Song of Susannah: Dark Tower VI - Book Review
Song of Susannah: Dark Tower VI
Song of Susannah is the VI in the Dark Tower series. The other Books have long complicated plots so, I will do a plot summary for just this book. The book starts right after the end of Wolves of Calla with Roland Deschain, Eddie Dean, Jake Chambers and Father Don Callahan went to look for Susannah after their victory against the wolves. With the help of Henchick and the Manni they go to the top of the mountain to follow after her. Jake and Pere are accidentily sucked up into the vortex and sent to New York instead of Roland and Eddie, who get sent to Maine.
In Maine, the Crimson King had set a trap for the gunslingers, by hiring, Enrico Balazar to send his cronie Jack Andolini and a bunch of other hit men to take them out, luckly Roland and Eddie got away with the help of a cool headed patron. The guy who helped them out, lent them a truck which they went in to visit Stephen King. After talking with King and Roland hypnotising him, the pair left to find Calvin Tower and Aaron Deepneau.
Meanwhile, Susannah had arrived in New York controlled by Mia daughter of none. Susannah had agreed to help Mia during the fight with the Wolves and Mia needed help because she didn't know modern day New York and its customs. Susannah got around easier, with her new white skinned legs. On her way to her hotel, Susannah stopped at a park with a turtle of enormous girth. Once they got to the hotel room, Susannah said she wanted answers, so Mia agreed. They left to a mysterious castle, where Mia was from. Mia told Susannah about her life and about her baby. Susannah's babies' father was Roland! In the first book when Roland slept with the Oracle demon, it kept his sperm. In the third book, the demon transformed into a male and enseminated Susannah with the sperm. Susannah learn a slightly bigger piece of the picture from Mia, about Roland, the Dark Tower and the Crimson King.
Pere and Jake dropped in New York and Oy was almost run over by accident. Jake flipped out and almost shot the guy with his father's Ruger. They followed after Susannah and stole black 13 from the safe Susannah had put it in. They put black thirteen in the bowling bag and locked it in a locker under the world trade centers. They then went after Susannah. Susannah had left them a powerful talisman, a small turtle figurine. Along with some plates left over from the Calla, it is up to Jake and Pere to try and save Susannah from Vampires, Lowmen, birdmen and other even more gruesome servents of the Crimson King!
I really enjoyed this entire series. I have been a fan for quite a long time now and its exciting for the series to be close to ending. Stephen King felt pressure to finish the series after the reminder of his own mortality by being hit by a van. I think its really cool the way he weaves himself into the stories along with other characters from a large selection of his books. I can't wait for the final edition, the Dark Tower to come out. It seems that there is too much left unfinished just to put in one book. I was afraid I wasn't going to like this book that much, because I don't really like the plots with Susannah as much, but Stephen King never fails in making a great book, an excellent part of the series.
If you haven't heard of the Tower Series and are interested read the books in order. The first book was totally different then the others, not nearly as good, so if you think you won't like the series, try reading the second book. The second book sets the pace for what the rest of the series is like. Also there is a revised edition of the first book put out that you could try reading as well. I think Stephen King realized that the first book wasn't of the caliber of the others. He also fixed some continuity errors in the series. Overall a great series and a great read.
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