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After Action Reports;  1st Battle of Dogger Bank (hypothetical)

(Photos by Wim Oudshoorn, vessels from the Collection of Glenn Broome)

December 18, 1914

To: Admiralty

From: John Jellicoe, Admiral, Grand Fleet 

At approximately 3:40 AM on 16th Ultimate, units of His Majesty's Grand Fleet were dispatched to intercept ships of the Imperial German Navy that had bombarded the towns of Scarborough & Hartlepool.  These forces engaged the enemy at 1:20PM on the 16th.  Cruisers and Destroyers became heavily engaged with their opposite numbers of the High Seas Fleet.  At 1:30PM, scouting groups reported the presence of a superior force of German Dreadnoughts.  At this time it was decided to break off the action and retire until greater force could be brought to bear.  I regret to inform His Majesty that in the covering action, His Ships Conqueror, Acasta, and Shark were lost to enemy fire.  Several destroyers must be laid up for repair.  His Majesty's Ship Thunderer is late arriving at Scapa Flow and due to heavy damage, may have been lost in the gale which struck on the 17th.  The total loss to the Grand Fleet in servicemen is 4,268.  May God have mercy on their Gallant Souls.......



December 18, 1914

To: Kaizerliche Marine Headquarters

From: Admiral von Ingenhol

 As reported earlier to His Highness, Great Cruisers of his fleet bombarded the port facilities in the English towns of Scarborough and Hartlepool.  This mission was successful in luring out a British Fleet, it was hoped to be a diminished Battle Cruiser Squadron, but it was signaled that a Squadron of Dreadnoughts and possibly some heavy cruisers were accompanying.  This fleet was brought to a short action before they turned North to join up with their reinforcements.  I am happy to report to His Serene Highness that 1 British Dreadnought of the "Orion" class was seen to explode and sink.  Another was heavily damaged, this does not outweigh the sorrow that I feel regarding the loss of 2 of His Highness' torpedo boats and the loss of 844 brave sailors......