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This is the "achivements" section here you'll find Awards and other things like that .. if you want to send me a award send it here:


Games created

The old demo of this game was released this year ... but no full version yet ...
The full version of Ryuukishi no me 2 was released this year !!!


Ryuukishi no me 2 (full version) is rated with a 8 in rpg arena

Screens of Deadly Rivals are rated with a 8 in rpg arena

Ryuukishi no me 2 ( DEMO) is rated with a 9.00 in rpg2knet


Thank you brave knights *g* .. You gave me the idea to make this section .. thanks a lot !!


Games created

SO KIDDOS ~ The demo of DEADLY RIVALS was released this year .. Both the German and the Englisch version... I hope the full version is done soon ~ Let's wait and see ~


Ryuukishi no me 2 (full version) is rated with 4 stars in softgames !!!
Ryuukishi no me 2 ( complete) was rated with a 8 in rpg2knet !!!!!!!

(c) by DRAGONSLAYER 2002