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Reirae Aeki

Guild Info
Guild Name:
Reirae Aeki
Guild Status: Leader

Personal Info
Real Name: J...-a.|>kls_.go8#%$n.... Transmission Scrambled....
Age: Error... Jamming Device Detected...
Profession: st1u#4d5je!$#n53tr... #... Switching Channels... Transmission Resumed...
Hobbies: Playing Video Games & Working on the Site


SWG UT2004 Halo Day of Defeat Counter Strike Console

SWG In-Game Name: Reirae Aeki
UT2004 In-Game Name: Reirae
Halo In-Game Name: Reirae
Day of Defeat In-Game Name: Reirae
Counter Strike In-Game Name: Reirae
Console Gaming Alias: Reirae

Console Gaming Stats
Coming Soon...

History of Reirae Aeki

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
J/K, I don't feel like starting like that.

Way back in the days when cloning was still fairly young there was an up and coming Jedi named Reirae Aeki. It is here his long journey began. Not long after becoming a Jedi knight he had a disturbing vision of a terrible war against the Sith. His masters told him that they would be sure that all this info was kept on record, but he knew that it would be a long time before this happened and that the data stored about this might become corrupted and unrecoverable. After some careful dealing he set up a vast cloning lab hidden deep within the sands of Tatooine. Special equipment was designed to transmit all of his memories and record them into the next clone's mind and transmitters to signal the lab if Reirae had fallen. The place was then stock with enough stuff to last 10,000 years worth of cloning.

Time went on and certain complications arose. One of which was that since his clones were all born with free will they sometimes would turn to the dark side due to bad experiences in a past life. Another is caused by a natural loss of memories over time that lead to him even forgetting the location of his lab.

After about 1,000 years of cloning a glitch occurred in the system. It was caused when the memory transmitter got jammed during a time he had been captured and imprisoned. This caused 2 Reiraes to accidentally exist at the same time. One that still held on to his good intentions and escaped the prison and the other that fell to the dark side from his hatred of his last recorded memories of his capture. When the good one discovered this he began trying to relocate his lab so as to fix this glitch. The good Reirae tried diving deep within his own memories through meditation to locate his lab. He finally remembered that it was on Tatooine and also the general area it was in. While searching for the lab he was confronted by the evil Reirae and forced to fight and destroy this evil version of himself. This caused an even bigger problem when a new clone was made that had the memories of both the good and evil Reirae. The confusion in his mind caused severe mental instability and created a very disturbed version of himself.

The good Reirae began searching the area again and just before all hope was lost he noticed an indention in the sand. This "hole" was where the disturbed Reirae had been launched out in a device similar to an escape pod. From there he reached the inside and began the process of fixing the glitch. He altered his own DNA and programmed it into a new clone while leaving the original cloning process alone, thus creating what is later known to be his brother Noero . Having many memories of being turned to the dark side he tried to program himself to be more easily drawn to the light side, but before he can complete this the disturbed Reirae, who found the lab thanks to the memories of the evil Reirae, attacked him and caused a entire section of the lab to collapse, killing them both.

After another period of about 500 years more problems occurred that caused Reirae and Noero to lose their Jedi powers from time to time. Occasionally a clone has it and occasionally it didn't. Even to this day they are both lacking their Jedi skills and they wonder if they will ever return.. They spend most of there time working at Reirae's Imperial base on talus. Reirae is a Colonel of the Imperial army and very proud of his base and troops. While Noero, who dislikes the Empire but lacks the ability to challenge Reirae, builds vehicles and factories for the base and troops.

Written by: Reirae Aeki

**Note: I would like to make my own trilogy of books out of this someday.

Player Notes
It really is a lot of fun to listen to people try and pronounce my name, lol. And the fun seems to never end in games with voice chat like DoD and CS.

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09/25/04 -- Noon Est.
11AM Central

RL Console Gaming

First ever <IMPHL> console gaming tournament! Winner gets a free lunch at the expense of the losers, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

Games on the list: Halo, Burnout 3, Star Wars: Battlefront (If available), Worms 3D, and Unreal Championship.