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Historical Gamers of London (Ontario) run games at Hotlead 2003

All photos by Rich Brooks or Wim Oudshoorn.

Adowa 1896

Rich Brooks ran this Colonial Battle using "The Sword and the Flame" rules.

Chattahoocie River Milk Run

George Wilkinson ran this ACW Naval using "Smoke on the water" Rules

The Raid on El-Kalish

Glenn Broome ran these "The Sword and the flame" games.

Photos lost in hard-drive death

And its sequel

The Ura-Bitche Expedition

Moritori te Salutant

Gladiatorial combat, run by Wim Oudshoorn.

The DBM Tournament

Jim Esler ran this event, attendance was up considerably from last year's 4 competitors, 14 players battled for
this years bragging rights.