Kill Bill Vol. 2 - Movie Review

Kill Bill Vol. 2


Kill Bill Vol. 2 is the continuation of Beatrix Kiddo(The Bride, The Black Mamba) (Uma Thurman) and her quest for revenge against the Deadly Viper Assasination Squad. Its members once again, include the following people O-Ren Ishii/Cottonmouth (Lucy Liu), Elle Driver/California Mountain Snake (Daryl Hannah), Vernita Green/Copperhead (Vivica A. Fox), Budd/Sidewinder(Michael Madsen) and their leader Bill (Snake Charmer) (David Carradine). The story starts off with the Bride attempting to take out Budd. Bill had visited Budd earlier and told him that the Bride was after him. We learned some more about Budd and his story. The Bride's ambush goes awry and Budd buries her alive. While she is buried the Bride flashes back to her training with the Kung Fu master Pai Mei. She uses her training to help her escape.

In the mean time Budd had called Elle Driver and offered The Bride's sword to her for a million dollars. Elle showed up and killed Budd and took the sword. There was then a very interesting, gruesome, disgusting fight with the bride, she becomes further visually impared. All thats left for the bride now is to hunt down Bill himself. The Bride goes to Bill's father figure Esteban Vihaio (Michael Parks) and he tells her where Bill can be found. The Bride goes after the final name after her list, and as she meets up with him, many secrets from the movie are revealed.

I thought this was a very good movie. There is very little back story in this movie and it is based on the viewer having seen Kill Bill Vol. 1. I had high expectations going into this movie, having seen and thoroughly enjoyed the first one, and it lived up to my expectations. There is still the great Tarantino action, music, wit and filmography. There was much more of the dialogue in this movie that has made Tarantino famous. This movie is pretty long, but the time seem to fly in the theatre, it wasn't until the ending that was a little slow that I realized the movie had been on for so long. I was a little disappointed with the Michael Madson character, having like him so much in Reservoir Dogs, he didn't really have that interesting of a character this time. My favourite scenes include the Bride stepping on the eyeball, Elle getting a faceful from the spitoon and the toilet, and the whole traing sequences with Pai Mei. There are tonnes of things in this movie that are tributes to other movies, and you'll just have to watch it yourself to see if you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Pai Mei Eagle Claw Technique Blocked
Freeze What the? Bill
Nice and cosy Rice anyone? Budd's Meal Ticket
Pai Mei's greatest foe, wood Bill and Budd converse Truth Serum Dart Gun

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