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Ars Chemica is part metaphysical supply store, part rare book dealer -- specializing of course in original and rare editions of books dealing with occult subjects. The entire first floor of the store is climate controlled and moisture sensitive. Open daily noon to eleven -- sometimes later.

1. Book shelves holding first edition and rare books.
2. Shelves holding herbs and a minimal supply of herbalist related tools (scales, pestles and mortars, etc.
3. Door to public (unisex) bathroom.
4. Counter -- behind which is a door to an “Employees Only” room, a staircase and three shelves of items of oddity. Small vials of multi-colored liquids, a blackened skull decorated with white painted designs, various rings and necklaces, jars of unlabeled powders, a wooden picture frame (empty), mirrors, what looks like a leather-bound journal, a small selection of carve-handled knives, candles of varying colors, a pair of embroidered slippers, and an iron nail.
Also available at the counter is coffee, espresso, tea, water and muffins or cookies that change variety daily.
5. More commonly required tools of 19th Century style ritual magic -- magic squares, various examples of more commonly available books featuring popular magical alphabets, copies of The Key of Solomon the King, paper and candles claiming to be made from substances needed for such works (virgin paper, beeswax candles, etc) and the like.
6. Weekly displays of oddities. Ranges from Vodun to Shinto.
7. Small lounge like area for consumption of beverages and general laying about.