Odyssey,
or were used by permission, or were ascertained to be public domain.
If we have inadvertently violated copyright, please notify us.