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Light World Bosses

Image Name Strategy Prize

East Palace

The trick to this boss is timing and knowing when to come out to attack and when to stay put. When the Armos Knights are circling the room in formation, try and stay in the corner, that way you wont get touched. And when the knights line up against the wall, run out in front of the first one closest to you and shoot 3 arrows at him and he will die. Quickly head back to your corner. When there is one left he starts jumping up and down trying to crush you. What I do is I stand in one place CONSTANTLY slashing my sword. That was when he comes down to crush me, he meets my blade and gets hurt without you getting hurt. Repeat this and hes . DIFFICULTY: 0/5

Desert Palace

You can usually see one of these guys coming out of their holes before they actually do. What I do is stand directly south of them and slash my sword. That way when the do pop out of the ground, they always meet my blade. Just repeat it over and over again foor each one and their . DIFFICULTY: 0/5

Mountain Tower

This guy just runs around knocking you off the ledge. There are two thing you have to do to beat this guy. *1* he can only get hurt when you hit his tail. *2* STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE!!!! I can't stress that enough. if your in the middle of the arena, stay there, he can't hit you off!!!! If you fall off, you end up on the floor with all these holes and you have to redo the boss all over again becayse he regains all of his life. DIFFICULTY: 0/5

Hyrule Castle

As soon as you see Agahnim, he is in the process of warping Princess Zelda to the other world then he dissapears behind a curtain. Slash the middle curtain with your sword and enter the battle arena. Now, Agahnim shoots energy beams at you that can only be bounced back by the Master Sword or the Bug-Catching Net (oh yeah, its true). He shoots 3 types of attacks at you. The first is just a flashing energy ball. Stand directly in front of him and hit the energy ball back with your sword or net. The Second is a Blue circle of tiny energy balls. Use the same tactic as the last energy ball except this time as you hit the ring of blue balls, one of them might ricohet off of your sword and hit you so beware. I chose not to hit it all together. I just dodged it. The third kind of attack is when he moves to the top center of the arena and looks to the door where you came in. If you move he doesn not follow you. MOVE TO THE SIDE OF THE ROOM. This attack is an enormous lightning bolt that shoots down the whole center of the room. It cannot be blocked or rebounded so move to the side of the room where you can't be hit. After sending his energy balls back about 6 times and hitting him, he will die (but not admit it) and draw you into the Dark World...







Dark World Bosses

Image Name Strategy Prize

Dark Palace

The Helmasaur King has a mask that can block almost any attack except for the Hammer. Now, while its standing still, run up and attack its mask with the hammer. Once in a while the Helmasaur King will lash his tail out in front of him when he's standing still. He won't hit you if your in front of his mask. Occasionally he will send fireballs out from his mouth. These are not hard to avoid as they split up into more fireballs. After hitting the Helmasaur King enough times his mask will break. With the breaking of the mask comes faster movement and attacks on his part. Now you have two choices, you can run up and attack the gem in the middle of the King's head with your sword until he's . Or you can stay further back and attack the green gem on his head with your arrows. You need to have good aim though. This boss took a couple of fairies to beat though. DIFFICULTY: 2/5

Swamp Palace

When you first go head to head with Arrghus, you will also meet his friends (the little round orangish things) called Arrgi. Arrghus will start to zoom around the room and when he stops, he'll send his Arrgi spinning around the room in a circle. Its best to stay in a corner and hookshot one off of the circle and attack it rapidly with your sword. Repeat this process for the other Arrgi. Then Arrghus will jump into the air and try to crush Link. You must keep running around the room to avoid being pancaked. Then he will start zooming around the room. you should wait in one place and wait for him to come to you. Slash him with your sword just as your about to get buldozed. Repeat this process until he's . DIFFICULTY: 1/5

Skull Palace

Mothula is the giant moth-like boss of the Skull Palace. This is the hardest boss you'll fight this far in the game becauseof all that happens in the room while you're fighting this boss. The floor moves in random directions, the spiked traps surrounding the room slide around, plus the boss flies around and shoots fireball-like projectiles in three directions at you. However, you'll know when one of the spiked traps are going to move because they'll shake in place before sliding across the room. You wouldn't really notice that anyway since you'll be too busy concentrating on beating the boss. You can use the Fire Rod to shoot at it from far away, or you can use your Sword to inflict damage at a close range. If you use the Fire Rod to attack and you run low on magic, go up and start attacking him with your sword. Just keep attacking the boss and avoid its attacks until you finally destroy this evil moth creature once and for all! DIFFICULTY: 3/5



Blind's Hideout

For this boss, I'm gonna tell you a strategy and your going to think "oh it's not that hard". I'm going to say this now like  I'm going to say this in my walkthrough, IT'S EASIER SAID THAN DONE. Blind runs around the room Lasers and when his head comes off it shoot fireballs at you. At the beggining of the battle go up and attack Blind 3 times, his head will come off and start circling the room fireballs at you. dodge the fireballs and wait until Blind gets back up with a new head. Attack his new head 3 times and it'll come off and do the same thing as the first head. Dodge both the heads and their attacks until Blind gets back up with a third head. Hit the head three times and kill Blind.!!! Hooray!!!Sorry if I confused you... DIFFICULTY: 4/5

Ice Palace

This is a pretty bad boss, for such a cool name. And YES, this is where I got my name from.When you get into the battle hit the big block of ice containing these guys, 8 times with your fire rod. These three guys will start circling the room doing the normal boss thing, while icicles are falling from thre roof shattering. You need to run around chasing one with your sword or Fire rod until one is . It takes 8 hits with the tempered sword or 4 hits with the fire rod. Do the same thing to the other 2. DIFFICULTY: 2/5

Misery Mire

The eyeballs on Vitreous will come and bounce towards you. As they come towards you you slash them with your sword. Stay to a side wall because the big eyeball of Vitreous does the same lightning attack that Agahnim does. After you kill all the eyeballs, Vitreous will start to do the same things as the smaller eyeballs did so just attack him and soon enough he's . If you can't beat him your first time, you shouldn't be playing this game.     DIFFICULTY: 0/5

Turtle Rock

This boss is a bit more of a challenge! Attack the blue head first with your fire rod because this head makes the floor slippery so it is harder to move. When it is a hurt or whatever keep on hitting it with your fire rod while avoiding Trinexx's middle head untill it is . Then attack the right head with the ice rod again and again until only the middle head is left. Then Trinexx's shell explodes and the real Trinexx apears. Hit the flashing part of his body when he comes close to you 3 times and he's . DIFFICULTY: 4/5

Ganon's Tower

The only difference in this battle from the first is that Agahnim doesn't do his Lightning attack anymore and there are 2 clones of him which are clearly visible as fake. They will all shoot energy balls at you which you have to ricochet back to the real Agahnim. Do this a couple of times and he's . DIFFICULTY 1/5

Pyramid of Power

When the battle first starts off, screw his stupid attacks and take them like a man and just run up constantly attacking Ganon, Don't stop until he gives you a message and turns out the lights. then with your fire rod, shoot them at the torches so the lights come back on, and attack Ganon, then he will go into a period where he is stunned. This is the time to get out your silver arrows and plant them firmly into Ganon. The lights will go out again. Repeat those steps, 3 or 4 times and you will beat the game. DIFFICULTY: 3/5