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First after Christmas Event ;)

(let's see in thais the day of 25 december, sunday) kill Draggys, event only for dragon killers.

�What do you need?: Iron Nerves, a bag of uh at least and a bag of hmm at least.
Day: after crhistmas each saturday 0:5 C.E.T. 10 am Mexico, 2 pm Spain.
I'm thinkin, oh yeah!, every last sunday of each month we will do another hunt :D cya in tibia, pablo

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Draconia quest, 25 february, morning in mexico, just for ultimate dragon killers, each one can take 2 friends lvl 25+ to join of any guild, thank you, we can only go if we are more than 10 persons bye ;)

today (08/04/06) dwarfish axe quest will be done, we will do it at 3:30pm in mexico, u need to b lvl 32+ and we met at ab' dendriel at 3pm. thanks

Draggy tour, yeah dudes!!!, we start in thais the saturday 20 of may at 18:00 Hrs. Cet, or 11 am in mexico, we will kill the most famous draggys in FREE territory xD, yeah!!!

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