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Gurupie 20 Baseball Managers
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Gurupie Managers
Ref, 03-current
Rogue 9, 03-current
allhair allstars, 03-current
beastiemiked, 03-current
Peter N., 03-current
slackjawed yokel, 03-current
Toral, 03-current
Tosh, 03-current
Goatlocker, 04#-current
Guru, 05-current
Species, 05-current
Great One, 06#-current
Darkside, 06&-current
Blue Hen, 08-current
youngroman, 09-current
Jaydog, 09-current
Slizz, 09-current
mjd, 09-current
Judy, 10-current
nerfherders, 11-current
Perm Dude, 03-10
Twarpy's Tdotters, 03-04*,05-09
blackjackis21, 05-08
StL Cards, 03-04, 05%-08
Code Cracker, 03-08^
myboyjack, 04-08
Trip, 06#-07
Promize, 03-06&
Chris, 06*
tarheelkid, 05-06*
rockafellerskank, 03-05
Khahan, 04#-05
azdbacker, 03-04
baldwin, 03-04
smartone, 04#
Dave R, 04#
ksoze, 03-04*
coldwater coyotes, 03-04*
APerfect10, 03-04*
Nerveclinic, 03
*Gave up their team in the middle of the season
#Took over their team in the middle of the season
%Became co-manager in 05 and took another team in 06
^Brought on a co-manager in mid-season of 05 only
&Became co-manager in mid-season 06

Ref, 03-current
Species, 07-current
Tosh, 08-current
StL Cards, 04, Mid 05-07
Rogue 9, 05-06
rockafellerskank, 03-04

Guru, 08-current
StL Cards 05-07
rfs, 03-04