Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Movie Review
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) starts off the year living at the Dursley's again. Dobby (voice Tobby Jones) a house elf shows up and tells Harry not to go back to Hogwarts, because there is grave danger awaiting him there. To convice him he makes a pudding fall on the head of one of Vernon's (Richard Griffith's) guests, Mrs. Mason (Veronica Clifford). Ron, Fred And George (Rupert Grint, James and Oliver Phelps) come and save Harry in the flying Ford Anglina and take him to The Burrow.
When it comes time to go to school Harry uses floo powder for the first time and gets lost. He gets saved from Nocturn Alley by Rubeus Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane). Hagrid takes Harry to Diagon Alley, where he meets up with Hermoine Granger (Emma Watson). Hermoine takes Harry to join up with the Weasleys at Flurish and Blotts, the book store. At Flurish and Blotts their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart (Kenneth Branagh) gave out free copies of his books to Harry. The Weasleys and Harry also have a run in with Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) and his father Lucius Malfoy (Jason Isaacs).
Back at school again, Harry and friends learn of a mysterious Chamber of Secrets which holds a monster that can only be controled by the heir of Slytherin. The monster is released on the school and many people/animals/ghosts become petrified including, the caretaker Argus Filth's (David Bradley) cat Mrs. Norris, a first year student Colin Creevy (Hugh Mitchell), a second year Hufflepuff Justin Finch-Fletchley (Edward Randell) a ghost Nearly Headless Nick (John Cleese), a Ravenclaw prefect Penelope Clearwater (Gemma Padley) and Hermoine Granger. Eventually a message is left that Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright) was taken by the monster into the chamber.
Harry and Ron go to save Ginny along with Professor Lockhart. They find out that the monster is a giant snake called a basilisk and the heir was Tom Riddle (Chrisitian Coulson), or Lord Voldermort who had possessed Ginny. It is now up to Harry and his faith in Dumbledore to save Ginny from the horrible monster and Lord Voldemort himself!
I thought this was a AWESOME movie. It was very good, I liked it even more than the book, which is unusual. I have seen it many times since and have it on my computer. Some people say it is a bit confusing if you haven't read the book first, so I suggest you do that. I really like this movie the new characters, Lockhart, Sprout, Dobby etc. all were just how I imagined them. The special effects with the flying car, the basilisk, dueling all were really cool to see. The acting and cinematography both were really well done, and Hogwarts makes and awesome setting. Overall a really good movie!
I found so many good pictures that I decided to have lots of pictures and make them thumbnails. So if you want to see bigger versions of these pictures just click them. They will pop open in a new window so you can just close the window when you are done looking at them, to get back to the review.
Many of these pictures I found at Muggle Net

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