"Oh listen, all catkin, to a tale of woe.
I was hungry and weary. I had hunted all day.
Now! Wings! are the answer, and magic's the ticket.
So off to a wizard the very next day,
The miles, there were many, over hill, across moor.
The wizard was waitng for an easy buck.
Rubbing his hands, with a gleam in his eye,
"Wings," I exclaimed. "Let's do a deal."
He hemmed and he hummed, "Expenses, you know."
"So the lizard down and a mouse a week,"
"No way!" I yelled as I jumped on the table.
"A mouse a week is a lot for a year."
We were nose to nose and eye to eye,
So the bargain was struck. The deal was done.
"Lo Razza. UP Tazza!" the wizard began,
There was colored smoke curling and a lightening flash.
That made me jump straight up...and up some more...
Above the clouds, beyond the weather,
I looped some loops across the sky,
That wily old wizard, oh curse my bad luck,
What to do? What to do! I shuddered with fear.
I returned to the wizard. I was ready to fight.
"So soon?" asked the wizard. "Is something amiss?"
I just gave him a LOOK. MY best yellow stare.
"Of course." he said smoothly,"Without any delay."
So I left with my lizard, refunded as well
But the lizard kept laughing as we plodded along.
He sniffled and snorted 'til I turned in my track.
DUCKPRINTS on the trail where catprints should be,