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Real Photos

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This photo was taken at Nene Valley in Peterborough, This is the 31108 hauling Mk1 coaches



The above picture is of a Class 170 in Anglia livery traveling at fast speed! for a turbostar anyway.

The picture above is of a Class 156 arriving into Newark Northgate after departing from Lincoln.

When I looked down towards this train when it was stationary in the station I noticed it was a Eurostar, I said to my father "It would really make my day if it is in Eurostar livery" and guess what, It was in Eurostar livery :)

The image above is of a Class 91 on the route of the Flying Scotsman.

The image above is of a Class 91 aproaching Newark Northgate station at high speed!

The image above is of a Class 91 departing Newark Northgate station.

The image above is of a Class 91 travelling at high speed going towards Newark Northgate station.

He He This train was spectacular but when i took the picture i thought the train was in its normal consist order, but this train had a diffrence! At the front was the DVT (Driving Trailer) then the coaches, then came a Class 91 power car with the pantograph down then strangley there was another Class 91 power car after the other one with it's pantograph up! How bizzar?

The picture above was just about to be taken when I heard a horn so I pause for a few seconds and there it went past, A GNER 125!! how lucky can you get?


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