50 First Dates - Movie Review

50 First Dates


Henry Roth (Adam Sandlar) is a native born Hawain who has a problem with commitment, until he meets Lucy Whitmore (Drew Barrymore). Henry eventually finds out that Lucy has no short term memory. Her father Marlin Whitmore (Blake Clark) and brother Doug Whitmore (Sean Astin) change everything to the way it was the day that Lucy lost her memory, so she wouldn't have to experience losing her memory everyday. Henry eventually helped them tell Lucy about her problem. They used techniques like making videos, and Lucy writing in her diary and their relationship developed. Lucy felt that she couldn't stay in a relationship with Henry because of her condition and she deletes him from her diary and her notes. It is now up to Henry to win her back again.

50 First Dates is not a typical Adam Sandlar movie. It is more of a chick flick type of movie. So don't be expecting a movie along the lines of Billy Madison or Happy Gilmour. I thought the movie was pretty good. It had an somewhat unique plot that kept me interested. The idea of loss of short term memory is a cool one to make into a movie an example being Memento. Rob Sneider and Dan Akroid make interesting cameos in the movie and lighten things up at times. I wasn't expecting too much out of this movie and I came out of it pleasantly surprised. It was a pretty good movie for what it was.

Henry and Lucy 'Ula' Whitmore Henry Henry and Lucy
Ula Doug Which ones the Walrus?

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Best Chick Flick of 2004