Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle - Movie Review

Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle


The Angels Natalie Cook (Cameron Diaz), Dylan Sanders (Drew Barrymore) and Alex Munday (Lucy Liu) are on a missions along with their counterpart Jimmy Bosley (Bernie Mac) to save a prisoner of war. To solve their mission it leads them to The Thin Man (Crispin Glover) from the last movie, who surprisingly helps them out. They find out the Dylan was in the witness protection agency and the Irish Warlord Seamus O'Grady (Justin Theroux) who was after her is out of prison again. Along with stopping O'Grady and saving Dylan the Angels have to contend with Madison Lee (Demi Moore) and ex-angel gone bad.

This movie is almost devoid of any plot of any kind or substance. What you see is what you get a cheap action, girl power kind of shoot 'em up movie. I have not seen the first one, but it is not necessary to follow the little or no plot. Some character's from the earlier movie/tv show make an appearance. Some of the movie was filled with the stupid humour, that if not done right can be quite annoying. Overall not a very good movie, some good special effects and an interesting villian in O'Grady.

Motorcycles Flamethrower
The Angels on a boat The Angels on a mountain

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