Identity - Movie Review

Identity is a scary movie about a group of people that all end up trapped at a hotel. Ed (John Cusask), Paris (Amanda Peet), Rhodes (Ray Liotta), Larry, (John Hawkes), Ginny (Clea DuVall) and many more form the group of people who arrived at the motel. All the people begin dieing mysteriously by room number. All the guests at the motel are connected some how and all happen to have the exact same birthday. These murders are all tied in somehow to a man who is being sentenced to death in a prison. In the end it is up to the guests to see that the murders stop and the killer is put to justice.
I thought this movie was really good, better than your average horror/thriller movie. John Cusack did a great job as always as leading man. The setting/theme/filmography was all excellent along with the music. The twist at the end was pretty good, It took some thinking but I did figure it out. The plot had a very cool idea and it made a great movie. Overall pretty good, worth seeing, best horror movie 2003.

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Best Horror Movie of 2003