Aapie Slingeraap |
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As Footballer...
Hello I'm Sured that you have heard of him, Aapie Slingeraap the Footbal player. He is known as a strong and quik defender who can take out each striker. He currently plays for Real Aap but he want's to join Aapjes Boys so he can play along site with his cousin Arie Slingeraap. |
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As Movie Star and Singer
Aapie SLingeraap also has a movie career and a sing carreer. Aapie Slingeraap has played in many movies the popularst ones were: Lord of the apes where he played Uruk-Aap and of course the Apetrix where he played Morfeape. Aapie Slingeraap has also a relationship with Liv Tyler because of his movie career, unfortunaly they have broken up,Aapie also Sings with his band the Monkey brother's they had many hit single's. Aapie pedo? We hebben vernomen van een betrouwbare bron dat Aapie Slingeraap pedo is.Volgens onze bron kijkt hij graag naar jonge jongens en meisjes. En hij zou er al eens 1 hebben aangerand volgens onze bron. |