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GTA Everything on GTA
Tuesday, 18 November 2003
GTA Double Pack for XBOX
The double pack for XBOX is out. I have my copy. I have to say it is a big improvement over PS2. I have both versions. Here's the rundown:

STORY: 10+
FUN: 10+

Posted by games5/gtastuff at 5:58 PM EST
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I will be happy to accept any email on the GTA games just as long its not anywhere on this page or in the upcoming FAQ section.

Posted by games5/gtastuff at 5:34 PM EST
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GTA Vice City 100% Completion FAQ
Succesfully complete 100% of the game.
You will get unlimited amunation,double
vehicle health, 200 health and armor, a
set of new clothes will be delivered to
the Vercetti Estate. If you look closely
the shirt says: "I completed Vice City
and all I got was this lousy T-shirt". Walk
into the pink circles surrounding the men
at your mansion and they will follow you
around as bodyguards.

Posted by games5/gtastuff at 5:33 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 November 2003 5:35 PM EST
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For More On The Ghost Town
For pictures of the Ghost Town go to the link on the side of the page that reads "GT" Pics and click on it. It will bring you to CodeWiz11's Pic Page.

Posted by games5/gtastuff at 5:31 PM EST
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More on the Ghost Town Thanks to CODEWiz11
It's Existence

Though many people deny its existence, the Ghost Town is REAL. There is plenty of proof such as pictures and many peoples good word that says it exists. It should not be associated with other rumors (false statements) such as the Disney Land or Carser City rumor. There is no Disney Land or Carser City in GTA3.

Though plenty of proof is provided that there is a ghost town in the game, there will always be people who doubt and people who will never learn. But that negativity should never stop those explorers of GTA3 from getting to a great secret such as this.

There is NO Carser City. Yes, ghost town. No, Carser City. Yes, ghost town. NO, and I mean NO Carser City. Say it to yourself a couple of
times. No Carser City. Very good, boys and girls! Here are some reasons why to say that there is no Carser City.

1) If there was a Carser City in the game, and there's NOT, but if there was, then why hasn't anyone shown any pictures or proof. Pictures
of other things like the ghost town are so easy to get on the computer, but not Carser City? Come on.

2) Where are the programming codes in the game files that would have all of the Carser City stuff? Carser City isn't even really mentioned in the codes except for the radio commercial.

3) Just because it's on the radio commercial, doesn't mean there's a Carser City. Both the MM and Pogo the Monkey are on the radio and neither has been found.

4) Where in the game would something so "big and full of everything" be? I admit not everything in the game is uncovered yet, but saying that so many hardcore gamers overlooked something so big? That's an insult to gamers everywhere. But Carser City is full of something I'll tell 'ya. The rumor is all full of BS.

-Seeing is Believing-

This is a great new discovery, by me, on how people who cannot fly, can still SEE the Ghost Town!
What it is, is the ability to see through any walls that you want. This doesn't just work for looking at the Ghost town, but for looking
inside any buildings or past walls.

Here is how you can see the ghost town without even leaving the ground!:

What you have to do is first make sure you have a sniper rifle. You only need one bullet, just so you can use the scope on it. You can get a sniper rifle anywhere you are if you enter the weapons cheat. The weapons cheat is R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.
Once you have a sniper rifle, go to Shore side Vale. Go up to the road on the top part of the dam. Take that road south to the blocked off tunnel. The tunnel is in a mountain. Go up the mountain. (When
facing the tunnel, it's easy to go up the part of the mountain to the left of the tunnel.) Go up the mountain and over and down the hills back there so that you are almost driving to the Observatory (You
cannot get to the Observatory however, it's not even solid.) Go back as far as you can until you run into a big wall that stops you from getting to the Observatory or the ghost town. Now, go up to the wall (With the sniper rifle in your hands.) And keep running into the wall so that you are as close to the wall as you can(Not in a car.). Once
you are as close as you can be to the wall, tap Down on the D-pad *once so that you face away from the wall, but your back is still pretty close to it. Now hold R1 so that you are looking into the scope of the sniper rifle. Now (Still holding R1), turn around to the wall using the D-pad or the Left Analog Stick. Now look down a little bit where there doesn't seem to be water but is an area of blue. (This is the 'Blue Hell' or the entrance to the 'Underworld'.) Now look to the right upper edge of that blue spot and zoom in. If you are looking through the wall at a good spot, you should see the ghost town. Now, I've noticed that you couldn't see the middle section of wall or the road, but you can see a good portion of the ghost town.

And that's it. You can now see the ghost town without even flying there. The only problem is once you see the ghost town, it will probably make you want to fly there now.
And remember that you can use my method above to see through any other walls too.

Posted by games5/gtastuff at 5:29 PM EST
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Grand Theft Auto III: GHOST TOWN
I found out from from codewiz11 about a "Ghost Town" in GTA 3. Its sounds really cool. But read for yourself:

Ah yes, the ghost town. It is in NO way "Carser" or "Carson City". "Carser/Carson City" does NOT exist. Don't waste your time. And don't waste my time by e-mailing me about it either. It simply and
truthfully, does NOT exist in gta3. Ok, with that said I can go on.
The ghost town is a secret island behind Shoreside Vale that was used in making the first part of the opening cinema of the game. Cool
huh? O well. Anyway... (Only the bank scenes from the opening cinema are from the Ghost town, the rest with the bridge and everything was
done at like, the real Staunton Island.)
You can't walk around or even land on it because almost all of it is not solid. (Aw man.) That means, if you tried to land, you would just
go through the ground and most likely crash into the water and drown. A couple of small pieces of it are solid though, but no one has ever landed on them and never will, because the pieces are too small.
One little weird thing about the ghost town is that it is just floating in the air, just above the water.
Remember where you, along with your accomplices, robbed a bank in the opening cinema? Well the ghost town is where that bank is located. The 'Liberty City Bank', along with the two securicars and other cars from the opening cinema, are visible there. There are about four cars that I can remember and all of them are parked and are not solid. There
are two securicars, a triad truck, and an Esperanto-type car. The ghost town is not really a whole big 'town'. It is really just one city

That's just a short description of the ghost town. Go there and see for yourself.

Posted by games5/gtastuff at 5:10 PM EST
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