This game was run Terry Lubka using Trenchstorm, it was a late war attack of British, Commonwealth and French forces supported by tanks.
These Photos courtesy of Rich Brooks
View of the empty battlefield
The German defenses
Where the allies are waiting.
The Waiting Allies in there jumping off positions.
The British are Coming!
The French begin to move, they waited for their covering fire and its poison gas!
The French tanks form a line of battle.
The French drop more gas on the German lines, the British smother the other end of the line in smoke.
The British central reserve, opposite the hill, haven't got the word to go over the top yet
The gas rolls down the hill into no man's land when a stray gust blows some right into the leading tank killing all the occupants. The Germans their line of fire obscured by smoke peer desperately for targets.
The central Reserve has gotten the word to move out, The gas has swept through the German lines leaving many dead abd the British assault the trenches
It does not go well form them, Next please.
The smoke dissipates finally and the defenders in the trench final have some targets to engage.
They quickly immobilize the last allied tank and kill some Tommies.
The "Anthill" is not now as heavily defended as it was at the start of the battle.
Positions at the end of the game, Allies near the trenches
These fellows were the ones who moved the farthest and they were about 1 turns move from reaching the German trenches.
While These photos are from Terry Lubka
The initial German defenses.
The initial German defenses.
Noman's Land.
The French having a hard go of it, both tanks eliminate and under gas attack.
While the German line is covered in smoke The British move forward.